Russian win

russian win

Shouldn't they be flooding from the East?

Did you just assume my cardinal direction sir?


That's Russians for you, brains over braun every time I tells ya.


Hey, if it works, it works.

is mexico in the right corner?

>The U.S. operated on 4 different fronts, lead the assault on northern france, lead the assault on southern france, saved the brits in africa, pretty much single handedly invaded italy, liberated all of western europe, sent metric shit tons of supplies to the allies and Russia throughout the entire war.
>all while fighting the japs and liberating all of china and southeast asia.


Yeah Sup Forumsro, you got the brains I'm sure.

this is the dinosaurs world war II not the humans dipshit

Yeah, about that....

I mean literally sending millions of men to there deaths is chll. No actual strategy other than move forward and don't go back. That and it's not like the US took over the entire Pacific and then moved into Africa with the Brits and moved to Italy and then France and then germany.....nah Fuck that Russians took the West for them too. That's why Europe was literally split in half between the West and East...nah Russians did everything. Like had the highest death toll and most likely the most ravaged fucking country because they were militarily retarded.

Russia won WWII. Fact.


fucking autocorrect

Mexican empire, as it was known then

I don't know how many of you fat kids have ever actually read a history book, but the fact is that the Eastern Front was, by itself, the greatest conventional war of all time.

>He thinks this response is /thread worthy

Gee whizz really? Sounds like us Europeans should've just put our feet up and let the USA strut its stuff!

>sending millions of men
>militarily retarded
fight me bitch

ITT: Hyper-indoctrinated keyboard Ivans attempt to brag about the fact that they got their asses kicked to the tune of 14 million dead by a much smaller nation.

russia didnt win by themselves, cause they lost, until a certain point. hitler made mistakes and didn't listen to his generals at this point anymore but the biggest problem was that hitler wanted to take russia as soon as possible no matter the cost. he knew the US was going to declare war and he knew once they come and he cant take out russia before they do he will loose. so he took a huge risk which backfired. his troops got trapped front lines couldn;t be reinforced. boom all of the sudden russia is on the offensive. the US landed in normandie hitler made another mistake and had his army at the wrong spot and the war was basically over at that point. if germany would have taken russia and the US would have tried to take on the germans by themselves I do not believe that would have ever made it to berlin

>Using chess to make a point about modern war
How will he ever recover?

russians soldiers were shit most the war. it was the cold that got the germans.. and the USA flood of tanks. russian tanks? if allies hadn't helped them they would have fell faster than the french.
the russians were good for one thing.. dying..
so still better then the french

Russians are good at chess maybe that's where they got the strats from

Europe was all but lost before the U.S. got involved, The U.K was the last bastion for the allies and they were completly surrounded, onyl being held up by the retarded amounts of supplies being shiped over by the U.S.

Also London was literally a pile of smoldering ash

¿Is mexico in nazi side?

Our lives are like worth forty of yours. No biggy, get over it drunky

Germany wanted Mexico to attack the US with the promise of regaining the land lost by them. US intercepted the message. Germany attacked a Mexican ship. Mexico sent over troops but not directly to the front lines


funny historical thing, mexico almost participated in ww2 supporting nazi germany
but mex selling oil to them in 1939

Mexico declared war on Germany and Japan in May 1942.

Well ask yourself this. If you had to go back and fight, honestly, which country would you have wanted to fight for? Because my answer is damn sure not the Russians. "Follow that guy until he is dead. Then you can take his coat and rifle." Uh. No.

Win doesn't count for shit with a K:D like that, russkies.

Where is fucking Mexico


Give the UK all the shit you want but you can't really deny that they are one of if not one of the best allies you could possibly have. They fought from day one and defended everyone they swore they would whilst comparable countries only got involved when they where personally effected. I'll defend the UK in this matter as they truly do defend their own when the situation calls for it.


I knew this was bait even before you /threaded your own post

I salute you, mate

fucking poland

Indeed. Do they deserve props for resisting tooth and nail. Of course. Had they failed, caved, or sued for peace Hitler would have secured his oil supply and then who the fuck knows.

The cold war was a bitch and the extent of Russian losses was not taught, certainly not celebrated although oddly the ferocity of the fighting on the Eastern Front is something that has always been well known.

The problem, of course, was never the Russian people or even the Red Army, but Stalin himself. It takes a special level of idiot to try and make a deal with Hitler. I mean the English had Chamberlain but that shit deal was over someone else's land hell and gone from the British Isles. Joe basically agreed to meet the most advanced mechanized army on the planet half way, just a stones throw from his own front door because... wait doesn't the risk waaay outweigh the benefit here? Ah what can you? This should be good loyalty test for what remains of liquified officer corps.

Props to the Russian war machine though. Not only did it need to be completely reinvented from the ground up but it also was able to mass produce some of the best armor and aircraft of the war in time to make the difference. No thanks to Tzar Stupid.

So sad the proud Russian people have been reduced to drunk white trash. They deserve that cuck Putin controlling how they think. From great nation to a collection of euroshit.

Hail Brittania.

You forgot the massive american aid from Alaska that rebuilt their airforce and equipped their army. If murica had not joined the war when it did, ruskies would be chanting sieg heil today

It would have been a minor setback in the inevitable end of the nazi reign falling.

the nazis would have fallen even if they had won the war. They were fucking socialists

That's why I said it was inevitable.

Lol. Are you serious? The post war plan called for enslavement of the vast majority of the global population in combination with an elaborate mass extermination plan. Socialism for the elite under those conditions is practically an imperative.

It's not economically feasible to enslave a large amount of ppl, Rome is the prime example, let alone kill a large percentage of the population, and I'm not even considering that it's impossible for the government define the value of stuff as Ludwig Von Mises wrote.

Physical bondage costs a lot in logistical terms and generally leads to a very smal productivity, that's why modern slavery aka democracy, lets you have the illusion of freedom while 60% of your income is getting taxed away.

“Without calculation, economic activity is impossible. Since under Socialism economic calculation is impossible, under Socialism there can be no economic activity in our sense of the word … All economic change, therefore, would involve operations the value of which could neither be predicted beforehand nor ascertained after they had taken place. Everything would be a leap in the dark. Socialism is the renunciation of rational economy.” — Ludwig von Mises, Socialism, 1981, pp. 103-105.

That's a good quote but would it hold up? I don't think it would.