Really makes u think

really makes u think

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lel at that France

Everyone know that russia did all of the work


Why is everyone pretending that Russia did nothing wrong in WW2?

>mfw you end up commiting half of the war crimes because you did 90% of the war

Where is China?

bud where is chenya?

Yup, they should add a large pile of dead chinese dinosaurs at the feet of the Japanese dinosaur, and a couple of nationalist and communist chinese dinosaurs fighting each other with another pile of mixed communist and nationalist dead dinosaurs between them

Why do Russians act like they saved Europe?
In reality, Stalin was quiet happy to let Hitler genocide Jews and slavs, until the third Reich directly attacked the Soviet union, and Stalin was forced to retaliate

in the belly of japan-saurus, i suppose

Nobody has said that ITT

>Why do Russians act like they saved Europe?
They do?

That's Godzilla.

we saved europe from fascist pigs

they say "why are eastern europeans so ungrateful? we saved their asses from nazis"

No, but the narrative does.

It's not saving if you kill and rape the victim after repelling the initial assaulter.

Mate, during that period the Russian power slaughters millions upon millions of their own people.

Never noticed that. There you go.

I always wondered what the fuck the polish reptile is doing on that pic.
Is it being eaten by the nazi reptile?
Is it kicking the nazi reptile?


doesn't matter, the individual person does not matter, it's all about the state

Canada should be somewhere in there.

in Asia, right below Russia. do you even google maps?

>"saved" Europe

You're polish aren't you?

>Weed Argentina bringing the SICKEST 360NOSCOPE BANTZ

as a roastbeef for sure

hey Weed Germany, how it's going?

actually, I am Russian myself, my good friend

Now look here frog, Canada was more relevant in WW2 than you cheese eating surrender monkeys.

hon hon hon
you nazi canon fodder

>your people died to liberate my country
>let's use that fact to "banter" them on the internet
French "gratitude" everyone

It wasn't. Dunkirk and Bir Hakeim, remember those. Reminder that Treaty of Versailles was lenient on anglo insistance despite France's legitimate concerns. Reminder that Anglo allies betrayed us for financial interests. Reminder that America owed us, WW1 involvement being a late response to German ship sinking.

Goes for you too, non-country.

Not even mentioning anglo attempt to steal our gold and American rapes.

b-but you are mentioning it

how could Germany defeat USA, Russia and Brazil?

>tfw forces of Good (anglos) had to make deal with the forces of Evil (soviets) to defeat another Evil (nazis)
>tfw my beloved homeland was trapped under yoke of the evil despite the good guys won, as payment to the red devils


to be honest, you guys were pretty evil aswell, for murdering millions of Germans

>not pictured
>molotov-ribbentrop pact

>also not pictured
>the USA staying out of it until japan pokes us

we truly did not care to partake in europe's dirty diaper mess. it deserved all of the death that occurred on its soil

lmao france

Pretend I'm not, user. In the end, anglos still laid their lives down for France. But if their perfidious leaders had listened to Foch after WW1, they wouldn't have had to die. If we hadn't voted for traitorous, coward leftists who advocated for apaisement when Germany broke the treaty step after step, WW2 could have been avoided. Same goes for the British. WW2 could have been avoided so many times, blaming on French cowardice is extremely unfair.


>blaming on French cowardice is extremely unfair.

You're right. It's French arrogance instead.

US President Wilson warned through his Fourteen Points that punitive measures against Germany would not result in a "just and secure peace."

Clemenceau got butthurt. George got butthurt. Orlando got butthurt. You ruined, warped, and usurped Wilson's aims with the Fourteen Points by insisting punitive measures be slung at Germany through reparations in the Treaty of Versailles, all but guaranteeing that Germany would attack you again in the future.

Then hyperinflation occurred, then mass unemployment, then Germany resorts to a militaristic populistic leader to solve its problems.

So you know what? Fuck you. France and the UK are directly responsible for the rise of Nazi Germany thanks to the Treaty of Versailles. We warned you. Wilson warned you. You didn't listen.

>Soviets take down Germany, but die en masse in the proces

sounds pretty accurate

only thing we did wrong were expulsions during which some innocent people died.

That was still nothing compared to atrocities of nazi germans and soviets.

The punitive measures could've worked if they actually enforced them.

Isn't it widely accepted that the brutal nature of the Treaty of Versailles was a key factor that led to Hitler's popularity and rise to power? Essentially trying to rob a country of its nationhood is bound to produce horrible results. And how does the US owe you anything for trying to maintain neutrality? I don't believe the US was in any way obligated to come to your aid, despite having its merchant fleet attacked by German submarines. Hell, you can even argue that the war could have been worse for France if Italy had decided to join the war against the Allies instead, which was actually considered by its military high command. And Greece, too, really.

>if they actually enforced them.

They did, and their economy was ruined thanks to it.

You American piece of ungrateful shit. We warned, and you didn't listen. Versailles treaty was no where near as punitive as Frankfurt treaty was, and we took it, alone. Germans, as they are proving it once again nowadays, a cancer to europe, a nation of robots, soulless brits, factory fodder unfit for civilisation, incapable of any measure or moderation.
Sometimes with posts like yours, I get to believe American independence was a mistake.

>Isn't it widely accepted that the brutal nature of the Treaty of Versailles was a key factor that led to Hitler's popularity and rise to power?
It is, on wrong basis. It was only perceived as unfair because retarded germ government lied to its people until the end, making them believe they had a chance to win when they didn't. The ONLY injustice in the Versailles Treaty was making them say they had sole responsibility for the war. A
Everything else was mild compares to Frankfurt treaty.

>weed countries fighting each other

that's not fighting, just friendly banter.
But is OK, I know you cannot handle the bantz and are easily offended

>Versailles treaty was no where near as punitive as Frankfurt treaty was

France lost 1.447 million hectares to Germany after Frankfurt, which is 14,470 km^2. 1.6 million people lived in these territories.

Germany lost 65,000 km^2 of territory to the Allies from the Treaty of Versailles. 7 million people lived on this territory.

France was forced to pay 5 billion francs within 5 years to Germany as war reparations according to Frankfurt.

Germany was forced to pay 20 billion gold marks ($5 billion USD) to Allies in reparations as per the Treaty of Versailles. This is the equivalent of $50 billion 1921 francs (using ).

Using the same converter, 5 billion 1871 francs was worth about 6 times as much as 1921 francs in silver and goods, so the same amount of money Germany demanded of France in francs in 1871 would be worth 30 billion francs in 1921.

Furthermore, the Franco-Prussian War and WW1 were fundamentally different in how the defeated belligerent conducted themselves during the war and after it. France paid its reparation by enacting an income tax for the first time in its history. During WW1, Germany expected to win, so they borrowed money from lenders, assuming that they could pay back the debt with the spoils of war. Coming out of WW1 the loser, Germany not only had to deal with debt owed but then also reparations at the same time. That is why hyperinflation occurred, on top of the punitive measures of Versailles. Simply put, Germany was not able to pay because it was not in France's position in 1871. You did not borrow money like they did to pay for your war.

So fuck off with the historical revisionism.

Germans are nations of incurable romantics, not robots.
They only sperg out because they are misunderstood .

Ah yes, Poland remembers. Also nice aid during the Warsaw uprising. You had a good view of the slaughter from the other side of the riverbank :^)

>let's put in raw numbers with no context to prove my point

Making someone pay because their tactics destroyed half of your country is different than demanding payment for nothing. (there were no fighting in germany in the franco-prussian war and the casualties were minimal).

furthermore, the territory germany lost didn't affect it as much as the territories demanded by germany to france. losing a natural and highly defensible border with a strategic placement on one of europe's largest rivers isn't the same as losing fields and a tiny fraction of your coal input to a country easily influencable.

Merely a victory reward.

>losing a natural and highly defensible border with a strategic placement on one of europe's largest rivers isn't the same

which is why Germany had to go through Belgium, kek

I'm afraid history is not on your side here. Raw numbers and context both point to not punishing Germany severely for WW1. Destabilize countries next to your enemies (ex. Afghanistan->Soviet), not adjacent to you, you bloody moron.

>During WW1, Germany expected to win, so they borrowed money from lenders, assuming that they could pay back the debt with the spoils of war.
How is that our fault again, you stupid piece of shit? I maintain what I say, Frankfurt Treaty was harsher and more humiliating, 5 billions to be paid in 5 years, Alsace and and half of Lorraine taken away and all German occupation expenses to be paid by us PLUS German emperor proclaimed im Versailles and a victory lap on les Champs-Élysées
Revisionist kraut american trash.

right. should versailles be really severe germany would have gone full austria/hungary. but wilson had to step in and, more importantly, the allies shouldn't have listened to him but to italy instead.

Wouldn't you say that the forced downsizing of Germany's armed forces, the territorial concessions, and excessive war reparations also played a part? Obviously, the War Guilt Clause was needlessly damaging to relations. But the Allies also occupied parts of the country post-treaty to enforce raw material commitments. In effect, Germany's ability to direct itself as a country was cut to pieces. The German government is in some sense to blame, as it perhaps intentionally translated the treaty incorrectly, particularly the War Guilt Clause, in the edition that was made available to the public. But a significant amount of blame should rest with the Allied powers for how they conducted themselves in and after victory. I mean, it was fairly clear from the nature of the treaty that Germany was in some sense meant to be the next Carthage.

>Raw numbers and context both point to not punishing Germany severely for WW1.
But they do, you American piece of shit. Foch was right. History was on his side, but no one listened.

>Wouldn't you say that the forced downsizing of Germany's armed forces, the territorial concessions, and excessive war reparations also played a part?
Not at all. German gov lied to its people until the end, made them believe everything was under control, that they could win when they were at the rope's end, down to their last resources. That's why the people bought the "traitorous" capitulation. You and England went soft on them because of financial interests and because neither of your countries were at risk on the eventuality of a German response. But although you behaved like pieces of shit, I don't fully blame you. Our own leaders and negociators should have never trusted the allies, insisted on just punishment.

This is retarded though. Without british and french support in the western front and the americans supplying everyone including the soviets from the beginning, Russia would have never been able to handled Hitler by themselves.

WW1 > WW2


Alri, correction: everyone knew.

Didn't France have a pretty big communist back then

The Soviet navy was a row-boat.

Without American/British supplies and logistical/material support they would have starved out in the first year or two of Barbarossa while they were trying to move all of their production centers eastward.

>they did

Then how come Hitler could reclaim Rhineland?

Isn't empire of japan more bigger?

>in your opinion

>12% into 18%
slow 'n steady, boys

zitto animale


>not totally worthless

They got nukes now. Why are they not using it on themselves?