Which country is the best at punching above its weight and why is it the UK?
Which country is the best at punching above its weight and why is it the UK?
Greece, you fucking faggot.
They're bankrupt kek.
Your entire method of education, plus any notion of what you call mathematics, are derived from Greece. You know, that geographically tiny place that defeated the Persian empire and conquered the known world.
They can't let go of the days of the 'British Empire'
And now it's shit
If they're so good at maths, why couldn't they keep their bank balance in the green? Lol faggot
I'd say Canada or Israel
How are they now? It seems the only thing Greece has at the moment is ancient memories of when they were something. They're literally bankrupt and where on the verge of being kicked from the EU. If they did get kicked out I guarantee it would be taken over be extremists.
>best at punching above its weight
Say wot m8?
It performs at the rate of a much larger country.
>ancient memories of when they were something
>And now it's shit
You two are familiar with irony, right?
The UK is literally an island nation and is still the 7th richest economy on Earth. 6th place is India and it's a ten fold bigger in size.
Admittedly rekt me here and I tip my fucking hat
As a britfag, Britain is okay. It does well for its size but its nothing special. It could easily better itself but theres too many plebs here to be honest. I suppose thats the same for any country. plus why are you awake at 3:30am brit time?
So what? It's comparable in pop size to France and Germany. Why do you think you're so fucking special?
youre wrong, india is third highest. UK is 9th place
too bad you got your asses kicked by a bunch of farmers 200 years ago
Your american aren't you?
I'll defend my country as a proud member and I'm awake because I have crippling insomnia.
Britfag, actually. Not even joking.
its an embarrassment that this happened. I guess USA experienced the same feeling in Nam
From Northants but live in London
Only poorcountryfags in denial care about PPP GDP. Real GDP is what counts on the world stage.
You realise at this point in time Britain had an empire to care for and was fighting the French at the same time as the US. They opted to give America independence so they could in turn fight the war closer to home.
oh shit i went to northants college
I'd expect a better knowledge of our country considering you live in the same city I was born and bred.
And before you say, I'm not a sand nigger or anything like that. I'm as anglo saxon as it's possible to be, I reckon. And I'm not going off on a self loathing downer about my country, I think the anglo saxon culture has demonstrated itself as something quite exception. But you have to reconcile yourself to the very real idea that the British state down not hold any particularly special significance anymore. There is still a huge amount to value in this country but the dickswinging days are done.
i thought it was because you guys marched in a straight line like autistic kids in a cafeteria
Are you talking about the time a bunch of our own people abroad decided to murder their landlords in their sleep and then got the French to take the blame
>does not
typos and shit
You see I can tell you're an American from this statement. An additional and probably reasonable assumption to add is that you're also between the ages of 14 and 18.
With an educated guess I think Britain in the year 2050 will be more powerful than it is today. The country although with faults has always found new ways to bring itself back on top. A simple history class could confirm.
wrong and wrong again.
Sounds like something Trump would blurt out.
simple history classes being enough to adequately predict the future about the global economy.
>Which country is the best at punching above its weight and why is it the UK?
we don't punch above our weight - we punch below it.
We underestimate ourselves, our weight is substantial and we should be doing even better than we are.
>weight is substantial
>most obese country in europe
Damn str8 son
You'll see. It's pattern much like with what happens in the stock market. One day a stock will fall but the next it'll be back and possibly higher than ever before. Life is full of possibility and the UK has already defied the odds multiple times.
For our populous and general country land mass we perform much better than the competition. I agree we could work harder but look what happened the last time we put full effort in, we created an empire.
If we're talking about obesity Greece by far takes the lead.