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Shark is best

Prove me wrong

Where do girls with big butts hang out?


oh hey there sib


Hey, how is it going?



Going great, I got some books I've been wanting to read today

How are you?



Enjoying my last days of vacations before my internship begins




Interning can be rough, but it's the first step towards a career, I guess
Best of luck, enjoy your free time while you've got it







So like 12 hours before we open our wallets to Gaben. Anything you guys are getting? Anyone try Armello?




Thanks, in fact i think starting January i wont be here for a long time.
I hope i can keep appearing at least to say hi



How's stuff?


That'd be nice, but don't feel obligated
people always come and go in s/fur



Okie, what kind?


Oh snap, sup broski.


medieval lit and plant stuff


Hey Weiss, how's it going?
Oh cool.



Gettin' used to basement lyfe.




books aren't really cool unless you're interested in what's in 'em

I'm already halfway though "methods in plant histology", have yet to start on Boccacio's masterwork



Oh cool, is it a decent size basement?
That is true, I myself find interest in crime dramas or historical fiction.


Hey Charles, you doing better today?




Hey Charles.

Ayup. Kinda cozy down here, used to be my old room.

Yeah, a little. This week has been better than last week but that's only relative.

Still got that stuff on my mind though.

Range day was good, not really sure how close I am to zero. I need to go to Ben Avery and rent a spotter scope and rifle sled to use at the KD range to get a solid zero in. but there's just been this weird vibe that's been going on here too.

Hi Sunshinbe. Life treating you okay?

Hi Dash. What's good?



I miss herm guy



Just chilling. Hung out with my friend today which was fun. He gave me another hug


Does anyone else miss herm guy



Made a shit ton of cookies today, that was pretty much it.

Writing an email now.

Range day was good, but my parents are trying to get me to do this self help sort of thing. It's kind of cult like so I'm not buying it.

That's kind of it. Trying to keep sane.

Life treats me fine when I can hide from it in a book

I hope you haven't let life getcha too down lately

Sure, herm guy, if it makes you feel better I miss ya

Yo. Probably too late to call this a response, Armello is pretty fun. Great board game. :D

Herm guy was the bomb. I wish he would come back

Nice. Aside from the cult thing. It's always annoying when people try to force help on you.

She looks like Judy Hopps in the last panel


Getting real sick of your shit.



Most self-help stuff is pretty cult-y
ever been to an AA meeting? yeeesh...

but hey! making cookies is fun!


We need more avians.









Sounds cool, just keep hanging in there.
Hi Rabbie






I feel that. I try to hide from life at work. At least there I can enjoy myself.

I'm trying not to let it get to me, but it's always just in the back of my mind, you know?

I wouldn't mind the thing if it weren't so heavily forced. I don't particularly want to give them any free advertising so I'll just keep it at they market their concepts very heavily. Even to the point of bullying or peer pressuring you into joining the seminar.

Like the lady who sat in the section where my parents were asked me if I registerd and I told her no and she just wouldn't leave me the fuck alone about. "You're making excuses", like yeah bitch I fucking am because I'm not ready to drop $700 on this shit when I have school and a job and other obligations and I don't even know my schedule for next semester.

Doing some reading on it, it seems like for a lot of people it "works" but its attack therapy. Basically beat you up mentally until yoiu accept the help of the "leader" of the seminar.

And I have to give up an entire three days for it.

Can't say I have before. I've read a few books and done therapy before, both with meh results.

I'll try, thanks dude

How's stuff?