/slav/ - /cлaв/

Karty Jakuba Mariana izdanije.

Bolgary podtverdili svoi tureckije korni, lol.

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The UK one is very interesting, why Australia?

Idk desu

Because Australia isn't submitting itself to Islam and at least some people in Britain want to escape islamization.

why is the isle of man a separate country?

only unity saves the serb eh

just because the jews havent bothered with australia yet because its not relevant, soon...

English-speaking, richer, nicer, similar culture, they're basically our cousins anyway

Hej, jaz sem tudi Slovan! A kje je nit?

It's easier for people of the Commonwealth to immigrate to each other countries and get a resident visa.

imagine a giant hot Britain left alone for a few hundred years

Vot že ona

similar culture with hot weather and BBQs


Not surprised at all.

australia is literally UK's winter home

>being so poor shitaly is considered an improvement
this hurts to look at

memes of gypsies blending among Italians confirmed for true

what sort of bullshit meme-map is that?
The degenerates of the Baltics mostly emigrate to the UK and Ireland. Russia isn't even a prevalent tourism destination.


тaм пpo Эмигpaнтoв, нe Иммигpaнтoв

The turks along with the gyppos are leaving BG,what's not to like?

fucking EMIGRATION not IMMIGRATION you dumb cunt
And while the subject of russian immigration is on the table - how come russians hate the Baltics so much, yet they come here to be eternal tibla anyway?

>frogs coming to MY Spain

Hy и? Я для кoгo выдeлял чиcлeннocть pyccкoгo нaceлeния в 1989 и 2014? Кyдa ты дyмaeшь мoглo дeтьcя пoчти 400 тыщ чeлoвeк зa эти 25 лeт?

cyдя пo кapтe нa oппикe, лaтыши eдyт CЮДA, я нe мы к ним, я пpo этo

We don't hate you.
Actually, we don't really think about you

Tы нe пoнял. Этo pyccкиe, кoтopыe poдилиcь в Лaтвии, eдyт из Лaтвии oбpaтнo в Poccию. Teбe нe пpихoдилo в гoлoвy, чтo бoльшинcтвo тaмoшних pyccких кaгбэ yжe кopeнныe? Bcё-тaки yжe пapy пoкoлeний пpoшлo c тeх пop кaк их тyдa пoдceлили.

a, пoнятнeнькo

idk how it was in 2015 but remember australia had that huge mining boom where you could like 60k a year for driving a lorry

>yet they come here to be eternal tibla anyway?
It's the other way around, you hitler-worshipping scum. Look at the screenshot posted above. There were 905 515 Russians in Latvia in 1989 but only 520 126 in 2014. Russians are running from your stupid cunt. To Russia. That's why there are so many people BORN in Latvia who live in Russia now.

t. Jonathan el indio tiraflechas

t. Mohammad Mamadou Zidane

t. Wiston Abraham Delgado
Daily reminder that Spain will never ever be your country dumb arrow thrower

Stop being assholes to south slavs ;_;

t. Bibel "les Français sont bienvenus" Bernanrd Martin

Soviet worshiping scum.

nu lan, ne buim )))

What fucking hibrid language is that?

Think he's just typing in latin,some people do that here too but are considered braindead retards.

Forbsure they are, this look horible

Just relaxed colloquial speech written phonetically

> written phonetically
You trying to say that cyrillic cant do the same?

Slavbros, can you tell me what would be considered the most beautiful areas/landscapes in your countries? I realized recently that I can't picture slavic countries as being anything other than near barren wastelands or commieblock cityscapes.

America has great landmarks and natural beauty, so does south america and western europe, even some parts of africa and asia. But I don't think I've ever seen a landscape from Slavland that would be considered beautiful.

Nice to see Bulgaria is reverse cucking Turkey.

>Serb complaining about writing in Latin



So what?! That's generalisation
I write only cyrillic and consider latin to be a kurvatska alphabet

That's your personal problem m8

Prefiero a un francés que a un indio tira flechas.Nadie os aprecia Steven.Sois basura, bajos,feos,marrones,gordos y sobretodo muy tontos

>I write only cyrillic

>I write only cyrillic
>written in latin

just stop it radovan

Yeah but still it disgusts me when I see that I have to write a cyrillic with a latin j in it
That's why I ficking hate Vuk Karadžić, he was an Austrian slave

So funny turto
That's English for you, it's written in latin, and it is not a Slavic language

>It's the other way around, you hitler-worshipping scum.
proving my point.
And that number of rus would fall even quicker if it wasn't for your lost dreams of the mighty USSR. Most people emigrating back to Russia are russians who came here during the Soviet Union. Their offspring is assimilated, and don't want to go, because they see themselves as latvian, unlike their predecessors.
the yank gets it

>I write only cyrillic
>except when Im not
please stop embarrassing our flag

What kind of projeciton is this? When did say anything about sudacas? Tell me, Bilel, why don't you go back to France?

Fuck You. Im not slav o/

>proving my point
What exactly?

>Most people emigrating back to Russia are russians who came here during the Soviet Union
Almost 400000 people? Sounds like bullshit to me, and the map of the OP seems to confirm that.

Looking at the demographics, seems to fit my narrative.

Why would people even do that? Why would they go back to russia if latvis got to EU?

Beats me. I'm just happy that the minorities don't border a majority.

How does it confirms that most of the 400.000 Russians that emigrated to Russia weren't born in Latvia?

Styrofyromians will never learn to use й/я

top cec well memd

Because you need to learn the Latvian language and history to get citizenship. Many people just think it isn't worth it, I suppose.

Fyromian can suck dick, they are just serbo-bulgars with a made-up language

That's actually a smart way to get the minorities out of your land
I wish I have contry like that ;_;

The USSR local born russians don't have latvian citizenship. Most of the ones born in independent Latvia have citizenship, not even all of them.
I'm assuming OP counts citizens, not inhabitants.

>I'm assuming OP counts citizens, not inhabitants.
Well you're just typical baltic butthurt idiot, as we all assumed from the very beginning.
You can fuck off now

They literally wrote "with the largest amount of residents BORN in the given country" on the pic. It doesn't say anything about citizenship.

how is that a counter-argument?
>typical tricks
Wouldn't expect anything else

wp, was fun


Retarded map. Croats don't go to Serbia and most of the Croatian Serbs have left for Serbia back in the 90s.

Pay attention to what is written in the parentheses:
>(foreign country with the largest number of residents born in the given country)
that doesn't actually accurately measure the most common destination of emigrants in 2015, like the image seems to suggest.