post pics of one-legged amputee girls you know
Post pics of one-legged amputee girls you know
That I know?
c'mon we all know an amputee girl
where does one meet one of these fine ladies??
No... no, we really don't
What's so attractive about amputees. It is such a common fetish, but I just don't get it.
deviance from the norm i suppose. Thats my kick at least, normies don't ever really have an interesting or different perspective to offer.
that would imply that I'm attracted to every kind of disability
but for me it's the lack of one leg
Lets not limit the thread. Don't know any but wish I did!
now the real question is... just a leg or any missing limb? Multiple even?
Doubles and tripples are just as good.
Anyone got some with more limbs missing?
>I felt so weird writing this
As you wish
dare ye go quad?
Depends, as long as they have nice form and dont look like pillows.
I lol'd out loud, well played sir
Anyone have any girls with no arms or legs??
Why are these girls so hot? Like.. they all look... great. Really great. I wanna cut my wifes limbs off now.
ONE LEG..............
>One-legged bitches
>Thats my kick at least,
i c wat u did ther