The first year that I hit puberty, when I masturbated my heart would race and I'd shake and it was all very exciting...

The first year that I hit puberty, when I masturbated my heart would race and I'd shake and it was all very exciting. But then and now it's just something I do out of necessity. My heart rate hardly goes up at all and as a result I don't have any real orgasm.

Is there a way to recreate that excited feeling? I know they are going to bring Primatene Mist back to the market sometime, and that has something like adrenaline in it.


>Is there a way to recreate that excited feeling?

Let mother help






is that the only way? Would marijuana do the trick

well, maybe not the only way. pot would work. and then the same process you described would take place. then youd be smoking AND fapping every day and feeling shit about it.

Why would I feel shit about it...


nvm, I assumed you felt shit about it now.

Feel shit about what? I thought you said pot would make masturbation exciting again.

exercise more

can't. Handicapped

>prostate exam

He won't even know , they always look up anyways. Ive done it twice this month it's a good time trust me user

??? Huh? Do you mean I should get a prostate exam or you suggesting I put things in my butt

>schedule exam
ff to exam.
>"hello user, how are you feeling any ailments bothering you?"
>I just know I need a prostate check
>okay drop your trousers I'll be back in a minute
ff minute
>"okay user place your elbows on the bed for me please "
>rub cock until completion

Use words like
>do you feel that? It doesn't hurt there.. But yes closer to that, no back, no the other way



It's probably because it's a new exciting feeling and your body is new to experiencing it. It was the same for me when I was much younger but now I don't get those awesome spasms through my stomach that only happened when I was between 12-15

fucking what?

The imagination on this nekbeard tendie monster is /b approved

you're clearly not understanding what he meant


Fucking 15 y/o get of this site. REEEEEEEEEH



the law of diminishing returns buddy