Why is a human supremacist organisation led by an Ayy?
Why is a human supremacist organisation led by an Ayy?
it's just palpatine but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
It's not clear if Snoke is a human or not. Even if he's not a human the Empire had a handful of aliens in high ranks. Though it's not canon anymore Thrawn is the best example of this. There was also Darth Maul who was a Dathomirian Zabrak and was right hand man to the Emperor.
its just vader but burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
He looks human.
it's just yoda but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
Don't "overthink it", that's the answer I get for all of the stupid shit in TFA
I was so disappointed he wasn't actually a giant..
it's just obi-wan but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
If he isn't a known character himself, or at least related in some way to an already established character. I can't see how they will justify Snoke suddenly existing.
Its Darth Plaguis the wise.
He's supposed to be like 7 or 8 feet tall.
its just boba fett but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
There's nothing canonical that says that. At least not as far as I can remember. Did JJ say that though? I don't remember reading/hearing that.
its just Kitster but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
He's the first sith lord
His sister was the first chosen one, who he killed and became one with the force, and now periodically reincarnates whenever the force needs balancing. We first met her as Anakin Skywalker, and now she's Rey
its just ezra bridger but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
>anakin was a whiney bitch this whole time
it all makes sense
What a garbage concept of a character and horrendous CGI.
its just chewbacca but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff
Except the Sith have died out. sidious was the last one.
The "Rebels" are spreading Liberal propaganda to get other Ayys to assist them.
Because the Sith have always controlled the Empire, and the Sith don't care as much about race.
Admiral Thrawn was an ayy, although he looked more human than that abortion survivor.
It's just Elam sleazebaggano after smoking a lot of death sticks
Why is BLM led by jews???
Op is a faggot
He's the living embodiment of The Dark Side, the son from the Mortis episodes of Clone Wars. Lucas was writing the 7,8,9 outlines at the same time as those. Screencap this.
He's not an Ayy he's a zombie.
Rey will be the re-incarnation of the daughter.
It's Dexter Jettster
rey is the reincarnation of anakin
next movie, the line will be
rey (to luke) : you're my father
luke: no, you're my father. again.
anakin will have been a failed incarnation of the daughter and kylo will be the failed incarnation of the son
That line is horseshit. But Anakin May have also been the daughter reincarnated. The Mortis episodes were all a shared vision/ deepest lore dump. They were seeing a version of ancient events. The son probably never died, and his name is Snoke.
Force Powers > Race in Star Wars.
its just Kit Fisto but all burned up and shit after getting tossed into some lightning stuff