/bb/ Big Brother

Bronte doing the splits edition

Previous thread: >No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill: Victor
Veto: Paulie

HoH Nominations: Bronte and Paul
Roadkill Nomination: Tiffany

Other urls found in this thread:


First For Frank

First for best girl

Nat is best girl by far

too much ass, but that is hot as fuck

I'm serious, Paul is a contender to win

>so bad they literally tell her to stop trying because she has no chance of winning the comp

Zakiyah is best girl

Is it me for is this season kinda boring compared to last season? Even BB16 seemed a bit more fun.

am I the only person who thinks Tiff looks like a dude?

yeah you are pretty boring

this guy gets it

What's her fucking problem?

Drink for Bridgette

This season is going to be a Cold War season.

All the vets are setting themselves up currently for the endgame by getting close to certain newbies and they're all getting out people they can't work with anyone.

Final 8 will be chaotic.

probably is

I want jiz back ;_;

>pop off
>this is horseshit
is everything Paul says from pre-2010

That's such a bad pic

I saw Jiz on the street in NYC the other day, it was pretty surreal... they walked right in front of me and I was just like "Are you the Nolan twins??" and they smile and go "Yeahh!!", they were with their parents so Liz and her dad kind of walked on but Julia and her mom stuck back and Julia asked me if I was watching the new season, said she was rooting for Day and James, and I said I wish I could see them on the show again. She said thanks in her bubbly way and said goodbye...It was really nice

what's this guy's name again?

Has Paul gone 3 minutes without talking?

stop that

When are feeds going to get good?


paul gonna get a spanking

>"Paul please don't do that."
>Not even 5 seconds later
>"Oh come on! I told you not to do that!"
What happens if they keep doing shit?

bumnumba1 on youtube

>Paul please stop
>I said stop
>I'll be your best friend

Paul needs his adhd meds

penalty votes/pay dock

they get put on the block

I'm jealous

Julia > Liz

The send Devin in to "extract" them

Of course Julia stayed behind, she's the sweet one

Liz > Julia

Mama Day is being super obvious. Shame no one is realizing.

Did day just lose a bunch of money

Did anyone else get pissed when bronte sat next to Paul and cuddled up for a minute? Thank god she got up and left really quick and Paul had that cucked expression on his face


Thanks, I used this guy to learn Japanese like years ago
funny as fuck, surprised people still post him


Yeah, she was super sweet actually stopping to ask me a question and talk for a moment; I wish Liz had too but I can kind of understand, they were with their family and she understandably thought I'd ask for a picture and stuff; I was just happy to say hi; glad I didn't sperg out and let them pass me by without saying anything, I almost let that happen

Stfu jwagzz ur a big brother stalker and Liz clearly recognized it

is frank misting?


>be a stupid nigger losing the game
>don't like Tiffany
>tell other people you overheard Tiffany's DR saying that she's coming after you
>its a lie
>everyone believes you
>DR makes you go to everyone and you have to tell them you were lying

she better be getting fucked somehow

Lol, do you post on sucks?!?

I'm in no way a stalker lol I work in that neighborhood, got out early that day, went to my friends house for an hour, and when I left I saw them. It was pure chance.

I was about to post my photo with Frank but maybe I shouldn't now lol

>Natalie and Bronte acting like its an accomplishment talking to people in week 3

yeah you're 2 weeks behind, you need to do that shit week 1 you retards

>They give me a hundred dollars in exchange for singles
>That's my tip
That's a net loss though

any sex yet?

damn I missed her telling them she was lying

literally every night this week

Nah, but I think something is going to happen between Paulie and Zakiyah before the season is over.

in the HOH room


Jesus christ Bronte just said she's never seen BB but loves amazing race. her and natalie always talk about being amazing race partners this is stupid fucking get these whores off my show

>Paulie gave her the yeast infection

Recruits smdh


>Natalie says she's good at teamwork
>James says "there's no I in teamwork"
>Natalie says "no I'm saying what I'm good at"

fucking seriously?


i'm not watching the stream, but i have to agree with natalie here. she's most likely the one i'd like to get to know as a friend over you or james


>expecting people to understand retarded cliches

>I I I I I
>team is about the team
>no I I I I I'm good at the team

I bet you didn't play sports either Natalie's mom


pls go jace

67th for Becky

Is there really a final two between Frank and Corey?


oh thank god more gurl talk in the kitchen. it'd been almost an hour since davonne had brought it up

>you will never be crushed between bridgette's thighs

>beckyfu will never be asked to come back for all stars

Thank god. There was nothing interesting about her.

Paul is such a faggot he can't stop interrupting everyone. everyone ignores him for days and he doesn't get the message

This is the second night in the row where Natalie tries to interact with the house in the HOH and she's just an awkward autist that corners one person for a conversation while the whole room has fun

>Big Brother
>the current year
>still peeking in peoples curtains

Go to bed, Ian

>tfw she's a chubby lesbian now

>Corey and day insinuate that digiornios isn't real pizza

Need some outside opinions here. I think Tiffany (and Vanessa) last season were by far the best looking of the houseguests but the gf has been adamant both season that they're ugly, and borderline worst looking of the females in the house.

They're 7.5 at best

Zakiyah has gender studies degree AND a yeast infection

Tiffany is a really gorgeous woman and I think I've heard many agree about that, Vanessa is someone who was really hot when she was younger but is getting a bit older plus all the pills she wasn't really attractive to me but is still a decent looking woman.

The voice guy is fucking done with their shit kek

what's your answer?


I really hate this cast. Probably the first time since I started watching (bb14) that I didn't have a desire to keep watching the feeds. Meh.

Casting fucked up big time.

last season was worse. all they did on feeds was play fucking pot ball

at least some of these people can hold a conversation (excluding james and vanessa 2.0)

I hated Jeff and Oddrey but when they got rid of them and Clay and Shelli and Jason it got rough.I didn't watch the last month.

tiffany is very womanly yet strong and quite attractive
all around based and beautiful

my biggest issue with the casting is the amount of people who don't seem to be players
either it's done on purpose to get some fresh things but it means we have to wait a while for them to start doing things, then it can be good
for now it's generally trash and even the ones who talk game are like dull about

what's her name again?

her name is reddit

Any cute bridgettes tonight?

she's not cute she's gross and tubby

Don't sexualize my little sister, guys.

>reddit: i was like on tumblr and then like i like made like this facebook with like this guy who's pictures i found like

like I know rite

that's what you get for being good at photoshop yall

reddit is such a loser baka