Why do people like this movie? Pic related was the only good scene...

Why do people like this movie? Pic related was the only good scene. Everything else was alice in wonderland-lite and a mediocre war drama.

WTF i hate falangism now

also who the fuck likes grapes this much? god it was hard to root for that ugly bitch when she was told not to eat anything, sees murals of kids getting killed in his room, and still eats two grapes.

watch it when you've matured enough to understand the allegory.

>only good scene was cus le scary monster
sup pleb

It's teenpleb's first foreign movie, particularly girls.

That said, it's still very good besides the main character.

As anyone else watch this is Spanish Class?

No, but we watched the meme Hitler movie in history class.

tienes que volver

That part where the guys face gets smashed in with a bottle was fucked up

wtf i hate pan's labyrinth now

Franco did absolutely NOTHING wrong.

>that rabbit hunter scene

Bad CGI. I hate fantasy. But I remember liking this movie.

I did, AP Spanish IV

>Everything else was alice in wonderland-lite and a war drama.
How does that make the film bad or not worth watching? It seems you think describing things is the same as using criticism. You're not saying anything negative about the movie.
Is this the way you behave in public?

The monsters were interesting.

The sound track was bretty gud.

The characters were interesting...

But, overall, it hasn't stood the test of time to become a classic.

Why did she ate the grapes?

She was a hungry girl

weeeeee its not America


What if it's not a foreign movie to me?


>Republicans were the good guys
Truly a meme flick.

The war stuff really was mediocre. It felt cheaper than all the monster stuff despite not needing any makeup or effects. I can't place what it is.

>But, overall, it hasn't stood the test of time to become a classic.
It's odd how this film fell off the critical map so hard. I was like 10 when it came out and even then knew the name because it was talked about so much. It seemed like an immediate modern classic and now it's barely discussed

Well they weren't the ones that did a coup d'etat.

>It's odd how this film fell off the critical map so hard.
Because the film was popular before memes were invented.
Most things that get discussed frequently in this board are absolute garbage but with strong memetic potential.

I recall it only being talked about by critics and fedora tipping 'intellectuals'.

>Americucks forcing the "fascism is good" meme
>they haven't had fascism in their countries

Can't wait for pseudo-fascism Trump to win and see all that usalite regret flow

Shut up she was the only good part. Delicious breasticles too.

You mean Trump to get elected and change nothing because of laws and congress, and then 4 years later people want an even more extreme guy who will really make america great again. Repeat ad naseum

That's one possibility.
Another is that he's elected, people rise up,
another civil war, trumps side lose, laws and actual fascist government is created so nothing like this happens again, rest of the world suffers as USA amps up foreign policy.

>Trump wins
>He loses the war
You're a really dumb individual.

trips speak truth, trump will lose the war.


Literally the worst scene but it's a good movie.