>Indiana Jones and the attack of the giant ants
What did he mean by this?
Indiana Jones and the attack of the giant ants
>giving Lucas control over anything after seeing how badly he fucked up the Star Wars prequels
What was Spielberg thinking?
you know. at this point, i admire Lucas and his 'fuck you' attitude.
let's face it, the prequels may have been a fucking mess, but at least they were memorable. unlike that recent shit.
>but at least they were memorable
Is this like the prequel apologist mantra or something? I see it regurgitated on every star wars thread. It's ridiculous because there's nothing good about being remembered for making three terrible films.
If he had a fuck you attitude, he wouldn't have let the internet run him out of his house.
>three terrible films.
They weren't terrible, they just weren't masterpieces like the OT. They did some things wrong and some things right.
People hail them as the spawn of satan and the worse films ever made because it ruined their nostalgia of the OT. That's not true at all.
>Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates
What did they mean by this?
Considering the reheated crap we got as ep7 the prequels were fucking masterpieces.
It kind of flows together. Like poetry.
I've been trying to write a screenplay for Indy 5 before it comes out. As I want it to be an actual sequel to Crystal Skull, I've been reading the screenplay drafts for that movie.
>Nuketown refrigerator scene was originally going to be in Back to the Future.
>originally called Indiana Jones and the Atomic Ants
>then Indiana Jones and The Saucermen from Mars
Say what you want about the prequels, at least they were ambitious
>If he had a fuck you attitude, he wouldn't have let the internet run him out of his house.
I think he didn't get the money for a series and decided to just hand it away. The stories about him getting involved in the development of games in the Star Wars universe are just terrible. He really didn't give a fuck but he finally didn't see the stuff to its end. The Clone Wars series is probably the last big project in which he got personally involved.
No, they really are irredeemable trash, you fucking contrarians.
If they won't use one of the Bantam novels as source material I'm going to fucking burn the copies I have while throwing an autistic fit, then send angry letters to Lucas asking him where the fucking finished Staff of Kings game is at.
No, they were not. His first Star Wars film and you can see that by the fact it still holds up well. The same can't be said about his last two prequels.
No, they are perfectly redeemable, you fucking contrarian.
It's not a "fuck you" attitude, it's autism.
>novels as source material
Yeah right mate, it's going to TFA Indiana Jones. A retread "to get new fans and set up the REAL new movies".
I never read any of the books or played the games, but I was just doing Fate of Atlantis for Indy 5, with him and Mutt teaming up in Greece.
> nothing good about making terrible films
Ed Wood, Uwe Boll, Tommy Wisseau, amd countless others would disagree with you.
But how did he contain all this autism in the 1980s and 1990s? Is it really possible that seeing his company doing so well with effects and technology advancing that he thought he could to do those movie real comfortably at home?
>deadly rain of death
Top tier writing there.
You don't know what the word ambitious means do you?
I can't fucking believe we actually live in a time now where people on this board pretend to like the Star Wars prequels, but here it fucking is every time I come on here. Are you fucking serious? I've been on this board for yeras (unfortunately) Where the FUCK were you guys before December? kill yourselves.
The prequels were shit but I still have fond memories of seeing them in theatres and the hype surrounding them.
>They weren't terrible
He didn't. Even in the 1970's he was autistic as fuck. He was notorious for constantly giving his actors one command when he'd direct. He'd barely speak to his actors. It's easy to see he doesn't understand human interaction all that well, that's why he got other people to write the scripts for his stories. When he wrote the scripts the dialogue was always shit. It's well known at this point that without all the help he got from Kasdan, Kurtz, and his wife Star Wars would have been a fucking disaster of a film that wouldn't have become what it is today.
Nobody in this thread has said they like the prequels. They just say the prequels are better than the disney shit, which is true. Better than =/= Good.
Philosopher's Stone was the best one desu. Sky Pirates was fun to read because it broke the mold a little without going to far or jumping the shark too badly. The worst would have to be White Witch. Literally a couple hundred pages of Indy fapping to a fucking edgy Wiccan, then in the last few pages going "oh yeah I was supposed to be finding treasures or something." Special mentions go to Dinosaur's Eggs where Indy tries his best not to make a TRex omelet and protect an endangered species being protected by hippies in the Amazon.
you couldn't find a single person to defend them or say a single good thing before 7 came out, and then edgy kids came out of the woodwork as soon as it dropped, suddenly lauding them for being 'ambitious' and 'creative' and whatever the fuck else.
Coupled with the fact that modern technology essentially gave him no limitations, having nobody to say "George that's not going to fly" results in two passable actors having zero chemistry with each other, garbage dialogue, terrible character involvements and what can only be described as pissing into the face of wonderment
>February 2012
>see Phantom Menace 3D
>tons of threads on Sup Forums
>post something along the lines of "it wasn't as bad as I remember it"
>get tons of replies telling me to plebbit, shit taste, etc.
>most other posts shitting on anakin and jar jar
I think these days it's mainly teenagers who grew up with the prequels. It's a nostalgia thing. Combined with desperate tryhards obviously.
He was actually sociable in the 80's, 90's and 00's compared to how he was in the 60's and 70's. In the 60's in film school he was known to be super, super shy and he barely spoke to anyone and shit. Got slightly better when he met his wife and stuff, but was still autistic as fuck when they were making Star Wars and not exactly what you would call an actor's director.
He became more sociable after he started running his own company, he was basically forced to. But before that he was a pretty big sperglord.
Well duh, before 7 came out the only thing to compare the prequels with was the original trilogy. 7 made the prequels look good by comparison. That's how bad 7 sucks.
It means to do something better than you did before.
>They weren't terrible
They were unequivocally, unforgivably terrible films. This is where the rest of your misconstrued opinions come from, I suggest you reassess and correct them.
They're never going to be even watchable, no matter what you, stupidly, want to compare them to. That's not how analysis works.
I would agree that the prequels were pretty ambitious attempts to make a good film as an aspie without a babysitter
No, that's not what it means. Look it up you fucking retard.
Oh shit guys, the analysis police are here.
Wood and Wiseau made movies that are categorized as "So bad, It's good". Lucas and Boll did not.
>Nobody in this thread has said they like the prequels.
You clearly can't read.
Stop it.
Giving up already? No wonder why you defend those turds.
i've taken bloody shits that have been memorable. are you saying because I remember them that qualifies them as a decent memory?
>countless others
>wood, wiseau, I could go on
Kek. You don't know shit about the works of Doctor Uwe Boll. Fucking pleb.
why do all prequel-bashers act the same. you can't get a proper argument out of theme. they juts spout out exaggerated criticisms like a child who watches plinkett alot
>plinkett-drones hate this
Why do you resort to reaction pics and blanket statements?
Oh right, because those movies have no redeeming values and you only do this for attention.
That was a short argument.
It certainly doesn't mean making shit so you should think again when using it to describe the prequels.
I was about to go through the effort to type this.
Seriously, what is wrong with you children. People can like things you hate.
>plinkett-drones hate this
Do you really expect me to sit here all night listing B movie directors? I'll give you two more off the top of my head then you're on your own. Roger Corman and Russ Meyer. Now if you want to know more about film go to Wikipedia and do your own fucking research.
What a faggot thing to say. I can do that too:
What is wrong with you children? People can hate things you like.
>have no redeeming values
nice child like exaggeration. it sure is fucking summer here.
A movie cam be ambitious and still be shit. Learn the English language dumbass.
>agreeing with your own posts for (You)s
Are you ok?
>incriminating yourself with the worst ending in recorded film history
I wonder at which level of irony do prequelists operate.
Nice pointless exposition that lead nowhere, nice out of character reaction from Anakin. Nice atrocious acting from hayden.
How do you even post this with a straight face?
To be fair, he was pretty passionate about creating a beliaveable world. He should have always been a director of special effects.
Well that makes no sense. Guess what, ((we have the same argument)). One side would rather watch the phantom menace than the force awakens. The other side would rather watch episode 7 than episode 1.
The difference is you fucking CHILDREN
are upset for some reason that we are saying the prequels have a single redeeming factor.
Nah, man. It's just you. The rest of these people are being ironic, trying to get a reaction out of people and having a good time. You're the only idiot who takes this argument seriously and honestly believes those movies are salvageable.
>doesn't understand the scene at all
How do you even post this with a straight face?
It's shitposting, mate.
>y-you just don't understand
Nice ad-hominem, idiot.
>I think these days it's mainly teenagers who grew up with the prequels.
The ones that defend them? Absolutely. Only nostalgia has the power to polish those turds.
>exposition that lead nowhere
lmao do i even need to explain?
that's easy
typical summerfags can't fair criticize this film without using words that involve fecal matter. grow up family
>worst ending in recorded film history
its not even subtle now. rlm brainwashing is real and evidence is right here.
Can we at least agree the Phantom Menace had more work put into than the Force Awakens?
>"I may have gone too far in a few places"
What did he mean by this?
But da phantom menace was worse than my son....
He means his waist.
Holy shit I forgot. It's summer and the night before 4th of July. A bunch of seething shitheads are flooding Sup Forums with their plebpinions.
Yes, Avatar was quite ambitious. The Star Wars prequels put together with Windows Movie Maker were not.
Maybe. It was more ambitious with its's use of cutting edge technology. But none of that mattered because George Lucas surrounded himself with yes-men and ruined it with his bad ideas
You still don't know what this word means. Food Fight the shitty movie with all the advertising mascots was ambitious. You are on a computer. Open a search engine and look up the definition of ambitious. You sound like a moron.
>masterpieces like the OT
>manchildren actually believe this
The prequels are great, they created my favorite internet autist
You are really ambitious in trying to keep defending the prequels, which is far more ambition than Lucas himself ever had for this endeavor. But it's futile nevertheless.
Holy shit that's too good. This has to be a character.
Don't chase the rabbit
I'm not defending the prequels. I'm defending the English language. The prequels are failures. They are also ambitious. They are ambitious failures. There are more examples of ambitious failures than there are ambitious successes. Most of the sucessful movies made in the last decade have not been ambitious but have been safe, formulaic adaptations of preexisting material. Star Wars 7 was not ambitious. The prequels were ambitious. All 4 of these movies are shit. Learn English.
>The prequels were ambitious.
No, they are not. Lucas never thought his story through from beginning to end and just typed out a script and latter on let the arts department do their job. There was nothing ambitious about this. James Cameron helped drive the development for the technology he was using for Avatar. All Lucas got out of it was that he realized he didn't even have to build sets anymore.
So I am really looking forward to your arguments what is ambitious about this movies. The fact that The Phantom Menace was the first movie shot digitally or is it for you ambition already to simply consider producing prequels to one of the most successful franchise in existence?
this guy was raped by his father while he was distracted by star wars.
Do you consider the Force Awakens ambitious???
> being this retarded
baka senpai
Avatar is literally Dances with Wolves with aliens.
That was also a very ambitious movie.
The special effects were ambitious. The writing was hackneyed. The special effects of the Phantom Menace were more ambitious because there was never anything like it before. If Lucas had just ripped off the script from an Academy award winning movie and put his ambitious special effects on it everyone would be praising him and he'd be getting pegged with an Oscar strap on by his black wife. Desu senpai
Okay. So for you it comes down to the special effects. Since Star Wars lives from those effects though isn't it a stretch to extend the courtesy of calling the effects ambitious to the whole prequels?
There were so many films around at that time that were pretty ambitious in their special effects efforts. There was Wild Wild West and before that Men In Black that both combined special with practical effects. Let's not forget Babylon 5 where it was decided to use GCI instead of models throughout the whole run and that was a TV series!
No its not all about the special effects with Star Wars. It's all about the special effects with Avatar which is what you keep comparing it to. Star Wars was ambitious in many other ways. They're bad movies but they were ambitious as fuck. At least Lucas tried writing his own script. He didnt just plagarise Kevin Costner. Now shut your filthy cuckold mouth.
The single most emotionally powerful scene in all of Star Wars, in my opinion
Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars is actually a pretty good title, given that they were going for that 50s B-movie aesthetic. Perhaps adding an exlamation mark after Mars! would be a step too far though
What was ambitious? I have asked this question before and only got special effects as answer. No shit some are ambitious. You might call them special just because of that.
I did not compare Avatar to the Star Wars movies. That title was an example for movies that actually were ambitious but still shit. The Star Wars prequels are neither.
I wish I could go back in time and stop responding to you after you made it clear how retarded you are. Goodnight.
I hope you'll stop using words in the future when you can't even explain why. Goodnight.
Spielberg' is influencing Disney-era Star Warts with suggesting who direct (JJ Abrams, Gareth Edwards, Rian Johnson) and even had a hand with casting the new Han Solo.after seeing the actor's bar mitzvah
Spielberg is no better