Will Ghostbusters make her a star, Sup Forums?
Will Ghostbusters make her a star, Sup Forums?
She looks like the shiiiiet meme
she's already a star
that collapsed into a massive black hole
my wife
Out of all black actresses, why her?
I doubt there would be racist backlash if they got a black lady who was at least skinny or something
Hello Beautiful!
my condolences.
i hope so
more people need to see this creature
[monkey screeching intensifies]
not even racist
They needed something to detract from Mellissa McCarthy.
Sup Forums BTFO
Fuck you racists.
That really showed those trolls.
I hope so too, obese negro women are under represented in the media
But chances are that the mothers of most people who are calling her a gorilla don't look like gorillas. What did she mean by this???
Shit guys, it's over. Racism was fun and all but my momma was like a mother to me.
How about we go back to calling her a nigger then?
Post the GoT commentary collage.
No but Hollywood will force her on us anyways
I wouldn't mind an elephant man remake
did they legit use her face as a basis for Slimer?
Thats all a supposed comedy star can come up with? A youre mom joke. This is getting sad
don't they bust ghosts instead of trolls?
Holy shit she does. Lol.
Even a ghost would be scared shitless looking a that face.
I think they just wanted a couple of people from SNL to make it seem "legit"
>Your mom joke
What is this 2001?
It's not racist to call someone a Gorilla when they legitimately look like a Gorilla. Nobody says Tyra Banks looks like a Gorilla, they say she has a big ass forehead be a use she does.
they did, slimer will also be genderbent compared to the original so the model choice is confusing but what can you do
Says the kid who wasn't alive before 2001. Mama jokes go back to like the 50s. Probably older than that. Probably as old as human civilization.
Would surgery save her, lads?
maybe if it was botched it would save her from being a living shiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeet
>be a """""""comedian"""""""
>have as much time as you want to think of a comeback to people making fun of your looks
>y-y-yo mama ;__;
Who ya gonna call?
she actually doesn't look bad here
sometimes when i've seen her on snl she looked cartoonish but she looks normal here
ease up a lil bit
Name one fucking movie that would not be improved by casting Lesie Jones, John Boyega, and the one, the only, the based, the man, the myth, the legend, Idris motherfucking ELBA.
I'll be waiting.
*sips tea*
lmao, fuck off Leslie
Is it bad when real people make racist caricatures look like portraits?
I don't know how to feel about this.
i..i.... i just think she looks like a normal human bean.....
goddamn user, if you're going to draw her at least don't just fucking trace the image in the op...
Shes hideous.
And i love black girls
Stop shilling
>she actually doesn't look bad here
Your mom is as old as human civilisation.
I guess any film requiring a pair of X chromosomes
See also: Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Shit, I walked right into that one.
remember when we thought boyega looked like an ape? jesus christ, he's a 10/10 compared to this abomination. Is Hollywood just seeing how far they can push it? Are they going to cast an actual gorilla in a film and try to pass it off as a person, and see if anyone has the balls to say something?
"Excuse me, Mr Abrahms? The new star of your movie, the Cuck Trials, i-is he a ummmmm, well the thing is, he looks like he might be a umm, is he a gorilla?"
"oh wow, it's 2017, I thought racism was dead, you are literally hitler. Just because i bought the actor from the zoo doesn't mean he isn't a person"
And then that reporter gets fired and the monkey gets an oscar.
It feels wrong. It feels like going to watch a zoo animal balance a ball on its nose.
She looks exactly the same as him. She just wears it worse because she's a woman.
You can smell her through the picture.
Was Shrek a documentary about this creature's life?
Leslie Jones and Booga Boyega are from the same tribe in Africa that frequently bred with literal apes because they were so retarded from their tiny cranium that they literally ate mud and rubbed centipedes on their genitals for good luck. If Hollywood executives (who all coincidentally like to hang out at the synagogue every week for no religious reasons) didn't pick them up they'd be eating bark off of trees or biting the heads off of babies.
WHAT THE FUCK is up with that crazy ass dent in her forehead? lmfaoooo
The Force Awakens already did.
My mom is 130 lbs and the director of education of a major university.
That's a bonobo ape we decided to let walk for no reason; and that's not even about race. That's being anyone associated with SNL after 1992
real talk, why is leslie jones a thing? Like, how did she make it this far with being so unfunny? I think there are plenty of hilarious women in comedy, but she is just the worst.
She's cheaper than Andy Serkis.
All of them or just one, Elba can actually act the other two are shit
Straight from the OP image too.
Sup Forums blown the fuck out
Racist trolls like team rocket blasting off again
I think the embargo for Ghostbusters lifts today.
What embargo?
Review embargo.
I thought the reviews were already out.
only a brain transplant could stand a chance
what a terrible comeback
if you don't have anything good you're better just to ignore it
not even being thrown into a star will make her a star
why insult elba by adding him to that list? disrespectful
She's HILARIOUSLY ugly, female, and black.
She's a SJW Totem. Instead of talent, or good looks which are used to garner roles, media attention or what have you; they parade the literal gorilla around feigning a lack of racism specifically to provoke this kind of response. (Anyone with a rational mind realizing this woman is horrendously disgusting AND untalented.)
It's like a meta-troll with a black treasure troll doll as the centerpiece.
Remember the "Any attention is good attention" thing a lot of comedians, actors, musicians and such do? Well this is the pinnacle of it. She's an automatic controversy just because she exists.
And Sup Forums is playing along with it. Just like with the Dungham threads and other such shitters that people tend to whine about here.
"Human" civilization. Implying ancient aliens didn't civilize man and the Jews pretend it was people as part of their plan.
Enjoying your washed brain sheeple?
>Americans are this bad at banter
Fuck Australia
Fuck Finland
don't count on it
Only white racism will prevent her from winning multiple oscars
>I'll insult those who did nothing to me in retaliation
shes already a black hole
I don't hate her because she's black, not even because she's loud, fat or ugly. I hate her because she is completely devoid of any discernible talent.
whoa... you ok there buddy?
Can't find a single one... Just people complaining that the trailer isn't very good
It's not even racist, everyone thinks she looks like a gorilla.
they should have received more backlash from this, fucking disgusting.
stereotypes exist and persist for a reason
they're true
>not funny even though she's a "comedian"
>whole shtick is to be overly loud and over the top
>that's a strong token black trope
>says she's against that sort of thing but does it anyway
>doesn't look good
>cant sell a film on her name being on the billing
>can't act
>relies on caricature characters and mannerisms which tire fast
I think the only ways her career would have bloomed is if she had stuck to comedy, knuckled down and got good. That and ditch the comedic route and do a serious film after some long acting classes
She'll be a flash in the pan as people grow weary of the OTT "I'm black, loud and from the south" routine
Plus shit like this "Fashionbuster: Leslie Jones, and Her Right to a Red-Carpet Dress"
>her right
It's the designer's choice, they don't have to do shit for anyone that hasn't paid cold hard cash and has the receipt
Kikes invented mudslimery and christfaggotry to separate the white men them from their Gods and true ancestral power.
Wake up sheeple!
Yeah of course, just like this stunning and brave Hollywood powerhouse is now.
I guess I'm really BTFO.
I'm serious, that looks just like a nigga I used to shoot craps with.
I have no talent and aren't funny! Can I be in movies too?
I bet Hillary Clinton loves this version of Ghostbusters
>My mom is 130 lbs and the director of education of a major university.
Post nudes of her