I stopped eating candies
feels great man
I stopped eating candies
feels great man
Even edibles?
Me too! Then I started again. Feels bad man...
The first thing I did when I got the Denver was eat a handful of these fuckers.
Today I just had one
Didn't eat any candy for a few months, exercised a lot and trying to get more like racing shape (Im a skier). Now I'm fit again and ate a lot this last weekend. And soon it's Christmas... bad. It's not only for the athletic fit I care for candy. It's unhealthy for the whole body.
Good choice OP. Soon you will be fit for racing!
What do you want a cookie?
All the shit that hippies feed you about sugar is fucking bullshit - you'd literally die without it, your brain relies on it as a sole fuel source, and your body doesn't know the difference between "good" sugar and "bad" sugar, because on a molecular level they are identical - glucose is glucose, fructose is fructose etc.
WITH THAT BEING SAID if you eat nothing but sugar and other carbs, then you will start to feel like shit for a number of reasons, none of them good ones.
I say fair play to you for your willpower alone - quitting anything at all that you enjoy is hard, so props OP.
I like you a lot, we should be friends
He probably does the sugary fag.
To take that a step further glucose and fructose are the same elements in the same amounts, they are just arranged differently
Yeah why not
Well, yeah probably - but he's not going to eat one. That's the point of what he done said. Keep up.
Yeah, absolutely - but I'm targetting the snake-oil sellers and gurus, specifically with that last post. If you eat high-fructose corn syrup, it's no more "toxic" or "fattening" than the fructose you find in fruit. It's the same molecule, sourced differently. Your body doesn't know or care, because it doesn't give a fuck. Sugar is sugar.
Please don't even try. Ever.
I hate you shittalking vegans with all your false facts.
Just be vegan without pretending you know shit about this.
M8, you clearly don't know what "glucose", "fructose", or "vegan" actually mean, so sit down before you get a nosebleed, ffs.
have you given up cock yet?
Why, looking for tips on how to quit, snowflake?
here user have some ginger candy
what an ungrateful cunt
ive had those before theyre pretty gud