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Daemon Blackfyre edition

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Y'all niggas posting in a Bradamundo thread.

Azor night king

Tripfag drama pls go


Do you have two minutes to talk about our Lord and True King, the King Across the Water?

First for being in love with Maisie



Can this be a Varys-heavy thread?

I was hoping this thread would be show related. Oh well.

Put your trip back on, spergo

If Jon plays politics correctly at all, he'll need a marriage alliance soon. Who will it be, /got/? No shipper spam, honest in-universe answers pls

What weight will she be next year guys?



It'd be nice if we could have a show thread, right?



first for Serpico

too fat to sit adragon

No, go away, enough with got!

>Daemon Blackfyre
Why is Martin so edgy

>is a cool as fuck necromancer
>currently easily the most powerful and terrifying being in existence
>being built up for several seasons with scarce appearances
>dies in a fairy tale ending


Sansa, unironically.
She can press her claims to riverrun and with it unify the North and the trident into a single realm

fuck off


why are you accusing me of being some guy you don't like on the internet?


100% Dany.

I actually hate the idea but I feel confident that's where the show is leading.

This is fucking retarded disney tier garbage

the north is already unified, the vale already pledged their support to the north, this would be redundant fanservice that does not serve the plot at all

Dany. It sucks, I hate it. But Dany.

Obara Sand

i didn't make this thread

i don't give a shit about blackfyres

>3 scenes, one of which shouldn't even count
>finally makes grand arrival in westeros
>gets cucked by a stupid fucking dragon

Just a Varys thread, actually. I don't care about the rest of the show tonight.

How does that even make sense?


Why not
She's like the only Tully left

meant for

Even Sophie thinks Jonsa is garbage:

>"I feel like Jon and Sansa would be strange, especially because isn’t it considered not legitimate if you haven’t consummated the marriage? I really don’t think either of them would be particularly up for that. It would be very difficult."

stannis is azor ahai or atleast lightbringer

>first forging was when his parents died in shipbreaker bay
>second forging was against the lions of casterly rock
>third forging will be when he burns his beloved daughter

sacrifice is never easy davos or it is no true sacrifice

azor stannis it ryhmes with mannis

because it doesnt fucking matter

>It's a Guts gets BLACKED flashback

but they dont need a marriage to solidify their alliance bc they're ALREADY FAMILY

I don't have much Varys, but I'll go with you a little bit.

Were you surprised that Dany didn't have him killed for trying to kill her?

She is the most powerful Snek and defacto heir to Dorne. Danaerys isn't going to marry a King. They can't "rule together," that's not how it works. Unless Danaerys suddenly wants to take a subservient role or Jon is content to be the First Lady of Westeros, Jon x Dany isn't going to happen.

Robin has claim, Edmure is alive and so is Edmure's trueborn son

Why are dragons such meme creatures?

does this seem gay

Poor Sam, his guilty forceful laughter revealed him.


I dont know why they put him back in chains after he did what Jaime wanted in the show but in the books hes on a booze cruise with his wife and son in casterly rock.

> one of which shouldn't even count



It's easy to make them into meme's.

ITT: Post your favourite character and I'll make assumptions about you.

Dank meme for attention, feel free to save it.

>that celebrity blind implying Hodor's actor was fucking Bran's actor

Meh, I guess you're right, even if they marry they'd probably split the crowns between two sons, also Sansa can be used for valuable alliances

No, only situation where that happens is if Jon is revealed as a Targ, can't be King anymore but Dany takes him as her heir, and he marries Sansa to form an alliance between their Houses.

Cause polygamy isn't fucking recognized so even as a legitimized at best bastard, Dany has greater claim backed up by 3 dragons

who is lord of the twins now?

Robin has a claim. They're even alive in the unbroken male line with a current lord and a trueborn heir. They're captive at the Twins, but Walder is kill. They could be restored.


How close to Preston predictions will the next book be?

why didn't jon try to explain to ramsay and the lords at the parlay that they didn't need to fight right there and then and could have continued it at a later time because right now there are bigger things going on that need to be addressed like the end of all life due to WHITE WALKERS AND HOW THEY ARE ABLE TO RAISE THE DEAD WITH MAGIC?




No way. Isaac Hempstead-Wright is the perfect picture of masculinity.

book, show or both?

no one cares

CAuse Ramsay's not gonna believe him, he'd still want Sansa back and he still has to kill the Wildlings as part of the deal with the Umbers who sure as fuck aren't gonna trust Jon, his wildling witnesses or any of Jon's friends over at the Wall.

Cause Show Jaime is an asshole.

The REAL question is why the fuck Show Jaime, who clearly doesn't give a fuck about the Freys, decided to take his entire army hundreds of miles north just to deliver Edmure personally to Walder, when his entire stated motivation for retaking Riverrrun was getting back to King's Landing as soon as possible.

>"Hey, you can probably guess that we've got about a third fewer guys than you do, but actually the real enemy is the White Walkers that have come back and are raising the dead to march on the South!"

??? elaborate please

Not very.

Nobody cares about your rigged polls

But Dorne just sided with Dany. Top Snek is probably not looking to marry anyone, just most likely give the throne to her daughters, etc.

At least you thought about it though.

>SHOW Jaime is an asshole
>thinking book Jaime isnt
lmao work on your reading comprehension champ

>gurl this jacket is so cute can i borrow it

>wakes up in a dark room tied to a table and poured with wine
>finally gets Cersei's confession but it's already too late to save her soul
>Cersei talks and talks and talks
>for Seven's sake kill me already I am ready since the day I was born
>"lol meet sir Rotten who is going to rape and torture you for the Seven know how long shame shame shame"
>gets really scared
>gets so sick of all this mundane shit
>gets inconsolable and extremely mad because of Smirkfu's woeful fate
>falls into Rage of the Warrior and breaks free of the fetters
>beats the Mountain violently with The Seven-Pointed Star till he turns into a pile of forcemeat
>imposes punishment of the Seven upon Cersei so she is unable to drink wine ever again
>goes to what's left of the Great Sept of Baelor to mourn Young Rose
>starts praying but the pain of loss tears her soul into pieces, so she falls on her knees and breaks into silent weeping
>suddenly a divine afflatus comes upon her
>resurrects Lady Stonesmirk using power of the Seven
>slowly dies in the arms of her beloved Rose with a faint smile on her lips
>"I am ready to meet the Gods"
>becomes Nutella the Shadow and secretly watches her sweet little queen praying

Preston's spergouts have nothing to do with anything and never have. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it: he's full of shit and his """theories""" mean nothing.

it was rigged in your favor by giving you 2 different approval options for that faggot and he still lost


It was on that AGC blind items site either last year or the year before, but like 80% of the shit posted it's hearsay that will probably never be confirmed

>Dany has a greater claim
Not if Rhaegar and Lyanna married.

Seen Been

Post yfw Jon was Ramsays real father.
>both have black hair while Roose has brown hari
>Ramsay is fucking bonkers, which is common for Targ bloodline

There's not much age diffrence but look at this scene:
Do you think that horny af young man would act like such a marry sue in Game of Thrones of all pieces? We all know that both GRRM and D&D hate marry sues and it's always a set up for them to become villans or die.
In reality Jon fucked Ros when he was at age 4 and she was 14-15 which traumatized him for life. It explains lords kiss scene with Ygritte, Ros made him scop out all the cum with his tongue in fear of getting pregers(we all know that GRRM is a fucking pervert so it fits into GoT thematicaly), which made him good at pussylicking and gave him like a nervous tick, whenever he sees a naked woman he must lick her vagina. Then she was fucked by Roose Bolton and duped him into raising Jons son.
Also, fun fact. Take "e" and one "o" from Roose, what do you get?

fucking death. i need a link

>polygamy isn't recognized
Both of Aegon's sister's kids were King you stupid shit. What part of whoever has the bigger or badder army can do whatever the fuck they want don't you understand?

>please respond

will jaime award it to bronn?

>Sansa can be used for valuable alliances.

That's a good point but I'm pretty sure Sansa would hate Jon if he tried to force her into another marriage. If she marries again to solidify an alliance it will have to be her own decision.

Honestly, she might end up deciding that marrying Littlefinger is her best bet for keeping him loyal to them and somewhat under her control. Either him or Robin. But he's her cousin, so again, kind of unnecessary. Who else? Sansa x Euron? Sansa x Jaime? There are hardly any male power players left.

But they weren't, or it wasn't widely recognized.


Can't you read

>Cause polygamy isn't fucking recognized

Rhaegar didn't have dragons like Maegor and wasn't cool and alpha and have dragons like Aegon I

technically you just split the votes for the approval options so it was more likely the 1 negative option would win


Refer to

Did someone say Sansa?

If they were married at all, Jon and his kids take precedence over Daenerys. Male always over Female

no it wasn't

>Last year or the year before
It implied that a then 14-15 year old Isaac was fucking a 38 year old Kristian Nairn? I doubt that ever so slightly.

god damn it

I guess we just don't know if they were married yet.

Random appearance in s4. Shoulda omitted his face and saved it for hardhome

But who gives a shit about Rheagar? Of course Jon isn't going to be king without Dany support, she literally has one of the biggest armies Westeros has ever seen and dragons. It's stupid to argue that, but if Jon is a Targ and Dany is for it, who the fuck could say no?