What was the point of this character?
What was the point of this character?
Save Sansa so she can rule the North
le dick and pirate jokes
muh name is reek
muh dick
>> Reek, reek it rhymes with lesbian gurlpowag 4eva gas the patriarchy gender war now!!!!
Wat did DND mean by this?
>didn't kill Ramsay
>Azor Ahai
get hype
He's represents all the weak cuckold men of westeros.
I don't know
shouldnt his dick wound be festered by now? he should have died from that dick wound ages ago, or does ramsay have really good doctors who disinfected and sewed his dick wound properly?
>house bolton having people that have no clue about the human body
>the house that skins people alive with extreme precision
>the house that specializes in torture
>cant clean a dick wound
>cant win a war
>20 good men sewing up the cauterized nub of the greyjoyless cock
they didnt remove his cock, its psychological. It will be revealed.
that user is full of shit. he got his wang cut off and it was fed to ramseys dogs. ramsey probably cut a slit in theon and fucked it
To be Azor Ahai, duh.
pork sausage
holy fuck kek
But if it was fed to the dogs what did Balon get in the box?
Im not even memeing here but ramsays maester would have fixed it, when he got it chopped off ramsay was still under orders to keep him as a hostage, since he was still a snow he wouldnt wanna piss off his daddy.
OP here
I just want to point something out; this thread isn't actually a joke. I genuinely don't understand what purpose he serves past S2, or at the absolute LATEST S5. He should've died after saving Sansa. There's literally no reason for him to go back to his family, after professing multiple times that his 'real' family is more or less dead.
But then who raped Sansa?
>ramsey probably cut a slit in theon and fucked it
boner why
I remember a doujin about that.
It was all a dream
Yeah, that death would have been the only one recently that's not superfluous shock value BS.
I think hes literally just there so the greyjoy story can progress. I doubt d and d wanted to make yara or euron pov characters. I agree his characters story should have ended with hik sacrificing himself to save sansa
>Bran is sending his sister rape fantasies about her
What the FUCK is his problem?
She was raped by the patriarchy
So I'm not the only one who thought of this. It would make a lot of sense, to break someone so bad that you make them believe they've been mutilated and don't see something there that should be.
Still cutting off his dick is definitely something Ramsay would do. The question is, did he take the whole piece like Varys, or just the trunk
He ain't Bran anymore, he the 3 eyes crow
Yara/ Asha is a POV character.
In the books, not the show, if you want to talk about the books plz go to /lit/
What's the joke here?
hhehehehehehe *thums up**
Why does his sister keep being a complete cunt to him? In the books she loves him despite thinking that he's a fuckup
Weak men will never rule the Iron Islands again or some shit, fuck if I know
She's a strong woman and man is weak
Definitely just the trunk. Why? Because with the testes intact Theon would still get sexual urges on a regular basis. Urges he obviously could not fulfil with no cock. That shit's definitely something Ramsay would get a kick out of.
It accounts for all the awkward tortured expressions he pulls in situations where he'd act aroused if he was pre-Reek Ramsay. He is aroused, but have no way of acting on it and so it tortures and embarrasses him.
good post
I think it's very clear that she does love him, or else she wouldn't even bother bringing him along. She's just not very nice though.
95% of all the characters are pointless filler. uninteresting stories that will pan into nothing. boring as fuck. rage when they come on screen.
Yara dies and Theon takes over the rebellion
>ALL the Unsullied have been castrated
>Theon has been castrated
>Tyrion is a dwarf, barely human in the eyes of females and has no wealth to buy himself hookers anymore
>Jon Snow is basically a bitch for Sansa
>ALL females are stronk womyn, Cersei, Daenerys, Sansa, Yara, Ellaria and the Snakes
It's meant to symbolize how men are weak and emasculated and women strong.
Only Euron and the Night's King remeain as villains, and they symbolize evil white men who want the patriarchy to rule.
This show has always been about the destruction of men. First Robert, hedonism incarnate, then Viserys, for wanting what he was promised, then Ned, the most honorable man in Westeros (this is because honor is a male concept and women can't feel sense of honor).
The age of men is over, the time for Womyn to rule has come.
Cersei is definitely a villain again.
I think he's only still alive just so that viewers are given some familiarity with the Greyjoy storyline. The audience doesn't really know who Yara is, she's barely been in the show.
Kojimmy planned it all along!
His story can go one of three ways:
1. Grey Worm and Varys teach him that there is life after cock.
2. The Red Woman offers to magically regrow his cock in exchange for finding Gendry.
3. His cock was never cut off at all. Ramsay just brainwashed him into thinking it was.
He learned the hard way that power tripping and frustrated ambition gets you killed in Westeros.
I hope for number 2, that's some Disney shit magic.
>we want MRA audience
How is he able to pee now ? Same question for Varys
Answer me plz
>the only way to regrow the cock is for him to have sex with Melly without her glamour
he poops it out like diarrhea
It's just bants.
To have him come together with Varys so Tyrion can make a double no cock joke.
Theon is one of GRRM's revenge fantasies. He was a braggart jock of good birth who could and did fuck any girl he pleased, even if he was actually a useless, spoiled little shit with delusions of grandeur.
Meanwhile GRRM's a fat beta manlet with a child's squeeky voice. Despite his competence as a writer, he probably relied on whores for much of his sexual release, shunned by the women and girls that would gladly spread their legs and cheeks for the likes of Theon. Which is why he had Theon tortured in a very phallocentric manner (gelding and castration) out of sexual envy.
He's much like Tyrion, his admitted self-insert. It's also why whores figure so prominently in his novels, mostly positively.
Tl;dr: Theon is not for the readers to enjoy, but for GRRM himself.
T. Freud
Aside from all the meme responses, that his arc is to show that anyone no matter what their crimes can be redeemed
I can't believe you bothered to type all that out for no reason
And GRRM's other self insert Sam is a fatass raising his wife's and her father's son, and will win the day with the magic of reading