I´m fuckin depressed because I know she will die
I´m fuckin depressed because I know she will die
I´m fuckin depressed because I know he will die
she's hot, but she'd look even better if she ever fucking smiled
I'm fucking depressed because I haven't died yet
are you joking? have you seen her teeth?
I wish she'd grow her hair back.
Also how the fuck have the masses of King's Landing not just stormed the Red Keep and murdered her? Everyone hates her and she just murdered the only people who gave a shit about the smallfolk.
If the High Sparrow doesn't end up being a martyr and all the sparrows just vanish it'll be extremely fucking lazy.
Same,can someone just kill me?
i don't think even d&d know if she'll die
An depressed because she will die an Mary Sue is still alive
How? the only way that she could survive is making an alliance with Kelly C or something
well right now cersei, jon, and littlefinger are all about evenly matched (in television terms where numbers are fungible). danny is the one that's grossly out of line with her meme fleet and meme dragons and meme armies and meme alliance with granny and spic bitch.
the danny alliance will have to be cut down to size to keep the show interesting, which will kill granny's revenge plot with it. that leaves cersei in a stable position, in show logic.
Why does she get more likeable the more of a cunt she becomes? It doesn't make any sense but I love her
Of course she'll die. Everything in her prophecy came true so far and all the other prophecies have come true also
because she's a foil to the nigh-invincible teleporting demigods that roam the other plot lines
If Cersei dies would be very boring and predictable,but this series is all of fanservice
I do not think she survives
because the people she kills are also assholes
I can't believe this stupid prophecy bullshit is going to happen
>extremely fucking lazy.
You don't say...
But it does seem like they are now scouring twitter for ideas and adjustments in between seasons, so season 7 could start with a retconned riot surrounding her coronation.
Any showfag who likes Cersei should seriously read A Feast for Crows. That was probably the most fun I had in reading the series, Cersei is a loopy cunt.
prophecy in a character is fuckin retarded,in the end we all know what will happen
feast is objectively the worst one m8
>reading comprehension
>my opinion is objective
it's the only one with Cersei chapters.
turns out the bad guys will get what's coming to them and the good guys will prevail and ancient injustice will be set right
wowza, such a shocking finale
So it's basically 100% confirmed Jamie kills her?
pure cancer
>shocking finale
I mean, I guess if HBO wants to milk a prequel series. But you probably shouldn't shock the audience at the very end of a story.
valonqar is little brother
maybe jamie or tyrion
it doesn't necessarily mean her little brother, it might be any little brother in the show (the hound, theon, bran, etc)
most likely it's one of hers tho
>first monday morning without /got/
How do you cope? Got any TV shows you can recommend me to fill the void until next year?
there are no good tv shows currently airing
> cersei, jon, and littlefinger are all about evenly matched
The North is completely decimated of fighting men. Lannister armies are mostly intact, Littlefinger has a completely fresh and intact Vale army.
I don't know how they are going to make them seem equivalent power wise. The only reason that Dany might choose Jon as her husband is that he is pretty much the only male leader who hasn't been offed, other than Littlefinger.
remember how they keep insisting that dothraki have never crossed the ocean? remember how millions of native americans died of european diseases? remember how game of thrones is loosely based on european medieval history?
remember how the unsullied are literally just cucks in leather armour? remember how maesters hate dragons? remember how danny enjoys burning people alive and that made everyone hate her father?
cersei has been in power since s1e1, either directly or by proxy, and all the stannisfags have been btfo, all the renlyfags have been btfo, all the joffreyfags have been btfo, all the ned starkfags have been btfo, all the robbfags have been btfo, the list goes on
ive been team lannister since day1 because jaime is danish and baller as fuck, cersei is hot, tywin is the most bad ass motherfucker who ever lived and tyrion is a walking meme that i actually hate with a passion because he reminds me of your typical modern "le fight with words" beta male
i don't think danny's going to get remarried, it doesn't match what the show's done with her so far.
at any rate a few more lords just allied with jon, so d&d can pull an army out of their ass with that excuse.
I won't going to see the next season
It's not like she's done nothing to deserve it.
hey friend i don't like your post could you please delete it?
how about having rallied the houses who did not fight against the boltons. surely they amount to quite a bit.
shouldn't there be some form of frey army by the twins? where would they go? i mean they had a pact with the lannisters but 5 minutes later willem and his sons died.
shame on her for finally getting some character development. time to die.
i don't like you could you delete yourself
>le meme dwarf meme
I feel nothing but hatred for you.
>Wah I don't like that he's most peoples favourite character that means he's shit
>Why does a midget fight with words instead of being da ultimate warrior reeeeeeee
Really makes me sick how this show is no more than a shitty fanservice for normies
i honestly wish i could but i don't have the willpower to go through with it
Just hope it's a quick non-character-ruining death. Remember how quickly they pulled the quality rug under Stannis, and the normies were just beginning to like him. If they make her marry Euron or some similar bullshit I'll stop watching.
I'm fucking depressed I'm not her fucktoy
In the end, it will be revealed that Jaime is Azor Ahai, and Cersei will be his Nissa Nissa. The key component of this prophecy is Azor Ahai plunging Lightbringer into the heart of the woman he loves, and Jaime is the only character who has a woman in his life with a strong enough of a connection to make the fulfillment of this prophecy meaningful within the story.
>If they make her marry Euron
is this a new meme?
So anyone who's experienced character development should automatically be safe from death even after they've committed mass murder?
I don´t give a fuck
This could be the stupidest post I've ever read.
shes great
feg, i still suspect hes eunuch
>The North is completely decimated of fighting men.
no they aren't you dumb fuck
they made a point with the whole king in the north scene to put jon on-par with littlefinger
obviously it makes no sense but it's obvious jon will have a massive force of northerners who magically appeared
best fuckin house
Why is everyone acting like everyone knows what Cersei did? It's obvious she did it, yeah, but that's not enough, you need proof, you can suspect it at most. And it's not like the common folk give a fuck either, Aerys was openly burning people left and right and it still took Rhaegar fucking up and Robert starting the rebellion until anyone stood up to him.
>you need proof
do we really at this stage in the show?
long may she reign
Lannisters are done.
The only one who will be left is fucking Dinklege -little-shit-midget.
Guys she is going to die for one simple reason,she is the VILLAIN fuck off
True, there were lots of scenes this season where characters did or said things that would only make sense if they were also watching the show (Davos knowing about the Night King, Davos shitting on Stannis, Sansa and the hounds etc) but I'm willing to give D&D this last chance only because Cersei's storyline is one of the rare ones left I care about.
why contract an actor for 7 years if only two of those are eventful.
tywin, 2 emotional babies, 1 edgelord and le funny dwarf
>remember how they keep insisting that dothraki have never crossed the ocean? remember how millions of native americans died of european diseases? remember how game of thrones is loosely based on european medieval history?
Yeah, it means Westeros will be ravaged by Black Death.
Essos' population isn't isolated from Westeros' population. Dothraki are analogues to Turks and Mongols and they don't die to yuropoor diseases but are more likely to kill them with theirs.
Only religious people give a shit about the sparrow. You think the average farmer who's about to starve now that winter is here gives a shit about the old man who closed down all the brothels?
Tywin's the only one who looks like a proud lion here. Jaime looks so old here and he's not even fucking blonde.
Sadly Cersei is going to die anyway,seriously fuck this shit
Valar morghulis
tywin was the last lion
Arya killed them all
Cersei killed all of the good characters. Kevan, Mace, Tommen (indirectly), Margaery. All dead. Her men would barely consider her a Lannister at this point, after she offed the most competent one left. The old Stannis and Renly men backed the crown because Tommen was at least a Baratheon in name, now he's gone.
If they took out a Punished Stannis and married him to Cersei then maybe, but I'm hoping Gendry gets legitimized by the Stormlands lords taking after what the North did, and possibly backed b Melly Sanders as her Stannis 2.0 If that happens, that's the side i'll back.
I really want her kill Mary Sue too
Its designated villain Mary Sue vs designated hero Mary Sue though.
Pretty much disproves the religion when you blow up all of the main followers and their holy building.
Should do the same to Mecca
She's obviously going to be a villain, so unless they kill her off in the first episode because of how hopelessly outmatched she is, she needs an alliance.
It has Martin's best overall prose.