Drawthread: Show off ya booty

Drawthread: Show off ya booty

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Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any one pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs: imgur.com/a/700pN
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

Hello, takin requests n stuff

Requesting the modified PPG (oppai-loli Bubbles, wide hipped, thick thighed bubble-butt Buttercup, and Futa Blossom) going to the beach, with Bubbles wearing a microkini, Blossom wearing a Monokini, and Buttercup wearing a sling bikini.

Requesting adult Yin doing the one finger challenge.

Wait i'm fucking bad at reading, anyways here for Trinket if you wanna draw it
Well I had grinder deliver last thread but I wanted a digital version too Trinket
Draw A.J. Mason like Jotaro and i'll caption it later with "I'm calling the police."


this is what i have to deal with

Show off my booty?


Another ref of A.J. in case that one is too dark.


>Accusing me of hating women, or being a male supremacist

Stupidity, this started when I noticed things on TV as a toddler.

Noticing the gender differences, and the violence, and the double standards.

Whatever. Saved.

Well, being cut kinda lessens the build up of smegma.


>Absinthe aka Green booze

oh sweet summer child. you know nothing of getting waisted. I bet you think it makes people hallucinate too?


Or you could, I know it sounds crazy, wash your foreskin.

"Snipped" adults are more prone to depression, anger, low self-esteem and problems with intimacy as found in a studies by Doctor Boyle in 2002, Doctor Hammond in 1999 and Doctor Goldman 1999.

Bonus: The infection-reducing benefits are outdated, the majority of the world prefers uncut (including me) and circumcised men are 4.5x more likely to experience erectile dysfunction, and suffer from premature ejactulation (studies done by Doctor Bollinger in 2010 and Doctor Tang 2011).

thats fucking retarded


>Oh yeah?! How old tho? V:
Im gonna be 19 :]


hey cutie can i get a color ref?

where is the chat malarky happening, blue ball with the s or that shitty hipster alien program?

I'm just imagining this in his dumpy as fuck voice

which chat malarkey?


I was just making a lame joke, but It seems it was already made...


who's there?


i have a worse life, who?


did you maybe misslink the post?

>not a native english speaker
>tries to talk about cheese dogs
i'm judging all of you


LSD, PCP and DMX make people hallucinat
Also been here since 3 months so I ain't a summer fag


swordbro IS jewish

I'll draw some stuff if anyone is interested in that sorta thing.

Couldn't agree more.

Requesting you draw yourself walking instead of floating

Chris stop.

You're ruining my time.

and american, they are all cut more or less.

>swordbro has a smooth cut dick

No, i'm telling you that circumcision does more bad than good.

8/10 women who've had sex with both, prefer men with foreskin.

there's a good reason we have them.

cut men are associated with dry/painful sex, and foreskinned men have better satisfaction for both partners.

Rate my drawing skills

This is just some practice, it's been a long time since last time I draw, like 2 months

I'm sick of realism, can you give me some tips for more cartoonish draw style?

Also, I'm taking requests I gess.

>since September
Close enough ya noob

your time for what?

Here's another one

/r/ a drawing of this random diapered female kobold as like some sort of fetish sex slave prisoner, restrained, and being tortured/coaxed into using her diaper

Please deliver!

its an old joke.
Absinthe was brewed so badly in the 1920,s it was a borderline poison for years. it could induce hallucinations if someone go a bad batch.
just saying, you underestimate my tolerance level.

that just proves our point that you are a summerfag

>inb4 haha you took the bait

Great work user

>your time for what?

My gud time.


you ever watch ranma 1/2?
if so who was your fave guy/girl?

A drawing I did for an user last thread.
Takin requests.

Heyyyy that's pretty good.

You're lucky I've always sorta had a crush on you, or looked up to you.

I'll be back, when you're not around.

Don't judge me, i'm tired of always being right.

I was the other guy, but I asked since you linked it to wolf.

Is Chris the only thing keeping it from being gud?

Do you have a boyfriend? I'm available.

all absinthe does is taste like shit even with a million pounds of sugar. good history lesson though.


Redline was shit.

What is lnt?

Soon? Oh well I think you're older than me, I'm 18 too btw

you have tried to fuck everything that talked to you in the last 3 years. you having a "crush" on someone means jack shit. for you it amounts to saying "I breathed in oxygen this one time".





>inverted nipples
You have not only taken my request but
multiplied by 10x.
Thanks man.

>you ever watch ranma 1/2?

Nah I dodged it somehow.


>all absinthe does is taste like shit even with a million pounds of sugar.
Thats....all liquor though...

>Redline was shit.
Plotwise? Yeh. It's JUST an anime about like...ONE race. Nothing groundbreaking.

Visually? I can understand the stylization not appealing to everyone. I could jack off to those frames though.

>You're lucky I've always sorta had a crush on you

The cringe levels are at maximum!
We can't take anymore captain!
We're going down!


It's Spanish

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

>Plotwise? Yeh. It's JUST an anime about like...ONE race. Nothing groundbreaking.
>Visually? I can understand the stylization not appealing to everyone. I could jack off to those frames though.

you no fun.

Sorry, Gemini boys, they hit me like a truck.

Go ahead and cringe, the amount i enjoy Gemini boys is very cringeworthy. And i don't care. kill me.

Thx dude

Thank you nigger faggot

>Thats....all liquor though...

>Redline was shit.
kill yourself you subhuman piece of garbage

Request female Salazzle and female Heliolisk in hot lesbian action

thank god i'm a pieces.

>you no fun.

Your bait was too obvious....

>He really thinks old ass seeds and oats and shit aged for a million years until it fucking triple spoils tastes GOOD

Wow, a fool is easily parted from his dollar indeed.

europe pls go
suck my girthy american bepis

That's why i don't flirt with you. fucking hell i want to post.

Swordbro's real name is Ezra Kowalski. He lives in Hartford, New York, and works at a locally-owned gas station/convenience store. I think he's a janitor.

He's tall and fat, and he looks like a homeless guy.

>those frames though
this guy knows whats up

why are you feeding shitposters?

I am American too, and cut.

moar booty pls


>thank god i'm a pieces.
>He doesn't belong the glorious Shin Double Master Race


>women prefer foreskin!!!
No, this factually is incorrect.

>if its not for me its a shitpost

here ya go!
Nope! Thanks for the offer but im good.

Requesting headless bowser searching for his head

>No, this factually is incorrect.

Most dicks in the world are uncut, user...

Where's that xkcd beer comic?

saved and probably going to hunt him down

For the bants.

>inb4 autist following you pretends he is the normal one again

And? They're also unappealing and dirty, more often than not.

[citation needed]

Good luck, user.

man go check it out
the 80's poof is strong and the enemies are weird

also not all liquor HAS to taste good
some of it tastes bad as a novelty

like jack
that shit NEEDS chase