What does Sup Forums want for Christmas?

What does Sup Forums want for Christmas?

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money. fuck the presents just give me the money.

A loli sex doll

And doctor who figures




Blow job

>Loli sex doll
This better be a joke user.

End this fucking world

the strength to kill myself

I want a ssd and a weed habit

You will get that. A huge terrorist attack will definitely happen with the rate we are going.. It is all building up nicely to a huge terrorist attack by Christmas/new years day. Mark my words.

>I get to die with a bang

Santa coming soon YEAH!
So what's eating now??


Skyrim normal edition.

but I live in a small useless tourist town

a unicycle

No more bananas in ylyl threads

That would have to be an megaton bomb to affect a significant percentage of the population.That's not gonna happen.
Or maybe a dirty bomb.

a gf ;-;

A game from battlenet. No memewatch though, legion.

It's not on sale. I was expecting a Christmas miracle though

Self steem

You...to kill yourself.

A pound of colombian cocaine, a bong, 5 pounds of cannabis, half a pound of mdma and half a pound of magic mushrooms.

wrong thread

A clean bill of health

a partridge in a pear tree


Santa to be real

An original joke