Your left hand just became a shotgun and fired. How fucked are you??

Your left hand just became a shotgun and fired. How fucked are you??

ith blewth ma thuckckin jaw oooofth

It was nice knowing my right arm

pretty sure i killed myself, user.

Either my Trump sign or shotgun got hit
Probably some of my window too

My monitor just got fucking rekt

Blew my leg off

Skimmed my knee, destroyed my computer

rip muh dick

Looks like I'll probably be deaf for life in my left ear with how close it was when it went off...

My right hand is gone.

I became an hero.

I just shot my fucking bathtub, and wall. Probably got richocheted, and died really.

I was scratching my balls.

I blew muh dick off


rip my new mattress and bed set fam

My face is obliterated at this point.

I lost my left arm two years ago after infection started to spread.
I wonder where it is now..

Rip ur mommas pussy ;-)

In my ass

It shot the underside of my computer desk.

I'm not sure if it would have fucked up my machine or not.

I didn't wanted that dog anyways