what would you do to her?
What would you do to her?
did you just assume that person's gender?
I'd probably let her know that some socially-stunted sperglet she's never really noticed is posting her facebook photos on the internet while furiously jerking his sad little dick off.
Fuck off with this cringe, you lonely retard.
say excuse me as i walk by.
>check for dick/10
Calm your titties, bitch.
It's an user message board, get the fuck over it. What are you gonna do? Call the police?
Polland has no authority in the developed world, you're SOL.
You mean if I had the ability to flirt with her?
I would flirt with her.
flirt and fuck
Tell her it's tacky as fuck to wear a strapless dress with a regular bra, and move on with my life.
Treat her to a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.
She's in a dressing room, you dim bastard. She's trying it on.
You know what's tacky? Being a clown.
How them shoes feel?
Take her out for a small meal - nothing big, heavy or filling (no one wants to fuck when they're full) - three drinks - take her back to her place and see what's under that goofy dress.
She should leave the Chucks on.
You son of a-
So is pairing red and purple. Her bra is also dingy as fuck, which means her hygiene level is probably right around 0. That or she's a moron that can't do laundry. Either way, i wouldn't piss on that ugly ham face if it were on fire. Don't gloat over your 2/10 gf. That's also tacky as fuck.
I would fly to her on a romantic trip for two to Saudi Arabia - and then swap her out for some respectable looking sand-rat female.
take her somewhere that can help her with her down syndrome
Kek'd to the pic.
...ignore it
Pallus cats are awesome and cute. Unlike OP's girlfriend.
I'd turn 360 degrees and walk away
I'd ignore her. She looks like Quentin Tarantino
>360 degrees
her bra isn't dingy, it just isn't white. they make them in more than one color.
Yes, "five years old, worn for several days at a time" shade is really popular this year... It probably smells like under tit cheese abdominal frier grease.
did you just assume they identify as a person?
its spelt 'friar'
it's a uniform color faggot, not stained. beige/gray/tan/off-white are all extremely common bra shades
go be a virgin somewhere else
she's nasty but this is just you not knowing what bras look like
I could take her out to the movies and try to play with her under her coat. Would she give me a handy?
Anyone remember the youtube channel 'the amazing atheist'. I'm pretty sure this is him now
Things I would do:
Change clothes
Get her bra that fits
Get her contact lenses
Get rid of those faggy shoes/bracelets
Kill/molest in either order
I would tell her she as a boy face and give her a job as a cashier.
knock it the fuck out.
wow you're 'ard aint you
Call her a grandma-bodied degenerate and tell her to eat some protein and get a job.
That would be a holy man.
Whatever you say. The fact that she bought a bra pre disgusting says a lot. I'd throw out any of mine that looked even close to that shitty. She doesn't have big tits. It's not like they're expensive.
its spelt 'wood'
Fuck off
Don't get pissy, fag. I'm not going to steal the spotlight from you barrel necked ham planet.
you know the rule tits or gtfo
how hideous do you have to be to be this jelly of a ham planet?
Nah, the neckbeard is too strong in this thread. The idea of you jacking off to my tits with your cheetos stained hands makes me queasy. Maybe some other time.
Ask her to play Legends of Zelda at my place and get inside that magic Mormon underwear
How does contempt equate to jealously? Op asked a question. I answered. Op protested my answer. Take your manling insecurities elsewhere. I'm sure there's a trap thread for you.
Let me guess, you think just because you call yourself samantha and fuck your hairy asshole, you're a woman. You can watch all the sissy hypno you want, but no man (or any human) would touch you.
>jacking off to my tits
no issue there. I actually wish didn't ask. Do us a favour and just shut the fuck up though. You are worse than the regular Sup Forums users in that you think you are better than them. Just because you're an edgy tryhard, doesn't mean you fit in, it means you are a worthless human
Nah, but nice projection, though. Totally don't look like a pathetic 12 year old on Christmas break.
>Op asked a question.
>I answered
>I couldn't let it go
>so jelly
>keep posting
>still posting now
No tits, so gtfo
>nice projection
Says the faggot who says
>barrel necked ham planet
Lose weight, cunt
110, soaking wet, fudgey. Unlike OP's porker, i exercise.
But no proof so i'll assume you are 220
Assume away. I'd be neck and beefy neck with OP's girl then.
do you still wear training bras? is that why you don't know what real bras look like? are you jealous of the ham planet's tits?
why are you still posting? nothing to do with your insecurity? is posting on Sup Forums your exercise?
>I'd be neck and beefy neck with OP's girl then.
Great, I don't give a shit about OP, or the OP's pic, what is your point?
Marriage, mostly
Solid c, perky, pierced nips. Love my boobs.
I'm posting because i love watching you fat faggots cry over your gay little secret club.
no way I'm a solid DD, sounds big but I'm 7.5 ft tall so they fit. mom and dad said don't pierce them so I did XD
lurv mer berbs
>gay little secret club
Do you mean Sup Forums? It is a board on a website, it isn't secret...
Also, don't describe tits that no one in this thread owns. Just shut the fuck up you attention seeking cunt.
gas her
>attention seeking cunt
>gives me the attention in seeking
I could milk this fat faggot for hours. How's that blood pressure, fatty? You seem distraught.
I know you love it, because it makes you feel better about yourself, but stop projecting
OR, prove you're not a fat fuck
stop fucking feeding the troll retard. it's just another shallow bitch who was jelly there was a thread about another fat cunt, so she made the thread about her instead.
I would like to receive one rusty trombone, please.
You are just full of milk, huh? Who out those flabby man teats, I'll fire up the milking machine.
How about an alaskan pipeline?
I'd burn the teeth out of her mouth with a blowtorch.
No, i made the thread about a bunch of crying virgins. And it's awesome. Your tears are delicious.
Kiss her and make her spaghetti
Nothing. I hope that shes just in a phase.
Moons often go through many phases.