>New Top Gear finishes on a whimper with its future in doubt
New Top Gear finishes on a whimper with its future in doubt
Why are redheads always dicks and bad tempered? the guy at my work is a redhead and is literally a ticking time bomb
I-I'm kawaii af user. ;__;
Seriously, I hope he gets fucking kicked off the show. With the sexual assault allegations, rumours of him being terrible to work with and Joey's refusal to keep on working with him the must fire him.
You just know he's a little weaselly cunt, look at him FACT
The show is dead anyway, their cast composes of retards to fulfill the diversity quota
but Chris Harris and Rory Reid are some of the bright bits of the show.
>show finishes with the presenters all saying goodbye in a line, with Evans snubbed to the back because they all hate him
I don't even watch this show since Clarkson left, watching nu-top gears implosion has been TGWTG-tier entertaining.
> reports that Evans is to be questioned by police over historic sex assault allegations).
Christ can't this guy do anything right
They should have got Robert Llewellyn and Chris Barrie from Red Dwarf to present. Both are car nuts and the bantz would be GOAT.
Rupert Grint seems chill as fuck
Honestly I feel like if they keep Joey, Chris and Rory with guest appearances from Irish race man and German race girl the show will be better, that being said I never realized how shitty top gear is as a TV show without the three of the old guys
whats wrong with that womans face?
She's just British.
Weren't all the "diversity hires" actually good and only really Evans and a general half-assyness of the show the real problems?
Or did you just not watch it and want to complain about non-white men being hired for a job they are qualified for?
why is the jew the only male who gets semi decent clothing?
shes german, you plonk.
>white guy is the only problem
I think they are talking about the woman in the audience with the big red ms paint circle around her face.
haha whoops fuck. sorry
looks completely normal to me
I watched the first 3 episodes to give it a fair chance and still don't like it. I forget it's even on these days.
>BBC stands by Chris Evans as presenter faces police questioning
Oh sure Fire Blackburn but keep this prick on the payrole
he must have footage of some BBC exec raping a kid or something.
What the fuck were they thinking hiring Eddie Jordan? That fucking retard was too old and senile to drive an SUV off road and nearly destroyed the car because of it
so BBC is fine with sexual assault but Clarkson hits some faggot and they lose their shit?
If there was one non-white then you may have had a point, but when the entire thing becomes what Clarkson mocked in the worlds smallest car segment, then you know there is a problem.
they should just get all four of them.
i miss those guys.
That'd definitely work.
Cut Evans, Reid and Ed.
Show saved.
Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan.
He's their biggest ratings stalwart on the radio to be fair, they won't get rid of him totally unless forced.
Hopefully they have the sense to see he's no good on Top Gear though.
I'm not sure if Craig Charles is much of a petrol head but it wouldn't be too far from presenting Robot Wars.
Fucking yes! These guys would be great.
This picture made me realise that the black one has some massive lips.
Calm down Joey.
Blacks generally do.
Everything he's done on TV since the nineties ended has been a ratings disaster, he's someone people listen to as he introduces old songs on the way to work in the morning, nothing more.
*drags asians onto set*
*gets crew member to shout out*
*leans into camera*
His show rates higher than Wogan's ever did, he must be doing something right.
Series 11 of Red Dwarf is airing in September this year on British channel Dave, with 12 following next year.
They have more time and money than they had for series 10 and I think they're writing a finale so I have fairly high hopes for it
Different audiences. Evans was aimed at the plebs so it's natural he would get higher ratings than Wogan.
to be fair the stats are juked because radio 2 is literally office radio.
Series 10 was pretty good. It was a return to the form of the early series. It was a shame there was no Holly though.
If not for the ginger prick, people would be whining about wooden Joey or incoherent scripts.
Just let it die.
Yeah I enjoyed series 10, it was a bit sitcommy though if you know what I mean, in the way the jokes were set up. I hope 11 and 12 feel more natural
I know there were a couple "we don't have the time or money to do this so come up with an eleventh hour replacement" moments on series 10, behind the scenes. Like with the monkey only being able to work for like an hour a day
>craig charles isn't hosting robot wars
>craig charles isn't hosting top gear
>craig charles is just hanging out in Soho doing DJ gigs
>we are living in a charlesless world
my lineup would of been steve coogan, jay kay and guy martin
No idea, I have known 3 gingers in my life and they all had really bad tempers. Must be something up with that.
Isn't he still in Corrie?
Because he's a fuckign crack head
neandhertal genes, it's a fact. almost worse than niggers, almost
Left last year apparently.
He collects cars but obviously has no interest in them outside of that
Why would anyone volunteer to be involved with post Clarkson top gear
Career suicide it was always going to flop
I'd rather they just have the Chris Harris show
Chris Evans is such an unlikable cunt. How does he get this sort of work? Nobody likes him.
>Eddie Jordan is literally retarded and has no motoring knowledge of any kind
Worst gimmick
psst i have a question... how many people are actually going to pay to watch grand tour?
Ahahahaha get cucked bbc
They really missed an opportunity by not debuting it on independence day
It's an elderly Brits make cheeky comments about cars episode.
Bees knees, can't wait lads
They were Bremainers.
Think lots of people who might have been considering it for the delivery but couldn't quite bring themselves to spend the money will find that The Grand Tour pushes them over the edge to just do it.
>original cast
>fucking huge budget
>freedom to do whatever they want
They don't even have to go apeshit, just keep what we loved about Top Gear with an even bigger budget.
Sabine is car show: the person
The diversity hires got to be on a flagship BBC1 show, this could have been a huge boost to their career.
Eddie Jordan and Matt Leblanc are all multi-millionaires who appear to like talking about cars, so why the fuck not.
Chris Evans is a deluded, narcissistic mercenary who appears to have some sort of dirt on the BBC which makes them keep employing him despite continually being a prick and sexually threatening to everyone around him.
It doesn't help that Chris Evans is being investigated for rape now too.
>a nigger and a paki
>Clarkson is a cunt to work with
Fire him.
>Evan's literally rapes and sexually exposes himself to workers AND is a cunt to work with AND gets shit ratings
BBC will stand by him
What dirt is he holding and who on?
That's more because Radio 1 are deliberately alienating any listeners over 22. He didn't get more than Wogan when he was up against Moyles
Chris Harris
Matt LeBlanc
perfect combo.
Someone at Amazon must have wondered the same thing, because they've been rolling out a cheaper video-only plan.
>mfw mum tells me he's the most famous actor on Coronation Street
I'd never seen red dwarf obviously.
>Eddie Jordan is worth 350 million quid
Fucking hell
He said bright bits, not brits. Learn to read american.
We don't read in america
LeBlanc, Reid, Harris main presenters
Sabine, Guy Martin, Vicki Butler Henserson and Suzi Perry occasional freelance feature presenters
Drop Chris Evans & Eddie Jordan
>first episode is them buying the most expensive car in the world
>only to spend the entire hour pointing out its flaws
Chris Evans cocked it up so bad, he directly caused brexit.
Who knows.
Evans is part of bbcs pedo circle
Isn't it one of the most watched tv shows in the world? Probably plenty of people. Even people in nigeria or whatever recognized james may in one of the specials.
You sound like an absolute wanker m8
Something like 350 million people watched Top Gear. So one in twenty people watch it
If they can afford Coogan they should go for him, or the opposite direction with Dermot O'Leary
maybe you on to something
im redhead and have really bad temper
Just get in Coogan and Rob Brydon and turn Top Gear into the Trip? Michael Caine impressions every week.
The crew is singular
>hurr wat r collective nouns?
Coogan was first choice but he declined
Fucking americans, bomb yourselves already you pieces of shit.
>being this triggered by food
Clarkson and May were, but IIRC Hammond was conspicuously silent on the subject