Anybody watch Marco Polo Season 2? What'd you guys think?
Pic related, this character is a real motherfucker
Anybody watch Marco Polo Season 2? What'd you guys think?
Pic related, this character is a real motherfucker
No, no one watched this gook trash
I forgot basically everything that happened last season. Wasn't Marco going to get with the qt with the mole on her face? Why is she suddenly married to some other faggot.
im about to watch it.
I don't really get the tone of this show. Half the time it seems to be trying to be a super serious historical political drama, and the other half you have blind chinese super warrior monks and ghost crusader armies?
Yeah I know what you are talking about. I don't get it either, but it's entertaining enough
I've forgotten most of it too. They have a quick recap at the start iirc
>Real Kaidu defied Kublai for decades and outlived him
>Show Kaidu gets stabbed by Marco Polo after accomplishing basically nothing
yeah im confused as fuck by the show rn because i cant remember what happend last season, all i can remember is that blind guy fuck up chinese guy and fat man got his city.
[Grunting Noises]
>then his son with the extremely strong American accent.
It's sjw trash
Killing off Kaidu was a huge mistake. Kublai has no foil now and there's basically nowhere to go after they fight off the Templar Knights and Prester John next season.
Well his daughter is still around and can tell people Jingim is a cuck.
Was that hooker Ahmad fucked supposed to be his mom? They were basically the same age.
Also, that scene with Ahmad getting pegged. What did they mean by this?
i literally have no idea what's going on half the time because i don't remember anything from s1 and i can't keep track of all the gook names
the blind monk banter is the only funny part. the fighting is really amazing, but it's just too good for me. i'm too much of a pleb to watch this show
So correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it weird that all the Christians in the show are C*tholic? Wasn't the type of Christianity popular in the east at that time Nestorian Christianity which didn't acknowledge the P*pe?
It wants to be both. It's fun enough to watch but isn't completely mindless and full of plotholes, so I'll allow it.
The Mongol Christian got converted by fucking Prester John so they're not exactly going for a historical portrayal of Christianity.
Ahkamahd fucked his mom.
Ahkamahd has unusual sexual domination fetishes due to his fucked up life
There's like fifty different christian sub genres, you actually expect people to keep track of the minute differences?
pics or webm please
The Pope is a pretty big difference, especially considering the politics of the series.
Indian teen sees a half naked whore humming the tune his mother wrote for his son, who is him. Not much to see there.
Indian man gets tied up in a chest harness by his Chinese concubine and is implied to be pegged by her (no money shot). Not much to see there.
Not worth my time to make any.
>The Mongol Christian got converted by fucking Prester John
Well he was meant to be the head of the Nestorian Church. It's just fucking stupid that the show thinks any eastern Christians would give two fucks about the p*pe.
>gets tied up in a chest harness by his Chinese concubine and is implied to be pegged by her
If you're into that. I've stucka finger up my ass before. not my thing
>Early Christians
>Not caring about the Pope
Back in those days the Pope was regarded as high a Jesus, as a direct representive of God on Earth. It's only later on did the illusion unravel thanks to all the big powerhouse countries playing politics with the position.
No, the Papacy was specific to Catholicism which was itself specific to Western Europe. Other branches like Orthodox and Nestorian Christianity popular in the east did not recognize the Papacy at all.
eww gross, i hopw you washed your hands.
1. The 13th century are not "early Christians"
2. Nestorianism was considered heresy by Rome, so the idea that they cared about what the Pope said is self evidently nonsense.
Nah I licked it then rubbed my eyes with it.
What this show is:
> a refreshing change to all the same settings on tv
> fun action scenes
> waifu material
> beautifully shot
What this show isn't:
> written well
> historically accurate
> friendly to white people
> purposely funny
I'm disappointed at how much they toned down the sex in S2.
>Kublai goes into Mei's room drunk to fuck her
>pulls down her top
>no tits showing
There's also a lot more scenes where it's after sex and they're already fully clothed or that awful close up one when Ahmad is into that BDSM shit.
>friendly to white people
Marco is Mary Sue
Didn't Kublai invade Vietnam and Japan and get BTFO of both places?
In the show he's apparently focused on invading West even though historically by this point the western parts of his empire are virtually independent entities.
Didn't they recognize the Pope as the Patriarch of Rome?
I thought Easterners typically had that view of all the patriarchy are equals while Rome insisted the Roman patriarch was the head because Jesus gave the keys of heaven to Peter.
>Didn't they recognize the Pope as the Patriarch of Rome?
That's Orthodox Christianity
It does some of the major historical points of Mongolian culture correct though, like generally being open to different cultures once they've properly conquered them, respect for family and other tribes, unless you go apeshit on warring with them, and the growing chasm between nomadic mongols and chinese mongols. It simply takes -extreme- liberties with every other detail
So what's the deal with Prestor John? Is he like pic related or did the Mongols in those camps he visited die?
And what was the sin the Christian Prince did?
This series has amazing scenery and the actor who plays Kublai is great, but maaaaan they gotta work on the writing. At least Kublai and his wife have a good relationship.
Mary Sue never invented the trebuchet
>And what was the sin the Christian Prince did?
He's a pedophile
He was a pedo. That's why Ahmad was selling the little girl to him.
>making the only Christian in thousands of miles the pedophile
There are Jewish writers for this show isn't there?
His whole tribe is Christian
Well it was before he was "reborn". He was actually not a bad guy, Achmed had to tell him Kublai was torturing little girls to get him to side with them.
I forgot, why does Ahmad want Kublai dead?
If I recall it's because he killed his mother's husband and raped her to make him right?
You find out mid-way through the season. He basically comes across his mother in a whore-house without knowing it's her (he think she's dead), fucks her, then realizes it afterwards.
He wiped out his village, killed his father, and it turns out this season Ahmad accidently fucked his mother.
>cucking jenkem
>the mom makes it happen
>Kublai finds out and says it's okay because his wife starts crying
He fucks his mother in a flashback.
Ackmed wants to be the Khan, even though there's less than zero chance he'd ever get to inherit the position.
His backstory confused me. Was the whore he slept with his mother? If so why did he kill her?
also, who /hundredeyes/ in here?
>He fucks his mother in a flashback.
Yes? That's why I said "it turns out this season Ahmad accidently fucked his mother" since that flashback is in this season.
Yeah 100Eyes is pretty based.
>give the monk tea
>fuck that I ain't no Buddhist, I'll take wine
>Was the whore he slept with his mother? If so why did he kill her?
Because he slept with her, and couldn't deal with the fact she'd been turned into a whore
Was being a pedo a sin back then? I thought it was normal to marry off kids to older men. I thought he raped a bunch of nuns when he admitted of his sins to the Pope.
There's a difference between marrying 12 year olds and pre-marital molestation of 9 year olds
>Was being a pedo a sin back then?
Prepubescent for sure
>Get your horde out of my kurultai
>get your kurultai out of my horde
So for Christians was Muhammad in the clear since he was married to his 9 year old before dicking her?
>The Khan is super pissed his adopted son betrayed him.
>The prince is super pissed his wife in labour wanted Marco instead of him.
>Everyone in the room suspects they have an affair.
>Based Bayan joked Marco is probably boiling water.
>Walked away unsacthed.
The absolute madman.
depends if he dicked her before puberty
do I look like a theologist to you??
>historical political drama with warrior monks, ghost crusaders, fucking every 10 minutes
>doesn't like it
alright user
I like how this battle turned in to Dynasty Warriors. Complete with mini-bosses.
This triggered me. Everyone else had no trouble piercing European mail but then this dude comes along and reminded everyone how chain mail properly works for a minute.
>it reacts like plate armor
>Kills 20 different guys slicing through their chain-mail like butter. Suddenly this guy is wearing mithril
>That's not fucking pious, heathen.
He was the only one who Deus Vult'd properly, so God blessed his Chainmail with +85 defence
>series is named Marco Polo
>Marco Polo is the most boring character
lol this show is trash and ran out of writing material quickly.
The only scene that interested me was the horse chase scene on the mongolion steppes in twilight.
That was it.
when he said suck my cock in that voice i lost my shit
The show is not historical accurate we get it
chill out autists
enjoy the based matrix monk and christian teleporting army
>Deus Vulted properly
>Didn't put his coif on before putting his helmet
>Got his neck crushed for his mistake
A real Deus Vultician would've worn his armor properly and BTFO that DEX build monk.
>implied to be pegged by her
oh yeah im sorry did the squishy anal sound not give it away?
[chewing noise]
>friendly to white people
how many shows/fims do we have which spout nigger and gook casually
cant handle "round eyes" a coupe times white boi
he said it was a technique he knew about i dont think he claimed to the khan it was his idea
he is a spectator of greater people in terms of the show mechanically
if you think about it marco is just getting his dick wet 70 percent of the time doesnt have much development apart of trebuchets and daddy issues
Australian? yeah lol
Yes, hence the remark in my OP lol
I love the actor though
> Where's he going?
> To the Kurultai.
> Well you gotta go fetch my Khanate.
> Fetch your Khanate? We're not in Karakorum anymore, you better watch who you talk to like that.
> Kublai! KUBLAI! Round eyes came into my camp, disrespected my whole clan because somebody ratted them out! And you now what? IT WAS YOU!
What was the ending about? Prester John? Was he an actual character back then?
Not sure myself honestly. Why is the camp abandoned but not decimated? Are the christians still a ways away or something? If they are why didn't they rally to fight at that camp? If not, how did they arrive there and see no christians?
mostly believed to be a legend