Ehg has a fucking gun edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>If I was a girl complaining, you'd all try to help me :)
That is all.
Requesting adult Yin doing the one finger challenge.
Well said. The people that tried to help her, she pushed away.
Requesting the modified PPG (oppai-loli Bubbles, wide hipped, thick thighed bubble-butt Buttercup, and Futa Blossom) going to the beach, with Bubbles wearing a microkini, Blossom wearing a Monokini, and Buttercup wearing a sling bikini.
taking requests
Nigga nobody ever tries to be friendly with her at all. I could count all the times I've seen someone respond to her positively on two hands.
Could you draw the army of two striking a pose?
A cleric purifying a demon with sex
A full viking longship with legs chasing down a bus full of tourists
I learned from my mistake, trust me.
>helping someone because shes a girl
no, I only tried to help her because she reminded me of a close friend who had depression.
requesting you to disappear again and post "taking requests" in the next thread
If you're taking requests:
Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before
Please and thank you. God bless
happy holidays!
eat banana
Hello. Nice to meet you
new phone who dis?
ride anons dick.
requesting her taking a veiny demon cock up her ass
it happened again ... damn ...
>hey hero.
>i've got time. do you have time?
>fite me bruh. in the end we wanted to do that for a while, huh?
oh wow ... you actually think i could keep up? i thought you were joking with me. but i cant draw any fast today ...
and we should be atlewast a little bit calm and peaceful around christmas, haha
That's my point, if people helped people just because they were female, Bawble wouldn't get shat on nearly as much. Women don't have everything given to them, contrary to Chris'belief, just as men don't.
it me, sin.
Greenskins aren't people
What have I become....my sweetest friend...
>Camilla wearing a winter theme bikini
there ya go, and here's another version
>what are you planning? are you going to say something mean after all this flatter and destroy my little heart
hiro, would u marry me xDDDDD ^^
>friends with Chris
future opinions disregarded
well duh... there orcs.
it's ironic....?
I think
Can someone draw me a nazi officer but instead of a face he has a bar of soap.
not feelin lewds today :/
It had to be done
dont cry, brother.
you have lost me.
Thank you, Popop
>sweetest friends
You have low standards for friendship.
damn, too bad.
but you're probably right.
my b
taking requests?
draw lewds popo. I will teach you programming.
May I open request more thicc bastion?
I guess you've got a good point.
I shouldn't spam so much, I just wish I could rest my head. But i'm just a disturbed person.
Please prove me wrong sooner, than later. i'm sorry.
@4:14, after how quiet the song is... it just ends fucking good with that loud album closing notes.
Also yeah, if we ever meet up in person, i'll give you a blowjob if you want one, and that offer won't expire until one of us is dead.
Alright. I'm leaving.
>excited and confused
that doesn't sound like a bad thing ;)
good song good band
my 2 favorite drawfags hugging :,)
no one would want a bj from you, you got ugly face.
fuck outta here already
If its:
"Headless (anything)"
"Girl standing next to a nude boy"
I'll pass
lmao no im not him. I want you to dress up like your favorite fictional character
I love it thx
Request female Salazzle and female Heliolisk in hot lesbian action
i got u fam
Are you taking lewd requests?
Try & draw Bugs Bunny!
Hi negros
You can, but don't expect too many results.
>hiro, would u marry me xDDDDD ^^
i always knew it would happen ... you wont joke about it, righty?
aww, i got a hug ... yay! sry ... was a hard week. little sleep and hard decision ... and its getting much harder to get excited for a fight when youre always so nice and fun around
but you like all the cute girls right? i can be a little kind of a keeper ... poka knows about it
I mean, I've already tried to kill myself by gun and it just... doesn't work.
Maybe somewhere in the realm of a couple 40mm shell shot from an autocannon, but that's pretty difficult to come by. Especially as a handheld weapon.
Don't kill yourself man.
There are better things to do.
Nah. Don't kill yourself. Just live.
but you are a guy. That doesn't work that way.
>doesn't work
?????? the fuck were you doign to fail?
...did it fire?
Naw, not for real mate. Entity was holding this kind of contest where the last person to kill their selves... Uh, I forget the rest.
nother banana sweetheart
The daily troubles of a man with sharks for hands
looks like poxzi asf
That sounds like a very dangerous contest...
Chris should be entered in a bleach & cyanide drinking contest.
nah i don't like all the cute girls, my ex was a cute girl and she wasnt cool >=( i also like cuties like wofl :P
you're an idiot. there is something like sparring.
no need for anyone to die. also, i'm fine as long as you don't use silver. y'know. werewolf things.
hah gay :^)
>] It's only because of my protocol, really.
>] I have to do everything in my power to keep this thing alive. No way to circumvent something that hard coded as far as I've considered.
Yep, it's because SKIT.
He left.
Stop acting butthurt and enjoy the thread.
...you were speaking in character
you can go further than that
Who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?
Death you shall have then.
Burial beneath a swarm of happy puppies
>] And in case you're not aware yet, I'm a separate being from Shadow. In a way, anyway.
Are you positive he left? He could be lurking & laughing at your assumption, for all you know.
That's alright. I just wanted to try.
That's a spicy meme
excuse drawong skills im drunk as shit
requests plox
Get comfy with a fire and a hot drink. Relax a bit
Get naked and yell about government secrets.
drink fancy drink by the fireplace
Drink with me
>underage drinking
Who let you drink young lady?
Modz plz
nuh, i'd rather die a slowly and painful death
nuh, and i'm going to sleep probably, i have da fever and all..
ahhaha it was all a prank bruh !!
wedding is unpure, i ain't doin that,
and i'm sick, i dun wanna make u sick as well >///< kya baka onichan teehee rereoreoroeoroer