
best taste on Sup Forums coming through edition

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Whats up nikka

hello friends, recs appreciated

here's the worst taste on Sup Forums

shocking blue

I'm here for recs

you mean best taste?
i like this chart but i dont know what to rec mang, sorry


I was going to call you a poseur but this isn't that bad.
Prokofiev - Vision Fugatives

The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute
I'd go in a general modern classical direction but don't have anything specific to rec you since last thread.

This is plebby but honest.

I'd advise you to stop lazyposting but anyway here's some obvious ones:
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
Fuzz Evil - Fuzz evil
Brainticket - Cottonwoodhill
More of a mixed bag, but you might like some tracks off Coredelay - Sleeping Chamber Music
Midori - あらためまして、はじめまして、ミドリです。

Good to see you back.

my favorite album is reading descriptions of Ceres and Calypso in the Deep Time
Jane - Berserker
That background is sick and I like your taste, but I dont really have any recs
Major Organ and the Adding Machine

if you haven't heard it already, 'A Wizard, a True Star' is another great Todd Rundgren album

Doopees - Doopee Time
Grouper - The Man Who Died In His Boat

Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica

Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun

Love - Da Capo

Never realised how much Perfect From Now On looks like Building Nothing Out of Something lol, Broke is one of my favourite songs of all time, really like your taste user

Harlem River Drive - Harlem River Drive

Fuck Buttons - Tarot Spot
Jon Hopkins - Immunity
Bvdub - A Careful Ecstasy
Julia Holter - Ekstasis
Julianna Barwick - Call
Maurizio - M Series

Please rec me some good stuff

So did you listen to An Electric Storm yet?

Pascal Comelade
John Bender
White Noise

Ann Steel
Sayonara Ponytail

>open wide
El Jesus De Magico
The Dead C

damn son I could drive a truck through those spaces
Natalie Rose Lebrecht

Ann Steel
Alessandro Bosetti

Mark Mothersbaugh

Circulatory System

When Luke lazyposts and it's ok

xusosis is a cunt



Listen to Annie Fischer's Beethoven sonatas

Barkmarket - Vegas Throat

It's a Beautiful Day - It's a Beautiful Day

wtf is this arrangement
Harald Grosskopf - Oceanhear
tBrainiac - Electro-Shock for President
Peter Wolf Crier - Garden of Arms

21st century schizoid man - king crimson
sheriff of Hong Kong - captain beefheart

Th Physics House Band- Horizons/Rapture
gr8 taste

Good night and good morning and good day

Graham lambkin


Molly drake

In need of some experimental recs.

A pleb in need of some recommendations.

Listen to Steve Monite - Only You
particularly the title track and Things Fall Apart



Vallium Aggelein - Hier kommt de shwartze mond
The Radio Dept - Cling to a scheme
Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
Mississippi John Hurt - Today



You seem to know a lot so I recommend you these bands as you probably don't know them, they are from Poland.

Built to Spill - Perfect from Now On

Wire - 154

Skalpel - Skalpel