ITT: films that have to be remade with an all-female cast.
ITT: films that have to be remade with an all-female cast
The Full Monty,
Magic Mike
kill yourself pathetic cuck
All Quiet on the Western Front
Band of Brothers would be pretty dope as String of Sisters
World War 2 movies in general are far too male dominated, Saving Private Ryan should be rebooted with an all female cast.
dude, it's already have a remake/prequel with a female lead character. Don't you dare to forget Elizabeth Winstead ever again.
I'd actually be OK with this just for the inevitable porn.
the monster would be a superfluous addition, they'd all end up killing eachother anyway.
I agree, user. I also think WWII movies are too white, they should do them with a more diverse female cast
This one would be great desu, imagine all the broads turning on each other in two seconds
I seriously wish they would start doing War movies with women only, who are the true victims of war
Die Hard
Actually. YES. Immediately. Do this now.
But have men on the Norwegian chopper. Or rewrite it so all the men go to the Norway base but don't come back. Needs to also be realistic.
you guys know this film is all about gay panic, right? it's begging to be remade about lesbian- or trans-panic instead
12 angry men
Gay niggers from outer space, you plebs.
>2 1/2 hours of watching women weep between rape sessions
>all about gay panic
wut. It's based on a short story.
In the same way that Blade Runner was based on a short story.
He's being a transphobic, ignore him.
Cast it.
Brokeback mountain
it would unfortunately be just another ass and titties bait movie and they already remade that a year ago i think
No, only the allies are diverse.
The Nazis are cishet white male trump-supporting christians.
Aly Michalka as Bodhi, Jane Levy as Utah
Lawrence of Arabia
Dirty Harriet
Carol the Barbarian
Jenny Maguire
Meet Josephine Black
Belle & Tessa's Excellent Adventure
Edwina Scissorhands
Full Metal Jackie
The Nuns of Navarone
Janes, Trains and Automobiles
The Netball Diaries
Close Encounters of the Bird Kind
Training Bra
Natural Born Knitters
Literally came here to post this.
Lol Wombstone.
>The Thing
>all female cast
You know what? Do it. For the porn alone.
I never realized how much it looked like they were having a loving embrace on the cover before.
it's just a question of time until these happens
Apart from the contrivance of all female research base it doesn't really have any problems.
It's a pretty non gender story. Group of people who are being picked off by a monster.
I like this line of thinking. But they would probably get landwhales for full monty
The Revenant
ghostbusters ;^ )
My Dinner With Andrea
this senpai
it's not 'based' on a short story, it's Carpenter's reimagining
Brokeback Mountain desu
Set in today's forward thinking, progressive and liberal era
nuke anyone who attempts this
Saving Private Rihanna
i can see it now
>Martin Trayvonson has been accused of robbing a store and killing the cashier
>its up to a multicultural group of female jurors to prove he dindu nuffin and it was all a set up by the town's racist police force
>the women are all turning into dickgirls
>every time one of them gets raped, she turns into an evil dickgirl too
>blood test scene is replaced by them being forced to take their pants off at flamethrower-point to make sure they all still have vags
Boogie Nights
I wouldn't mind watching a bunch of female soldiers getting blown to pieces
You pretty much have to have a 'diverse' jury in crimal prosecution nowadays anyway.
You're probably right though, stuff like finding reasonable doubt in the prosecutors presented evidence would be lost on today's audiences.
I wish. Masked women are my fetish
brienne of tarth actress as the Terminator
Talk to me, Mother Goose
Triumph of the Will
Citizen Kane IN 3D
An actual use for the Thing, too. Which bird is the first to volunteer to be the guy whose chest turns into a mouth?