Are the protagonist suppose to be an "anti-hero"? I really hate this show. These girls are fucking scum. I never feel pitty for them.
Are the protagonist suppose to be an "anti-hero"? I really hate this show. These girls are fucking scum...
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>I never feel pitty for them.
I don't think you're supposed to pity them OP
The one with the tits sounds very depressed.
We can laugh AT them for being horrible people. Like Seinfeld or It's always sunny in Philadelphia.
Anway, I sort of liked the first few episodes, when they actually seemed to be broke.
Why are there no comedies dealing with soul-crushing poverty that drives people to extremes?
Here. A taste of people making the the lower class suffer.
That cashier chick is so damn adorable, would marry.
what a horrible bitch
So basically blacks can't into civilized society?
This lady is white-ish.
Polite society exists only when citizens have a healthy respect for the implied threat of violence. Since blacks have more to fear from their gorilla neighbors than they do from white people or the police, they have no manners.
I think the main problem is that violence and actually any normal human to human communication and interaction has been outsourced to the government or other entities.
For example, you can't even have a normal fistfight, you can't "settle things among yourselves" on any level, from romantic to intellectual to physical, without a third party being involved. So people have turned into obnoxious rules lawyers and tattletales, instead of decent human beings.
My god, her face is so fucking perfect
Where did the root of the threat start?
Yeah dude, the state's got a monopoly on violence and definitely doesn't like its citizens enacting it without their blessing. It's amazing how soft and passive-aggressive the modern American male is. There are so many irredeemably douchey "men" who act like complete assholes to people they don't know because they've never taken a good beating, or believe violence only happens in the movies.
Though I'd prefer it otherwise, I do take some pleasure in teaching.
The existence of other people is the base of the threat. Two ways to solve a problem: words and violence.
>Polite society exists only when citizens have a healthy respect for the implied threat of violence.
That's a meme spread by the pro guns folk. Politeness comes from an understanding of morality, not from fear of retribution. If the only reason you don't spit on that homeless guy is because there's a chance he might snap and ruin your day then you're not a very civil person.
Being polite does not equal being a good person.; Being polite is about making the people around you comfortable, the reason you do that is to reduce the idea that violence may come out. Listen, man, you exist in the safest society the world has ever known, if you think the implied threat of violence hasn't dominated every part of our species continued existence, then you need to get outside. Literally EVERYTHING we do is adversarial: law, relationships, business -- everything
>wtaching this show for the plot and not for the gigantics titties of Kate
then why do you watch it?
>if you think the implied threat of violence hasn't dominated every part of our species continued existence, then you need to get outside. Literally EVERYTHING we do is adversarial: law, relationships, business -- everything
t. aspd
I know well how safe our world is compared to the past, I don't need to hear your patronizing "explanation" of common sense, but this doesn't change the fact that politeness or rather civility is what naturally follows from being a good person. Consideration towards someone else's wellbeing normally comes from some sort of empathetic understanding of their mental state, it's a natural aversion because people who aren't psychos feel bad when they see someone else feel bad. You can argue that if someone is pretending to be polite it still counts as being polite because the end result is the same regardless of intent and I might agree but if the only reason you're polite to someone is the threat of violence than it follows that you'll act like a savage when put in a position of power. I don't think the everyman is like that, we don't live in some sort of victorian era where there's a huge schism between outwards behavior and inner self.
I wanted to watch a show one night that had comedy. I went to the webhosting sites and filters all comedy tv series then sorted them out for most watched tv series. This one was among the top 5
best i got to be honest
4 free
Yeah, have that one, wish she'd show it off more. Thanks anyway!
Why did you delete the pics of the big titted actress? which rules is it breaking my unpaid friend?
>I don't think the everyman is like that
That's exceptionally naive, the whole of society is no more than 3 missed meals away from complete anarchy. The average person is entirely self-interested, but they're outwardly polite because it costs them nothing. It's not that people are faking it, but it doesn't cost them anything to be polite. That's the whole point: being a good person doesn't make you polite. You can smile to everyone and say "hello, how are you?" easily enough when it doesn't cost you anything, but to respond to an asshole with courtesy and aplomb is actually being polite. That's when it matters most, and that's when the implied threat of violence matters.
God/////i would love to just smell her.
She must have such a nice vinegary smell to her underboob area, extending all the way to her armpits.
Get out
Get your aspd checked user, it's prudent to be aware of power dynamics but perpetually thinking about violence is no way to live your life, especially when the society we live in is not as resource scarce as to force people to backstab each other out of necessity and promote a cutthroat mentality. Psychopaths are said to be only 1% of the population and I'm inclined to believe it. The average person is self centered but consideration of others is part of their self centeredness, because normal people feel bad when they hurt people who they believe don't deserve it, people have a natural inclination to avoid doing things that cause them to feel guilty or dishonorable. I don't know what caused your worldview to warp like so, do you work in a corporate environment?
there are much worse pirates in these waters than psychopaths.
I don't think we're having the same conversation, user. Starting to suspect we never were.
>implying politicians who, crave power over others, compulsively lie, order people murdered, and have promiscuous sex lives aren't clinically sociopathic
you might have a point
God, I love that thing where girls with pale skin have pink soles