>today's my birthday
>none of my friends or family wished me a happy birthday
>only person to acknowledge it was my birthday was my severely depressed neighbor
>my best friend for 22 years decided go to his gf of 2 months party over visiting me for my birthday
>while walking my dog he collapsed while drinking water
>took him to the vet
>they basically said he's getting too old and they probably give him about two more weeks to live
>I've had him for 13 years
>someone broke my car window while at the vet
>when i finally got back to my apartment it turned out my neighbor had committed suicide
>so how's your day going?
Today's my birthday
Other urls found in this thread:
sucks to be you
I'm great!
Well, happy birthday anyway.
At least it's not one of those days where you go on Sup Forums and make random shit up, right?
>The 20/12 was my bday.
>My parents got me a bottle of Rum .
>Got drunk on the beach.
>Went home
>fapped with my gf via skype
>ive also bought a few new books
>shit was cash.
Wtf?! Happy Birthday bro.
Happy birthday user
what did you get?
post pic of your neighbor hanging with a timestamp then we can talk.
Happy Birthday user!
Sorry to hear that, life is short. Make the best of it. Spend the day doing all the things you like or just ordering some food and chilling doing what you love. Happy Birthday hopefully next years will be better, you gotta meet better friends and people.
I keked
happy birthday op
Op again, i didn't really know much about my neighbor, but i try to at least talk to all my neighbors. I expected him to do it eventually just wasn't expecting today.
Also im just spending the rest of the day cooking food, and hanging out with my dog. I want him to be as good as i can for him for the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for the happy birthdays.
Glad you had a nice birthday man.
instead of complaining about how shitty life is why don't you be someone that people find interesting. You'll probably have friends that care then.
Happy birthday user, it's my birthday too today, how old are you. Sorry you had a real shitty day, people are cunts. That's v sad about your doggo but 13 years isn't bad, at least he had quite a long life. What breed is he, got any pics?
Have a pepe for your birthday
What books did you buy nerd
Hi user
It's not that my friends don't care, they always think my birthday is the 23rd for some reason. And i usually don't complain, just today was a weird day.
Im 27 and he's a rottweiler black lab mix
here is some porn.
>woke up today
>breathed in the fresh winter air in this lovely weather
>lived life
>logged on to Sup Forums
>saw this depressing thread
>logged on Sup Forums
Nice try buddy
>Implying your birthday is any more special then any other day
Wew lad special snowflake alert
my birthday is tomorrow.
im a lonely severely depressed fucking loser. have no real friends. have no family that cares about me. have no job. have no money. have no drugs. have nothing and am going to get nothing.
Better than yours
You get another day on this earth.
Just make tomorrow better than today.
Happy Birthday user.
I drew a picture of us celebrating.
Sorry it looks like shit.
only trap porn will make this user feel better
>real friends
Ah, so you're one of those fags that say "lol goys I mean, I have friends, but they're like, all fake"
Well OP, the universe always balances itself out. So don't go around feeling self pity. You are being tested. Pass the test, universe will balance.
Happy Sup Forums day faggot
Aw thanks man.
my bestfriend is a girl that literally talks to me whenever we happen to bump into each other. we dont meet up irl and she ignores my text unless she is hopelessly fishing for compliments. it is very one sided
no wonder the dogs gonna die. You either overfed or never exercised the thing
That's all fur man, he's actually really skinny. And i walk him every day, I've been doing so since i was 15.
stop crying fags, no one has remember my birthday since im 13, now im 18.
fuck you
doesn't sound like a best friend to me
Happy birthday you're not dead yet don't be sad fgt love u from Sup Forums
my bestfriend.
she calls me her bestfriend just so i wont decide to kms but really im just some fucking dweeb with a crush on her
nice ol' dogger. Give him a hug from me. I hope you enjoy the time you have left together. Remember, it's the right thing to do what's best for him: pets are not there for our entertainment. Just be happy he had a nice guy to spend his life with. Many animals don't.
And happy birthday.
Here's a hamster snuggling with a miniature kitten for your trouble.
this is a fucking lie
happy birthday OP
brutal, sorry to hear that
>1st world problems