Worst band photos ever

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how can george jr. look so much like his father, yet still be ugly? doesn't make sense

This one is unbeatable

What about best band photos ever?

damn, didn't know penn jillette was in weezer

no wonder these guys wrote such depressing music, look how fucking ugly they are

This one is iconic

koz looks like a straight fucking rapist here


>implying he secretly isnt

you just know...

That's a great album cover and the band looks cool as fuck



every photo of manic street preachers after everything must go

The flash ruins it completely, makes their faces look too bold

I fucking love that cover.

lmfao /thread

Good cover, but the photo doesn't do the band members justice at all

Now where's that absolute horseshit AnCo one?



there are no bad pictures of dead grabs


Almost every picture of weezer is a bad one

I refuse to believe these men dressed themselves on whatever day this photo was taken.


is that a fucking monkey?

don't talk about pete wentz like that

oh god


thats not what op asked for you fucking faggot

>you're taking the D train to brighton beach to meet some girl cheating on her boyfriend and these guys stop you
>what do?


i didnt know seth rogen played in a band

So awkward

they got so much money

jonny is flamin' gay in this photo

so gay


wtf I always thought it was a painting, the guy second to the left doesn't even look real

thats homophobic...






There's the one where Andy has retarded Matrix sunglasses, Zach's hair is blowing like he's in a shampoo commercial, and Stefan has some weird head-hair and a deer-in-headlights stare

ill look at this when i wake up


post it

Really makes you think...

I guess I was speaking like This Heat was some hot shit when I was just name dropping the whole time???

*teleports behind you*

$10 this was all navarro's idea

and yet Mark slept with countless women over his life

really makes one ponder

This looks like how black people edit photos and turn the clarity all the way up, plus it was a flash photo too. Great album though and still a good photo that fits the album.

That's heroin chic at its finest, son.

Imagine the stench

80's trap thread

I'd fuck young Thom

Well This Heat is hot shit, or else it would be called This Cold...


Because it looks like he hasn't had a shower since 2011

How did Mike Love still look like a 50 year old man back then?

Some of the best tbqhwy. The rest are genuinely shit though

I fucking hate this one so much. What the fuck is the guy with the tie doing?

his best

They shouldn't both have queen shirts on.

>two people wearing a shirt for the same band

This is awesome they look like fucking ghouls

Just look at them

dunno, but their sound does fit their image


Finding a good photo of Oasis, especially the original line-up, is near impossible

this. it must have been distributed to everyone around the table at the 'create the strokes' board meeting.

no wonder they're called radioHEAD

they're attractive

Jesus tittyfucking Christ I need to dip my eyeballs in holy water after seeing Rob Fripp.

Me second to right

>how black people edit photos

would've posted but can't remember the band. its a picture of all of them against a wall or something and one of them has his dick out. pretty sure fully erect. might even be an album cover iirc.

literally rogen


kek. yup

holy jeez why does he look like that

im scottish and that that kilt makes me want to be english

is this queen?

>when Radiohead still had female members

Pablo Honey is the shit

Has Noel Gallagher ever taken a good picture?

strange that thom looks better as he gets older

Down's syndrome is a hell of a drug.

You can almost see the difference in nutrition between generation

>wait, let me strike a pose to show how sad and timid I am
what a tool

No, they're just northerners.