So, does Adult Swim just not know that Sam Hyde is a sincere racist and antisemite? Do they think he's being ironic?

So, does Adult Swim just not know that Sam Hyde is a sincere racist and antisemite? Do they think he's being ironic?

Regardless, I hate this dumbass literal Red.ditor and can't wait for his shit to bomb.

Other urls found in this thread:

OP is a butthurt jewboy.
Go suck Tyrone's dick, cuckboy.

>racist; anti-semite

Well, he must keep a secret over on that "other" site.

The fact everyone seems to be a 'racist' these days shows your behind the times grandpa and it is the cool hip new thing.

>complaining about racism
>on Sup Forums
Are YOU being ironic now OP?

>thinks racist and antisemite are legitimate insults
>calls someone else a redditor

I think you're projecting there fellow.

Remove 1

D'aww is babby upset by somebody's style of humour? Would you wike a hugbox to be cuddled and hugged and coddled inside? Widdle babby's feewings be hurt by words and stuffs!

It'll be okay, widdle babby, no one can touch you hewe at 4 Chwan.

>I hate this dumbass literal Red.ditor and can't wait for his shit to bomb.

oy vey agreed it's 2016 for goyim sakes!

reddit leave

haven't heard this since my grandfather described him and his friends using it to refer to a kid at their school

>being a white creep

>Sam Hyde Defense Force telepathically senses someone criticising their teenage idol

Its impressive too when you consider this is literally all 5 of the people who consider themselves his fans

>being a reverse racist
Go find yourself a mate.
I'm sure there's a section for homosexuals.

I really enjoy the fact that leftists have spouted "racist" and "bigot" so much now that's virtually left the average person desensitized to those words giving the left the opposite effect they intended

mfw I can now find a jew with huge tits to marry


They need to put Sam in the writer's room for these two shows.

He doesn't have to actually write for the show: just inflict triggerings on writers and let Darwinism take its course.

I'm white though

Sam is a massive pussy who would get his teeth smashed in. I sent him an email challenging him to an amateur boxing mstch at my gym in Philadelphia after he was on some shitty podcast claiming he could beat anybody's ass. Naturally the pussy just responded with some post-ironic sarcastic meme response as a defense/coping mechanism to protect his fragile ego.

Ask him about it

>God's chosen people
>look like rats
How is this even possible? Someone in their heritage had to be a rat.

>I'm white though
Good goyim.


>I sent him an email challenging him to an amateur boxing mstch at my gym in Philadelphia after he was on some shitty podcast claiming he could beat anybody's ass.

Must have hurt when Spongebob never answered your letters, huh?

I hate Sam Hyde and Sup Forums but that Steven Universe shit is some hardcore numale indoctrination shit. Some family had it on while I was visiting. It's just "lol how cute and randumb xD redfinin masculinity xD":The Show.

Cant wait for all the edgelord comics that will pop up in a few years and make bank off of pissing fucks like you off by appealing to hip teenagers

>fuck capitalism fuck colonialism live collectively lol
>Madonna's a material girl in a material world and stockbrokers are ubermensch

Like clockwork


We hate them as much as you

Sam Hyde is in this thread RIGHT NOW!

Omg Sam I'm your biggest fan, but why suck Sup Forums's cock and not do new content like you promised to? You do know this e-celeb stuff is going to dry up, right?

Also you fugged up, Adult Swim will only have to receive one e-mail from a sjw and then it's ogre.

You know the character Steven was written to be like the Jewish brother of the creator?
And there is at least one lesbian relationship on the show as well as all manner of tranny analogue shit?

I feel like Sam does post in these threads, but he's the one that makes posts like these.

hi sam, can i suck you off?

not a tranny sorry

>16 y/o edgelords project their own racism/anti-semitism onto this worthless guy

if you would ask him about it he would just avoid answering because he's a coward

>says someone isnt white
>"Yes I am"
>still mad
>"Y-Yeah, well I disagree in my opinion"

Fuck off, I hate ironic Internet age Nazis as much as I hate ironic intetnet age Commies. Both are utterly shit tier

>16yo edgelords

Yep, this is the reaction against hyper sensitive 20somethings

Every generation tries to separate itself from the one before

Hi summer nigger!

Enjoy ur stay ;^)

I'm not Sam but if you can find me you can give me a BJ.

he cant get enough competent material together for a show, so its not going to matter

Explain, I have no fucking idea what the show is about other than it being referenced occasionally by autists in circles like le 4chainz.

From what I gather he's like some kid who was adopted by Amazons or superheroines or something? I couldn't make heads or tales of it other than it felt like some hipster bullshit made by retards from Portland and Seattle.


you some kind of a r-tard?

Been on constantly since 2007 after I discovered this EPIC webzone during chanology xD from ED.

I can still remember when Sup Forums was unironically countercultute iconoclastic marxists and anarchists.

I've seen some of his stuff but I don't know if what I'm watching is garbage or art

Please link me his best work

Yeah, that's not hot it works.

So from what I gather it's like...

There are these aliens called "gems" and a few of them live on Earth and protect them from evil gems that attack the Earth.
They don't have a sex but I think they almost exclusively choose to be like girls.
The Jewish Steven character is half-gem himself.

Two of the gems are a couple and morph into a composite character, kinda like in Dragonball. But when they do their morph dance thing one of them actually spreads her legs as the other enters her.

There are subreddits there that make /pol look a Tumblr rally

who else can't wait


This is how its obvious that you are a newfag

>So, does Adult Swim just not know that Sam Hyde is a sincere racist and antisemite? Do they think he's being ironic?
But he's being ironic, and you're the only idiot falling for it. What an incredibly stupid shit.

I get the feeling that these over-zealous liberal "SJWs" are a thing that has been exaggerated in the minds of certain people to having legitimate cultural dominance when they seem fairly fringe and limited to the internet.

I ironically talk about beating off to traps and wanting to fuck boipussy.

(Because secretly I actually beat off to traps and want to fuck boipussy.)

I fear for Gen Y

Because you're sort of no-true-scotsmaning them. I'm probably not using this correctly.

You're thinking that because everyone doesn't have their hair dyed bright red that normies don't subscribe to SJW values.

I will give you the twin examples of gay marriage and transsexual "rights."

If you go back and watch a 90s sitcom you'll still encounter plots of men being horrified that people might think they're gay and no one bashes them for being homophobic.

This gay marriage and tranny push is very recent and yet basically all normalfags, particularly women, will get you shit-canned from your job if you say something against it.

There's a few points that should be made here.
Sup Forums initially used to be quite anti-racism and were jokingly racists.
Two, Sam's stand up lacks structure, he could be funny if he put some more effort in.

Sam Hyde is the Homestuck of Sup Forums

No, he is 100% sincere about his nationalist political views, no retarded neo-nazi andy kaufman routine. He made a massive post on (wait for it) reddit where he outlined what is different between the "real" Sam Hyde and the MDE Sam Hyde. He legitimately is racist and antisemitic though he claims not to be. Also, he said refugees are turning Europe into a landfill

Ok, values change, but what is actually wrong with gay marriage?

lmao that you believed that post. you're the same as all the other morons

I consider myself a tolerant person but if I were a father I wouldn't let my kids watch Steven Universe. Seriously.

>no dude its all satire i swear xD


what post

>Thank you for watching another Jewish-Goldstein production

Refugees ARE turning Europe into a landfill, it's easy to dismiss it as "racism" when you're typing on your Macbook in a Starbucks in Commiefornia

I don't give a shit about gay marriage.
My point is that the left have a history of very successfully pushing the overton window. Making far-left into left and left into normal and normal into right-wing.
What SJWs push for is generally accepted by mainline left and centrist people in short order.
How often do you see anyone but politically incorrect, right-wing people pushing against the tide? Not often, right?
Even Bernie Sanders let Black Lives Matter loudmouths cuck him at his own rally.

I've watched it. It's harmless.

Sup Forums now is less racist than it was 10 years ago ironically in part cause of Sup Forums letting them all hang in one place instead of shitting up the other boards. Something which plebs for SRS and tumblr have never quite grasped, deleting Sup Forums would just give the whole site a dose of AIDS instead of just letting them play in their own playpen in peace and under supervision.

You don't see Pools Closed or Shoop Da Whoops etc. across every board now a days

Yes this "getting shit-canned for being homophobic" thing is very limited to popular press scandals and things like that.

>Sam Hyde is only pretending to be a nazi!

I love Archie Bunker even though Meathead is supposed to be the good guy. That left-wing writers made Archie much more likeable than Meathead makes it even funnier, right?

Imagine that you were insisting that people are fools for liking Archie. Your position would be one of weakness, you see?

It's like this with Sam Hyde. How many fans does he have that are lefties appreciating his satire of racists? Slim to none.
The people that like him take him as sincere to the point where this pizza faced guy is making money off of his work.

le irony maymays are redd*t tier humor, just because someone shifted the audience they pander to doesn't make it any less reddit on principle

Have you ever worked an office job or otherwise worked in an environment that contains women?
Just try being a low-key "Sam Hyde" in an office and see how long you keep your job, mate.
By low-key I mean casually say the things he does with a smile on your face. You will be shit-canned in short order.

>You don't see Pools Closed or Shoop Da Whoops etc. across every board now a days

yes, we don't see these decade-old memes because Sup Forums is less racist now

When's the last time you've saw a racist meme spammed the whole of Sup Forums?

Sup Forums sits and makes Trump memes all day now, the facts speak for themselves.

It'll never be good enough though for SJW's simply cause no one on this site really gives a fuck about pronouns etc. etc.

It's not even just racism. Try doing something like going to Sup Forums and pointing out how preachy some capeshit story is.

I feel like I heard about him supposedly getting a show on AS like 3 years ago. Is it really going to happen?

It's already happened.


o damn

In the context of being ironic or joking around? No I wouldn't.

Sounds like you weren't ready for the paradigm shift.

>Being a non-white subhuman

I don't believe it, but let's say you do work in the "unicorn office."
Do you really extend that to every office or even most offices? If so: I have to believe you're being dishonest because you at least have the brain power to post on an imageboard.

Even left-wing, Jew-run TV shows can joke about how pussified things are:

>When's the last time you've saw a racist meme spammed the whole of Sup Forums?

Blacked ironic shitposting is constant here

How fucking retarded is your nigger ass?

>this content is unavailable in you country
>I'm in america

What the actual fuck

I don't work in every office in the world, m8. Neither do you. However, making every woman in an office a humorless retard is unfair

>Even left-wing, Jew-run TV shows can joke about how pussified things are:


Man that archie bunker too dude. Totally shows how you can say whatever you want today

That's the thing about this culture, it doesn't even have to be that anyone, anywhere is genuinely offended.
You probably hear about this with Muslims all the time, right?

eg. Some Britbong school recently took a cross off of their logo so as not to offend Muslims.
I will bet you ten bucks that no Muslim actually complained about that.

Are things more or less like that now? You know I'm right or you've never had a job.

>Archie bunker too dude. Totally shows how you can say whatever you want today

I don't even understand what you mean here. But you know "All in the Family" was/is repeated much less than other TV shows from that time.

There's a reason for that: even though this show was meant to lampoon racists it became too politically incorrect to even broadcast the lampoon.

>Are things more or less like that now?
> it became too politically incorrect to even broadcast the lampoon.

Boy do I love cognitive dissonance

>I will bet you ten bucks that no Muslim actually complained about that.

My high school had an indian for our logo

Guess who lead the campaign to get rid of it? A half mexican teacher.

>being a nigger
Absolutely disgusting

I'm closer to 30 than 20 and I had to download "All in the Family" to see it because I don't think it has aired in my country in my lifetime.
Archie's language is unacceptable for network TV today even though it is meant to shame racists, not promote them.
I'm still not sure what your point is but we are muddling things, I think. I'll re-iterate my claim.

If you say politically incorrect things in an average workplace today you are in danger of losing your job because the Left dominate our culture.
SJWs are like harbingers or pioneers of Left culture and the mainstream Left do not resist them: they adopt their views in good time.

What things would be unacceptable to say?

>If you say politically incorrect things in an average workplace today you are in danger of losing your job


That post was 100% sam

>Sup Forums now is less racist than it was 10 years ago
Not really, we all did it ironically back then. How would you know, you were 4 back then.

You're using a logical fallacy to try to further an argument that doesn't matter. You can't change reality with mental gymnastics. This is why you will never amount to anything.

>Im closer to 30 than 20

So what, fucking 26? Wow dude

>In my country

So now your telling americans what qualifies as sexual harassment in VB america even though you dont live here?

All in the family still airs on tv in the us. But its on syndication on channels no one watches.

But that vid you posted as 'proof' that you can get away with being critical is 11 fucking years old and snl would never air something like that today.

He's right you know

Sam is literally posting on reddit

>I want speech limited!

Cant wait for trump to win

Free speech is bad amirite?

Let's see, try talking about...
Differences between the races that are not flattering to non-whites.
Differences between the sexes that are not flattering to women.
Diversity being proven to be a bad thing.

If you want freedom of speech stripped away I'm glad that you admit it. But please stop pretending I'm wrong.

>So what, fucking 26? Wow dude

Not sure why you're making a big deal of this. My point there is just that the show has been unacceptable for airing here for over 20 years because the culture became more left-wing and intolerant.

>So now your telling americans what qualifies as sexual harassment in VB america even though you dont live here?

I re-iterated my claim in the very post you're replying to. Please address my claim.

>But that vid you posted as 'proof' that you can get away with being critical is 11 fucking years old and snl would never air something like that today.

I'm not sure what your point is here. It sounds like you're agreeing with me.