ITT: Movies that aged like milk
ITT: Movies that aged like milk
Hi redit
>star wars
>star trek
>the thing
basically anything that tried to portray something that wasn't possible with the technology at the time
jurassic park for example holds up very well and some would say it even looks better than jurassic world
dis guy
Scott Pilgrim Vs the World isn't even 10 years old but it is so firmly 2009 it might as well have a timestamp in every scene.
>>the thing
No. That movie has aged beautifully.
that movie was already shit when it came out user
A clockwork orange
Most of Kubrick's films to be honest
Made me giggle IRL
>Implying it was good brand new.
>star wars
The original trilogy definitely. Looks like ass and the only reason people like it is nothing but nostalgia.
>the thing
I like that about it. It seems both so recent and so long ago that indie rock hipster shit was considered cool, now it's totally passe in so little time
The last half of Ghostbusters. I watched for the first time in years recently. The beginning was great but the ending felt way too rushed.
hi kids
The CGI on the animal life is early PS2 tier
>indie rock hipster shit
Honestly I don't think that much has changed. Sup Forums might hate indie rockers but the general public doesn't hate them.
Almost unwatchable
A rancid piece of self-important tripe that only gets more and more pretentious and unbearable as the years go by
American Beauty is probably the newest big offender.
Every Hitchcock film.
Pretty much every early special effects film. But especially King Kong.
Someone will probably say Indiana Jones or Breakfast Club or pretty much any 80s teenage flick but those were never good to begin with.
Avatar 2 CGI looks just as bad
Salutations reddit
the only thing that still looks good in Jurassic Park is the T-Rex in when it's raining, some of the raptor shots and maybe some of those long necked fuckers when they sneeze at the girl. Everything that's in the daytime and cgi looks like shit.
It's a movie that's designed to make teenaged plebs feel smart. It's just a godawful movie for anyone with even a semblance of cinematic taste.
I love this film, but you are still right to some degree. The characters talk about themselves and the themes of the story like a bunch of filmcritis on a podcast show.
Literally underage.
It's an ok superhero film with one really good performance and it was exactly that when it came out. If you thought it was anything else you're not only underage but stupid one to boot.
I still fucking love this.
I never liked the Nolan Batmans. They tried to make it gritty and grounded in reality when it's a film about a guy who dresses like a flying mouse and fights crime. It's supposed to be a bit silly, not deadly serious like those films were.
Did anyone else think the Robin Hood poster was Hunger Games before opening it?
Honestly yes. I don't know why I got so much praise at release. I guess the novelty of a kung fu epic was new to most audiences.
Dialogue isn't as naturalistic is it should be, but even Nolan at hiis most heavy-handed worst is still streets ahead of the sort of crap that passes for dialogue in most capeshit.
American beauty came out 17 years ago user.
You're the underage if you don't remember critics and fans praising as the second coming of Christ when it came out.
Your fault if you were stupid enough to do so or listen to tumblr "critics".
Robin Hood was always bad, it was just Alan Rickman who made it watchable.
>American beauty came out 17 years ago user.
Which is pretty much how long it takes for a movie to truly become a classic or age like milk.
Real critics liked it because it's a well made movie with one very good acting performance, while they didn't expect much of the movie.
Neckbeards on imageboards who voted The Godfather down so TDK could go up don't count. in the end Shawshank won because of all that bullshit
go away Sup Forumsmblr
from a dead cow