Why did Spain and Portugal make such shitty colonies...

Why did Spain and Portugal make such shitty colonies? Other countries like Britain and France made countries that aren't a drain on the world

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i pretend that africa and jamaica don't exist too

Mexico made the best colony.
guess where

We elected Trump idiot

dey took er goooulld

Which one is the good French colony?

Quebec. Mauritius

ignore guiyana too

if only the anglos had colonized us...


lol dumb americucks

Quebec isn't a country, it's part of an English ex-colony.

Mauritius is poorer and less developed than Uruguay.

>the worst colonies ever
i think you're referring to the french ones
>tfw frogs fucked spain's shit up so hard that caused the whole independence movement in the americas

Brazil was only good for plantations. That shothole would have been a nigger infested mess regardless of who colonized it

>implying Quebec counts when it was sorrounded by anglos

Why did USA make such shitty colonies?

France could've done a better job in Brazil maybe

because when uk reached north america there was nothing to really exploit so they settled there and created what they considered an extension to the empire, we on the other hand didn't consider our colonies to have the same status as the motherland (the uk didnt too but to a lesser extent) and simply used them as milking cows, also it's not like the uk and france did a better job in africa and france doesnt have a sucessful colony either canada doesnt count

>it would have been a nigger-infested place
not quite, if you or anglos had gotten there first it wouldn't have so many niggers. French and portuguese were particularly obsessed with bringing over shit tons of niggers for some reason.

you are just jealous because we expelled you like we did with the french and the dutch, aren't you? you wanted our gold too, right?

to what, squander it later? come on huehue man, chill out

Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA more than make up for whatever third world hellholes the Brits may have left behind

Even the third world Brit colonies are better off than Latin America. I've been to the Bahamas and it wasn't that bad

Why should I be jealousbof Brazil? You people are nice and your women are easy. Brazil was doomed to be a huge Haiti from the start

Still better than Equatorial Guinea
>whats Belgium
>what are USA
They tried but the Portuguese kick them

>Countries with less than half the population of India combined make it out for India
Kek. Btw most of the US was a Spanish colony

Spain was there first in all those places. So really, it's Spain's fault all those places are still shitholes.

But what Latam countries do you know? Because one could say the same about Uruguay or Chile, or even some specific parts of every country

Ecuatorial Guinea has a GDP per capita of 20k $

yeah, spanish are so dumb they couldn't keep their gold and """empire"""
I think their lack of intelligence was the main reason the arabs conquered them so easily

jealous of our gold in the past, dumb moor

its because of the weather, the places you mentioned have a climate similar to europe and were populated with whites (and a few slaves), on the other hand brazil had a diferente climate that could be used to grow shit that we couldnt in europe so we shiped the nigs to work

Why don't you count your country as a Spanish colony? Most of it was, you know?

Guatemala, El Salvador, and Bolivia are probably the poorest places in the Americas

Compare Belize to Guatemala. See what I mean?

Literally what?


What French colony became successful?

It's Haiti

>Compare Belize to Guatemala
Pretty fucking even. Guayana is literally the poorest part of the whole south American subcontinent

Looks like Norway to me

Actually the poorest country in the Americas(by far) is Haiti(an ex-French Colony).
LatAm is generally better than the anglo-caribbean or the African diaspora that the French left.

but then anglos came and made it a better place, if it wasn't by your shitty emperors that wasted money for shit that they even couldn't afford south america could have been a second 'Murica

to be fair, many variables played into the fall of the spanish empire, frogs screwing them over as well as the ideas of the revolution that spread throughout the americas contributed a lot, not to mention the interests criollos had back then, they didn't want to take orders from anyone. Some venancios and latame's have stated that if certain king had agree to create some sort of comonwealth things might have been different, to a certain degree, but the guy refused and made things worse.
>arabs taking over Iberian peninsula
well, they underestimated the sand niggers, they didn't count on how back-stabbing jews were back then also (and it isn't some conpiratory shit, jews helped muslims to accomplish their goal).

So in this timeline, does India exist?

Guatemala isn't even the poorest place in Central America

It's quite a complex question and there is no simple answer.

1.- Ethincally, soutamerican's are a mix cause both Spanish and Portuguese colonization also meant interbreeding with the natives, an inferior race with a mediocre result in terms of human quality and intellect.

2.- Politically, Sout American independance was the result of a complex process, but they were basically in favor of holding on to the old, pre french revolution regime... thus, missing out on all the political changes and positive tranformations of the 19th century in terms of political and social changes.

3.- Economically, there is white aristocracy (inmediate descendants of Spanish, Portuguese and Italians) that has held the reins of power since early 19th, and they have had no interest in sharing the wealth of the countries with the other 90% miserable.

4.- The US patronising policy towards SouthAmerica hasn't help either, for 2 centuries, supporting regimes and avoiding promoting real democracy.

Why people here don't look at the statistics of the colonies instead of looking at modern stats?

I mean... jeez, it isn't the fault of the "Motherland" if their ex-colonies fuck themselves after independence.

South America was pretty prosperous prior to independence. You people are just dumb and too agressive

>France made countries that aren't a drain on the world
Fucking what?

France is by far the worst colonizer. They made the worst country in the Americas and among the last ranked countries by HDI you'll find that most were French.

Quebec doesn't count, it's not even a real cunt.

Contrary to the Spanish and Portuguese, French and British empires war estructurally racist (no contact with locals in general terms) and based on economical and trade exploitation.

Domincan Republic and Haiti are a clear example of two ways of colonising. The island is cut in half and the are very very different.

The end result is that England basically exterminated all native, primitive colonies wherever they set foot and created an extension of the perfidious Albion, in North America or Oceania.

In 2060 whites will be a minority in the USA.

Have you read the Haiti history? basically black people killed all white people, afterwards they stabbed themselves to see who rules the country, and also this

>British empires war estructurally racist
Depends here. Since a lot of europeans, not from england since half the population was dying off on some shitty war, and the other half was too busy dying to starvation/disease, it was difficult to implement such racial structures.

The quakers tried to integrate/convert native americans, and even paid them for their land and since the fur trade was expanding massively during those times, it wasn't rare to see native americans/european communities intermingle. While in the south it was all about exterminating them.

many variables, yes, but it doesn't change the fact that they themselves digged their own hole

and the jews helped but didn't do everything on their own

We tried hard to make Mexico into not a shithole but the Americans told us no.

We made a shitload of half-castes, when we lost Indochina thousands of children were sent back to France.

Agree, but there was also the threat of other colonies revolting, not even going so far as a successful slave colonies gaining its independence, so haiti was made as an example. No countrie was allowed or interested to have any sort of deals with haiti at the time of its independence. So it wasn't that difficult to see a country like that going to shit fairly quickly for a long time.

France did basically the same thing with the Terreur tho.

we didn't rape and kill all the blacks

I meant you did the same thing towards your compatriots.

you can't compare


>british colonies

>french colonies

that French one is biased and incomplete

not surprised an american cocksock would post that kind of garbage though

>German colonies


>Die deutschen Kolonien

That's right Haitians didn't eat each other
>Pendant la Révolution française, lors de la prise des Tuileries le 10 août 1792, des actes d'anthropophagie ont été commis lors du massacre des gardes suisses et du personnel du palais. Lors des massacres de Septembre, des cas de consommation de foies humains et d'hémophagie (consommation du sang) sont également rapportés.

>Haitians didn't eat each other
Cannibalism and slavery are still a thing in Haiti

>That's right Haitians didn't eat each other

free handwork to plant Sugar Plants and to mine Gold.

>German colonies

How much Haitian Creole can the average French person understand?

>Portugal make such shitty colonies
Nice meme

Good Post

dunno man, 40-60% I guess, depends on the accent and the speed of locution, and if you're used to hearing it or not

Eastern Europe?

yes modern Germany is an eastern european colony

Luxembourg, too.

Because they race mixed

>many variables, yes, but it doesn't change the fact that they themselves dug their own hole

the eternal anglo strikes again

>implying countries where africans are majority won't end up like that
dude, any country where there's shit tons of africans will end up like that. Take haiti for example, they haven't got any drug issues or psychos getting guns like tacoland or colombia yet for some "strange" reason they managed to fuck things up big time, and the same happened in south africa, the moment blacks took over the country went to shit and never recovered.

>haitians still practice cannibalism
WUT? damn...just when i thought they couldn't be more degenerate....feeding upon the body of another human being, mother of god


You forgot Liberia

it's like the fourth time, it's getting a bit boring desu

that's just an extension of Detroit

>we on the other hand didn't consider our colonies to have the same status as the motherland

You're both right.

We didn't at first, then we did, then we tried not to again, but you guys got mad and left.

>ywn be a fancy handsome revolutionary smugly drinking the aristocracy's blue blood out of a cup like it's a cup of red wine
feels bad man

si je te croise dans la rue à dire des conneries comme ça je te défonce la gueule

France weak
Spain weak

UK stronk

really makes you think

are you retarded? 98% of Anglo excolonies are much worse shitholes than any Latam country... all of those African nations, India, Iraq, Papua New Guinea... Belice and Guyana are some of the poorest countries south of the US. South Africa has a worse HDI than Bolivia...

t. monseigneur aristide-venceslas baron du chateau de mes couilles

si je te croise dans la rue à dire des conneries comme ça je te guillotine

j'ai pas une goutte de sang bleu mais vous autres les "anti-fascistes" vous avez le génocide facile, les Vendéens s'en souviennent

Perú will try their best!

What does it make you think about?

peace, love and rock'n roll

holy shit please kys

ah non mais je suis pas anti-fasciste
c'est pas parce que tu fais un post sur la révolution que t'es anti-fasciste

ca fait déjà 200 ans que ca s'est passé on peut apprécier la période comme on apprécierait l'histoire ancienne
d'ailleurs il faudrait tourner la page, on dirait un juif, bientot 100 ans après l'holocauste et toujours a chialer

(et puis si on avait encore des nobles aujourd'hui je parie que ca serait les plus gros cocus du pays, comme les haut-gradés cathos)

Did you just misspelled kiss?

t'as raison, s'être fait massacrer les 3/4 de sa famille dans un génocide que l’état français refuse de reconnaître pour ne pas "salir l'honneur de la grande révolution", faut l'oublier.

Contrairement à ce que disait De Gaulle, les vrais français ont la mémoire longue.