I just puked again

I just puked again.

Daily reminder that if you really think whites are superior then you, my user friend, possess an inferior intellect.

I come daily to this shit website, so it's not that I am shocked by racist remarks or that I'm a sjw. They actually make me laugh (except Harambe, which is as funny as the fucking banana, i.e. not funny). So it's not that. It's just that if you really believe that blacks, or Mexican, or asians or any other so called race is inferior, then your understanding of the word is simplistic, false, and frankly stupid.

>inb4 The puking comment was not related
>inb4 I love this shit website but that's not the point
>inb4 you check your orthography
>inb4 sheeeeit

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Daily reminder that whoever smelt it dealt it

That's racist bro

You'll puke again when I shove my cock down your throat, faggot.

Op here. Yes, btw, for the puking I should really stop smoking.

Niggers are closer to animals than to humans.

I agree, no one's going to want to stick their dicks in something that smells like smoke.

if they're not inferior, why are they so fucking inferior?

Op here. This is one funny category of racists. That data driven racist. Main characteristic is got 30 a bunch of data and manipulating it to affirm their false beliefs ( or simply miss interpreting it)

This is another kind, this is what I think he call stupid. It's the kind of people that don't have the brains to understand social I'm geo political contexts and the weight of history. This is the same kind of people that deny that privilege exists and who take it personally when ever somebody tells them to check their privilege.

Inb4 dictating to the phone so if there's errors fuck you

Their are major differences in race both body and mind but I appreciate you trying to calm the waters.

>i'm too stupid to spell check on a phone
why should we take anything you say seriously if you're just going to end it with
'btw if i'm wrong or stupid ignore it'
White guys won. They won so hard they took over the god damn world. If that's not superiority rising above inferiority, you have no common sense and have no reason to be listened to.

There are*
not their
their = ownership

Still got the point across.

Op here. Not stupid, lazy, lazy to proofread.

Tfw you use simple terms as we won. How the fk do you "win".

By the way, you are probably poor, uneducated , or both. Because at the end, those are excellent breeding factors for racist thinking



>Daily reminder that if you really think whites are superior then you, my user friend, possess an inferior intellect
Oh the irony.

I agree. As a liberal, I find /b disgusting. The whole "scientific" sexism/racism kind of makes me puke.
>inb4 racial slur

why did you mention that you puked, anyway
it had no relation to the post

+5492227579158 This is my number

Fucking commie

cyka bylat privyet cheeky breeky

my russian friend says im good

Op here. I'm lazy so I womt search for more harwmbe pix.

First lookup irony in a dictionary

Second, that article seems scientifically solid and extensively peer reviewed ( by the way this is sarcasm not irony )

>Not making any real arguments

kk, now fuck off.

>the """"""""''''''''scientific community"""''''''''''''''''""
this nigga literally doubts all of schience

Your ruskie comrad prolly ebal tvoyu mat' too.

sorry, his mother is ukrianian and his father is Russian. my bad.

>True molecular science about DNA

Op here

Me it makes me laugh actually. But I do think that some people really believe it and I think those people are stupid

Hey op, can you at least admit that niggers exist in every race?

>donald trump

race is a social construct, cis male


If by nigger you mean some kind of social construct then i agree. But it's not necessarily black anons

Didn't say it was. Didn't as it was a social construct either. I'm talking about lazy assholes that only seek handouts and have no sense of personal responsibility. This exists in every race and is the dictionary definition of niggers. I.e. Niggardly people

Just because. I literally just puked before posting this. So stop smoking if you smoke user. Before it's too late.

don't use a racist word as a slur. say shmuck instead. its sfw too

get bent you dumb nigger