Last week i gave a guy i knew from school £20 for some weed. He took my money and isn't responding to my messages...

Last week i gave a guy i knew from school £20 for some weed. He took my money and isn't responding to my messages. I think i got scammed
Wat do?

learn from this experience

fight him next time you see him, display your dominance

Yeah you just got fucking robbed. Guessing this is your first time buying drugs, yeah? First of all, you never just hand over your money to some guy who claims to have weed. You set up a meeting time and place (homes are pretty safe places, unless your guy has people in and out of there all the time which is asking for a raid) and if he tries to dodge around the request, then he probably has nothing to sell and just wants your money.

ahh highschool

The only viable option here that I can see is that you're going to have to fuck him op, fuck him hard in the ass and he will never steal from you again

He is a stonier basically so i didn't question him getting it

retard op never give him the money if he dont have the weed

beat the fuck out of him

Op probably the type of dude to pay 35 a gram