What movie should they remake next?

What movie should they remake next?

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hunger games, except actually have to kill each other so we only have one to deal with



Save private Rian

King Kong

They should remake Steel Magnolias but with dudes instead of women.

Kate McKinnon as The Final Pam in a Fallout 4 movie.

Hitler biopic but with a black guy

schindlers list, they play the jews.

Wiig is so much more fuckable than the rest. Her gaunt baby-bird ass.


>Wiig as Dutch
>Negro as Dillon
>McCarthy as Jesse Ventura
>Lesbian as Jimmy

>not kate
Are you also attracted to the Crypt Keeper?

The Lord of the Rings


the sassy black one would be bottom obviously

Predator. Oscar Isaac plays the latino boytoy they capture and have to carry around.

>Predator (2018) trailer
>McCarthy is hiding from the predator
>cut to predator vision
>music suddenly goes quiet
>hear and see thermal image of McCarthy's fart from behind a bush

She looks like pokevolved Alison Pill with that shrinking face.

Passion of the Christ

They should rather remake finding nemo, with an anteater cast as clownfish to promote interspecies diversity.


full metal jacket

The Wild Bunch. All-female cast. So many jimmies would be rustled.

The Thing



The THING. The fucking THING.

All male cast in the original, made perfect sense for the setting, made perfect sense for the underlying themes. Writing a new one with an all female cast IN MIND, and you could make a new film that complements the original.

Go Cloverfield with it, don't even have the same setting. Just make it about the kind of tensions that occur in all female groups in extreme environments.

And yes I mean THIS cast. Comedians need to do more horror and play more villains. They sell it better than anyone, if there is anyone remotely straight in the line-up.

The Three Amigos, the black one can play the horse, or they can call it "The 3.6 Amigos" because of racism.
That might actually actually piss Lorne Michaels off enough to cut this shit off at the knees considering it's his only film writing credit.
Watch him get angry at someone taking his property and ruining it instead of creating their own.

Charlie's Angels


Jungle book

Metallica: Some Kind of Monster
Word for word, scene for scene straight-faced remake of the original documentary with this cast.
I would actually pay money to see that.

Lord of the Rings

teenage mutant ninja turtles
the a-team
fantastic four

why's it so hard to come up with more movies with teams of four

you know what's fucking weird about this... you cant find the rating for the fucking movie... its not rated on imdb or rotten tomatoes. fucking politically correct bullshit cant even fucking rate the movie...


critic rating* sorry




they have some serious web guys working on the pr for this movie...

oh ok

The Godfather

They'd be the Corleon sisters taking control of the mafia.

Kate McKinnon should play adult Newt in Blomkamp's vision. She's qt as fuck but also a modern woman, tough as nails

You need
You need to
You need to go
You need to go back
You need to go
You need to
You need

Reservoir Dogs... call it Reservoir Bitches.


The Wages of Fear!

Fuck off loser

>cue action sequence

Back to The Future

Marty as a sassy black lesbian girl.
Doc as a trans muslim.
Biff as cis white guy.

Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Imagine those four in tights. Chris will wear the chastity belt. Oh baby.


Ocean's Eleven

Yeah they're already doing that one bud


Lordz of tha Rangz: Gangstas of da Ringz

Kate is super qt. Also Wiig would get it, the other two whales can die

Ghostbusters. Seriously. I want studios to shut down all creativity and just continue to remake the same movie over and over again until people have had enough and stop going to watch the shit that they put out. Even then I think it'd take like 6 or 7 remakes or remakes for retards to stop buying tickets.

>Back to the Future
>not Black to the Future

Godfather. Like 90% of the cast is Italian men, so fucking racist/sexist

No, she'd be the lippy one who ended up getting middle.

3 amigos

The Good, the Bad, The Ugly.
I'll leave the casting to you.

Calling it now.

All of their careers go into the gutter excwpt kate mckinnon
