10/10 tv programme
10/10 tv programme
Find a flaw
PROTIP: You can't
10/10 human being
It's fucking trash meme tier garbage made for a reddit ''le elit3 hacker'' audience
would rather watch nothing
lol is it real or a hallucination? lol do I care
dont talk to me or my son again
>le elit3 hacker
Except the hacking is pretty authentic. Elliot uses kali linux. KALI LINUX. The show runners hired good research.
t. A fucking moron
You're an idiot, mate.
It takes one phone call to make that happen, less than that... The show is garbage made in such a way that people like you go ''Oh, cool, they used linux, such authentic'', as if it's makes it perfect.
Let's just forget about the mediocre acting and pretty much everything else wrong with it. (which is pretty much everything else)
It is exactly as I said: A tv show made for "a slightly informed on tech" audience.
It's a good show if you're easily pleased and stupid.
You're a marketers wet dream.
you're not allowed to enjoy this show and post on Sup Forums get out
you're not allowed to enjoy anything but Zack Snyder movies
funny thing is every thread here praised mr robot UNTIL reddit picked it up, and only then you faggots showed up
Funny thing is I thought this pretty much 10 minutes into the first episode when it aired.
Kill yourself faggot. You'd buy into anything wouldn't you?
>watching first episode
>wow im sure plebbitors made a thread on tv about this
i dont think thats pretty much what you thought, dipshit
Nice revisionism there.
Is this the standard marketing tactic now? Act like something unverifiable (and often outright wrong) is true?
Mr. Robot, Better Call Saul and Fargo are pretty much the only good shows out right now. Oh, and Kino of Thrones of course.
If anyone has other recommendations let me know. Watching through the Venture Bros. at the moment and it's fucking great.
I think you'll have a better time over at /mlp/
How about his social engineering skill? Back door hacking.
Oh it's this guy again. Internet warrior who calls everyone else plebs and thinks you can only enjoy things that he enjoys. Go outside and get some sun bud.
People complain about its slow first season, but Black Sails is fantastic.
Apart from the innsmouth look I'd agree
What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm saying when I first watched this fucking abomination of a TV show, (made with retards like you in mind) that within the first ten minutes it was clear that it was trash with references in just the right places to make retards (you) say: ''WOW, so realisitc bro! linux! hackers! ye! I'm gonna watch all 12 million repetetive episodes of this show now and buy merch woohooo''
You can obviously like whatever you want, watch whatever you want... but don't be fooled or try and fool others. The show is shit.
Pleb detected.
First season of Fargo was good.
First season of Better Call Saul was good. (slowly got worse, might get better though)
Mr Robot is fucking trash. Anyone who likes this shit is a fucking moron, i'm sorry. It's just the way it is.
Suck me off cunt
Enjoy whatever you want faggot, just don't say an absolutely fucking terrible show in 10/10, when it obviously isn't.
Keep making those marketers jobs easy, though... Chuck in a reference to Sup Forums and wow SUCH A RELATABLE SHOW
It's about as authentic as hacking will ever be in a show while still making it enjoyable
Authenticity has been compromised to an extent, Mr Robot is still probably the best show for showing hacking in a semi-realistic light even if it does mean taking some liberties here and there
>Authentic as hacking
Seriously though, who the fuck wants to watch a TV show about """hacking"""?
I'll tell you who: Redditors, faggots, twelve year olds, autists and maybe, just maybe... a fucking fraction of actual hackers and/or retired hackers.
The autist that created this fucking show probably mentioned reddit and other "edgy internet sites" in the fucking meeting, knowing dumb fucks will lap this shit up because it's a millenial nu-males wet dream tv show. Le autistic r9k hacker type, etc...
you're right, I should hate everything and enjoy nothing
>wasting this much effort being salty over a show you hate
admit it, you're just mad Elliot gets laid and you don't.
Keep watching that big black cock cuck porn you have saved in your bookmarks
I have a bagina
Just watched the first episode of Robot. I was getting so into the main character, he was basically me. Like literally he was me, from every way he acted and behaved. And than... And than he had sex with a girl and I just turned the show off and deleted it from my laptop. I've never seen a show ruin a character so fast as they did with that one stupid scene.
>huurr durr I can't talk to people and I hate society
>sleeps with a hot girl who provides his drugs
What a complete shitty copout and pandering to normal fag chads and stacys.
he ugly
Shayla meets Eliot > *.*
why so jelly my famghetti? It's a good show (to me), if you don't find it appealing that's ok but I assure you my good sir, there's no factual information backing up your claim that "anyone who likes this show is a moron", to each their own
>being this butthurt
seriously, you might as well just leave this place, buddy.
Why do 4channers argue like 15 year olds?
>cinematography represents Elliot's Social anxiety and feelings of marginalization through specific framing
pure kino
Literally what?
Lmao I think you've got something on your mind bro.
Also people who unironically use the word "salty" should be fucking shot
Kill yourself you sensitive projecting bitch
I already said if you like it, then whatever... just don't say it's 10/10 when it fucking isn't.
what's the name of this show?
>unverifiable (and often outright wrong)
hi there newfriend
i recommend you google and learn something new today. google: Sup Forums tv archive, then search for OP texts and search for combinations of spellings for mr robot.
Its oaky to be a newfriend, just lurk next time longer and shut the fuck up retarded dipshit
It's mostly Sup Forums. They also think memes are funny.
pleb opinion discarded
>better call saul was good
you have to go back
You are the only autist in this thread user. dozens of posts in this thread to comment about a show you don't watch and dislike. Why are you so asshurt?
Nevermind, it's just another contrarian aspie who has to be a little special snowflake by hating everything that becomes popular.
kys plebian
Mr Robot is shit. If you like it, all memes aside... you're probably an autistic neckbeard redditor or an edgy teenager.
Because it's a board to discuss television, you fucking spaz?
I don't care how many posts I've made. It takes two seconds to type a post.
AD POPULUM anyway so suck a dick on your way out.
Bk 2 reddit 4 u
Look at how you type, look at your sentence structure and how you're still in this thread showing everyone how asshurt you are. You are the sperg here mate, you are the spaz. Get over yourself.
You truly act and sound like a teenager, it's quite pathetic.
>proven that hes a reddit tier newfaggot pleb
>calls other redditors
wew lad. You lost all credibility when you amde clear you neaver knew about archives, so pack your bag, eat your tendies and go back to 9fag
>Look at how you type, look at your sentence structure
Sure thing, Sigmund.
>How asshurt you are
You sound asshurt... You're getting upset because your favourite show is trash.
>"Omg just stop replying jesus ur treiggering me leave my thread alone plssszz"
Kill yourself, faggot.
I wasn't even the guy replying, dumb cunt. Archives don't mean shit anyway. The show was trash the moment it was thought up by some autist from Reddit with a degree in marketing.
stopped reading there
not gonna bother reading blatant newfaggotry
Why do Mr. Robot threads always attract the retards
Weak mad tards that can't fight against the real cancer (GoT) and focus on a less popular target.
Am I the only one who really hate it when big corporations try to be all anti-capitalism ?
I realized that the whole "counter culture thing" was a big joke when I saw an ad for this meme show at a giant mall right next to a bank. Do the people who work at these giant companies and make edgy fuck capitalism shit have any awareness or are they all reddit-tier morons like pic related?
when is season 2 arrives
9 days
>am i the only one
do you gotta ask?
Is Sup Forums the shittiest board on 4chin?
Mamma Mia, I need to see him naked
he even does the true root of hacking: social engineering.
As someone who knows quite a bit about it, its the best I've seen in a tv show.
They took care to make it seem as authentic as possible.
Would you rather have NCIS-tier bullshit?
Also kek at having to click I'm not a robot on the captcha
His brother is even qter
>do you gotta ask?
Handsome face but boy are his eyes weird
>he even does the true root of hacking: social engineering.
I'd rather people stopped creating redundant TV shows that reference common knowledge as if it's somehow "going the extra mile" by doing so, but oh wait... there is a sucker born every second so they won't.
>face looks like when you look into the back of a spoon
People who quote more than 3 posts in a thread should be shot
Droid Boy
Jesus christ.. How can anyone be this upset about a show they dont even watch?
>"Jesus christ... how can anyone even be upset about anything ever, or dislike anything ever? Who said that's allowed?"
Need for speed
First ten mintues exemplify the problem with the realistic hacking.
It makes everything else seem hollow and fake around it, because it is. The hacking's real, so why would a pedo ring bust involve blaring cop sirens and officers barging in when it's always plainclothes and no sirens so that the pedo doesn't fucking run or shoot someone?
How can I be a marketer's wet dream, I pirate everything
protip: you're not the only one anything
It's a really great show, the best thing I've seen in a while.
There is a flaw, which is that the hacking/internet culture references feel extremely inauthentic. The lingo they use is dated, the way they talk about things is simplistic. Essentially, you can tell they have trouble talking about the specifics of cybersecurity/hacking/internet culture/computer programming in the way you'd expect from an outsider trying to describe them, but even so, the show is done by a master storyteller. The characters are fantastic. The visuals are beautiful. This is the best show going.
One other weakness, though: the protagonist's mental illness doesn't resemble any real mental illnesses. It's essentially just more of Palahniuk's misunderstanding of schizophrenia and/or multiple personality disorder, but nothing like it exists in reality.
calm the fuck down, edgy teenager
>It's a really great show, the best thing I've seen in a while.
Fucking plebs please back to shitdit.
>One other weakness: Everything
this site is 18+, it's time for YOU to go back there, butthurt kiddo
>You will never be Elliott's drug dealing fuck buddy neighbour
Kali linux is the first thing any kid finds when googling "how to be a pro hacker".
>such authentic
fuck off doge redditor.
That was the point, you dumb cunt. The only people that watch this fucking are le dog redditors. In fact, I bet they marketed the whole fucking show with Reddit in mind. I bet the guy who pitched this fucking thing mentioned Reddit by name and maybe even Sup Forums.
Keep sucking the dick of some marketer though, bro. It's such a great show!!!!!
who /Bill_Harper/ here?
implying he won't return as a nemesis
I like wearing hoodies and have done so for the last 5-6 years, and also liked to program before this shit came out. The guy even looks like me. Whenever I see a poster of the show on the street I feel physical discomfort, I don't think I'll be able to watch the show itself without dying.
Why does a show being popular make it bad?
It doesn't, its just 50% of the autists on this board seem to think it does
I see lot's of solid arguments for why the show is good, and a lot of butthurt manchildren flinging shit around offering no legitimate argument.
I enjoyed the show and think it's pretty solid.
You guys are just ass pained that your super secret club is mentioned.