Did you know: that your body can't fight off infections in your tendons

Did you know: that your body can't fight off infections in your tendons

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You should try it some time.

Once I have finished my games that I have now I might invest.


Well alright.

Pfft. Maybe yours can't, furfag.

Kilts are neat I guess.

Your body also cannot fight off being stabbed to death.

No they aren't they're cringeworthy and nasty

It can't fight off the gay either.

I mean, it can.

you can.
and it heals.

they let all the bits dangle down

im glad we dont do anything with family anymore for holidays. we just keep to ourselves now.

how many do you have now?

They also leave certain spots, unprotected~

No, I mean, if you are stabbed to death your body cannot recover.


I had two but they were bullied by the first two so now they're gone.

I'm sorry. I'm not sure where to go from here.

Neither am I, I'm not that good with conversation.

jesus did.


shut up lesbian

I just hope I gets cold enough for the water to freeze tonight. So how's your day been?

That's ok. I have enjoyed this conversation.
I do not have many conversations about interests like this in the anime threads or here.

Jesus didn't die, he just fell asleep.

its going ok. i wanted to spend my day alone but that didnt happen so its kind of meh

did they die or did you give them away?

cause its so sleep inducing being nailed to a cross and LITERALLY CARRYING THE SINS OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE THAT EVER WAS OR COULD BE
not that I know what carrying sins mean
he probably needs a wosh

whatca gonna do for the holidays?

like your rear


Oh, well thank you. I enjoyed it too.

I typically don't get along with most furries or anime lovers that much, the stuff they like is just on an entirely different spectrum it seems.

They died. They were prevented from eating and drinking by the other two. It's weird as hell, but apparently roaches can be brutal fuckers.

He does seem like he'd stink.

wy not

Fuck it I like you guys better than sleep

I'd like to think I'm easy to talk to when I'm not in a bad mood.

I mostly stay away from them IRL at least.
There are hobbies I don't like to talk about IRL.

kyle you missed revelation road the other day


Oh that sucks, when you plan a whole me day and other people have to ruin it

No blood.

kick butt yo~
just watching a movie

nothing really. open our gifts and eat snacks and chill around.

wow i wouldnt imagine them being such dicks to each other. thats too bad :/

I passed out pretty early.
I'm sorry.

you missed pure fucking gold

kevin sorbo has a pirate pistol for no reason and david a r white murders like so many people

where else is there no blood in my body

(I dunno if I told you, but I was nanar in our pyx game :p)
senpi :3

who streamed?

I mean, you seem friendly so I'd say so.

Yeah, likewise. I think I've only known one guy IRL that I've genuinely talked about anime too.

I might move my computer down to my bed. We can just watch movies some night.

it's for the easy access

welcome back

that's always fun. travelling right after the holidays is a giant pain

Lot's of places!

My pleasure c:

fine. we'll have to watch it again. otherwise you wont know whats going on in the 3 sequels

Yeah I knew
So you wear a kilt too?

Yeah, I was upset and very confused. The roaches always have food and water because they don't have specific dietary needs like the others. But apparently fighting and shit is a thing that they do and even though they do best in a group, it's tricky to introduce new members to that group.

Most anime is shit.
I do like a hand full of movies though.

Paprika and Metropolis are among the top of my list.

Oh ok, thanks for joining, was loads of fun c:


not sleepy though?

I've worn one before, but I mostly stick to sweatpants, jeans or cute undies nowadays

This is stolen from a top thread on reddit rn about cats causing infections with their bite

Yeah, I only like a handful myself. I prefer western film making in general honestly.

Love tv shows also, always good to pass time. I've heard of Paprika but I've never seen it.

I am, but I ain't missing out on talking shit with buds in thread

in the span of 2 years they made 4 of these movies

unless im mistaken

there's also this thing


Definitely need to play again
Jeans and sweatpants are unf/10

yeah. i havent had a me day for a couple weeks it feels. i cant decompress from everything lately.

so who won when you guys played games?

everything during holidays is a pain.

ohhh that makes sense. so basically if you want to have a group at home you have to breed them there?

seems poor evolutionarily..

I have enjoyed Bob's Burgers, but that's about it lately. I don't' watch much TV.

And it's good. The book is also well done.

Do they even have a budget for these things?


Love Bob's Burgers, could fall asleep to that show. King of the Hill is also a favorite.

Paprika had a book? Never knew that.

mostly no. which makes pureflix even better

Definitely, next time we make sure Katten joins Right kat?~
Shit I don't know, such shit memory, Zard won first one I think, then I, then Zard again, not sure

Why is g/fur art so much better than s/fur?

who would want to miss that

or sometimes even fuzzy pj's

yeah, but seeing family is mostly fun

Yeah, they do best in groups, but you have to be careful if you're building a group out of different groups. They were probably doing that over resources even though they get food when they run low and their water is refilled daily.

A lot of anime movies tend to be adaptations of novels and such.
Paprika was one of them. The people who made the movie also did Millennium Actress I think.

Satoshi Kon if I'm not mistaken.

You have such odd interests. We still need to watch The Room.

I won twice as PutinPuppy
I just have a thing for baggy clothing.

Two dicks is better than one?
Fuck it I tried
Some faggot who thinks he needs sleep? 8D

That's gotta suck especially around the holidays. I sometime just leave the house and ignore my phone for a few hours if I need to get away

because fags make a lot more money and commission more porn than lesbians

they're baggy fuzzy pj's

that's pretty gay

I feel like I should have known that, I'm too tired to think of anything. Millennium Actress?

I require solo otter butts.

Oh right, and I got to fuck zard booty, mm
Right?? Wait how

fuck that entry level shit




Studio is being demolished and a guy interviews its most celebrated actress as she tells about her life in war torn china chasing a love interest she knows little about save for a key he gave her. She uses her acting to gain notariaty to try and find him.

The interviews are shown through her memories with the camera guys standing in kind of interacting and commentating on them.

It's pretty well done in terms of it all.


cuz you're pretty gay

they're pretty warm

Wait a second... if 'g' in g/fur stands for 'gay' and all you guys post are gay male porn, then there should be like l\fur for lesbians.
Or does that qualify as s/fur because every guy has lesbian fetish?

hopefully next time i dont have so many distractions. you need to lay off the hard liquor nanar. it melts your brain cells

family es gay. i like the lights and shit. thats my favorite part~

poor lil guys.
how are you other babbies doing?

like i usually have the evenings to myself, but thats not enough for me.


family ain't gay, just me :3

well duh

That's what (s)he said~ Maybe, idk, so tired
Y-YOU'RE pretty gay .//.
You know I don't drink kat, I'm just naturally fucking stupid :p



The G.pulchra is still all jittery, but he ate every one of his crickets. The others are all super relaxed. The vinegaroon, when I checked on it last was almost vertical in the dirt like a weirdo.

Tell everyone to fuck off for the day next time you have a day off

Did you forget where we are?

I bet your bed is too
>That's what Jeff said
fixed it.

sweet dreams everyone~


I'm a massive fag :3

it's warm and soft~

