100 black men are surrounding your house; what do you do?
100 black men are surrounding your house; what do you do?
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See witch one has weed I can buy because im all out
they must be here for the homegrown watermelon
buy them kfc
I would enjoy diversity,
Haha. I live in vermont. There aren't even a hundred black people in the whole city
ill repost the whole continuum
This user gets it
>Be me
>Just got 2nd gen iPod touch for christmas
>volume buttons bc fuck the chinese sweat shops
>at uncle's huge mansion on christmas day
>never been here
>uncle founded his own oil company
>is loaded with dolla dolla bills
>wears flannel and ripped jeans everywhere he goes
>humblest rich guy you'd ever meet
>playing pool with uncles in downstairs living room
>have to use baby pool stick bc 14
>"looks like your pecker"
>fuck off uncle Huey
>door opens
>enter people-I-don't-know
>fat chick with small baby in her arms
>slowly devouring the child with her succulent rolls
>followed by blonde dude, a little younger than me
>followed by tasty af looking piece of ASS
>blonde, perky tits
>perfect kind of perky
>like a large C-cup
>so not floppy but not small by any means
>cute light freckles all over face
>super tight jeans
>crocodile skin purse
>lol fuck PETA
>ask grandpa "who the fuck are these people"
>left the "fuck" part out of that actually
>"user, this is (fatchick) and her kids (blondedude) and (heavenlyass)
>"they're your uncle's new wife's grandkids
>ponder for a moment
>so that makes them step-cousins
>or something
>who the hell has time for that kind of mental planning
Hide my money in science textbooks.
They'd never dream of looking in there.
shoot them with a firearm.
film them pounding the shit out of my wife
look blandly as they walk away
throw out the local classifieds/help wanted section
thatll scare them off
Kill 11 of them and call in a Chopper Gunner to mow the rest down
Why are their pants falling down? Are white people denying them belts? I always thought black people were really fast, running away from the police when they steal stuff and all, but these niggers couldn't run away from Stephen Hawkins with their pants down like that.
Wish them all a merry Christmas
Tell them KFC is the other way
>for the last time, I'm not interested in joining your church
I'm a crip I'll be fine
hide in the basement so i don't get hit by stray bullets when they inevitably start shooting at each other.
That's when you stop living at the welfare office.
>100 black men are surrounding your house; what do you do?
Open window, toss these.
> walk outside
> "Sheeeeit, it's dark out already?"
> go back inside
Let them take turns fucking my gf. This scenario would actually make my dick diamonds and result in me cumming before first guy was finished
Relocate from the inner city to the suburbs. enjoy my money and education while they continue to destroy themselves for decades. White flight
give up my wife and daughter's pussy as sacrifices for mixed kids.
Invite them all in and burn it down
I'm this guy and this guy
gets it
Also post more pics of your wife
Theres no way they could walk up my stairs with those fucking ridiculous trousers pulled down like that... you can tell they were prison bitches so just blow them a fucking kiss.
tell them i work for the post office and if they want their welfare checks they'll leave immediately.
Tell them I have job and education opportunities so that they can enrich their lives.
Inevitably watch them as they walk away.
Pull out my AK, SKS, Sniper rifle, 40MM and get ready for war.
>100 black men are surrounding your house; what do you do?
Put my cyanide-filled watermelons to good use
Play loud music and start a parteee
u mad?
Get a firearm licence
Throw out a loade gun and 100 dollers and watch them kill eachother.
watch them fuck my wife because I am OP