

There is this girl. Her name is Kaytlyn, she rejected me a while ago.

I haven't gotten over it.

She told me she was focused on school and trying to recover from anorexia to have a boyfriend. She ended up dating this goodie two shoes. She lied to me.

She used to be a fat ugly bitch but now she is hot and has ties and an ass, but she was anorexic for a whole and I tried to help her but she just thought I was weird and creepy.

Her Instagram is kayt. 426 and snap chat is froyothefro.

I have her address for anyone, she deserves to have the worst done to her. She is an anorexic little bitch whore with no regard for anyone's feelings but her own.

Rape her, kill her, hurt her, do what you want to her. She lives in Camarillo California.

I just made an Instagram to mock her, it's photos from when she was fat and I'm going to edit them anorexicly skinny to poke fun. I'm also going to post our old chats.

do what you want to her first revenge. She is just a little hoe and needs what she gives. She's a bitch. Whoever is interested I will give you her address through the Instagram account making fun of her.

Have your fun with her once you get her address.

Her Instagram is: kayt.426 if you want to stalk your prey before getting her and her snapchat is froyothefro

I sent your IP to the FBI, bye bye

good thing I'm using tor to hide my ip

Such a butthurt op

Not your personal army, gtfo. Move on, who the fuck cares

grow the fuck up you goddamn pussy.

Jesus christ this place has gotten pathetic.


stop being such a little bitch OP

Fuck off you miserable cuck.

she lives off of Los Posas


Buuuuuut. I wouldn't be surprised if someone shows her this thread. Would add a little spice.

>Cough cough.

suck it up princess.

Literally kill yourself

Screenshot and sent this to her if she's actually afraid she'll call the cops and know exactly who you are. Since you confessed to her. YEET

This belongs in a beta/cringe thread



These threads are always more fun when OP gets fucked.

Is this a cringe thread?

OP you actually are a stupid cunt


Whoever is sending her screenshots, send us pics of convo. Hide your info obviously.

>We aren't supposed to work together.


Share the convo so we can see OP get fucked


If true then you are weird and creepy and deserve to be alone forever.

Not your personal army, but do tell us the exact details, what was your relationship with her like? What were her exact words when she rejected you.

not your personal army you fucking beta, grow a pair.

>I haven't gotten over it.
>She told me she was focused on school and trying to recover from anorexia to have a boyfriend. She ended up dating this goodie two shoes. She lied to me.

dude. this is a dime a dozen. get over it. girls do this all the time, just accept they weren't into you and move on. why try to force things with a girl who didn't have a problem bullshitting you? you're better off moving on.


12/23/16(Fri)20:10:21 No.716239403

Look at the date you fucking autist.

>she rejected me a while ago.
Good. It sounds like you're a massive faggot, a pussy, a moron, and a fucking dipshit.

You don't deserve a woman. You deserve to be hanging from a lamppost in the street being pelted with shit.

White knight snitch b

Oops. Same.


Can we get the ball rolling on fucking OP? Her insta is private and I haven't been able to pin down her Facebook...

This. Post, pls user.


ITT:Faggot op gets rejected

If this isnt bait im screencapping and giving her my lawyers number you flaming faggot kys


I have a better idea. How about you move on and try to better your pathetic life. Take the fucking hint that she didn't find you attractive and never wanted your help in the first place. What you're doing is just sad. Just move on!

Somebody finally said it.

What that look like? I saw it open in your tabs.

See now this one gives me a tiny bit more hope.

I included the date just for you.

I can't believe you would do this. I mean I know she was a *****, but your just abusing your power at this point.

This reminds me of Alex Wuori a long time ago. He tried the same shit, and that got him fucked to no ends.


I'm glad you care enough to make me stop bitching.

How's being 15 going for ya there champ

This shit always cracks me up. 'NYPA', fuckers say,' hurr durr, fuck OP over', faggots say.

Fucking OP over *is* fun, granted, but not when its every fucking time anyone does anything that doesnt agree with the new white knight tumblr cunt inspired god damned Sup Forums paladins moral masturbation.

Its fedora tipping shit like this that makes me wonder why I continue coming here after all these years. Sup Forums was never good, but it wasnt always so fuckin, i dunno, this.

What fucking power?
He came to Sup Forums to have us do the dirty work.

Turn that shit into a rap and it be

Eh. It's more so I submitted the tip, checked the thread, saw someone else posted a picture, and then updated my 'snip' so there's no doubt someone is at least acting on it.

>She told me she was focused on school and trying to recover from anorexia to have a boyfriend. She ended up dating this goodie two shoes. She lied to me.

shit nigger, I'd like to you too. you seem like an aspie psychopath

Dude OP is just fuckiing with everyone . Is all fake. Here know he will get found out. He is going to screen cap this shit and try and make it legendary so he can show his friends at school and post the cap on here as some fake legendary bull shit. You guys are so fucking stood to even believe anything this lil niggah wrote. Kys OP long and slow. If this is true. ... Well she was fucking crazy and who are you to demand she only dates you? Like you are so word she had top like to you. Probs cause you are a psycho that is the type to try and get revenge for not getting your way. Fuck! I bit the bait a bit of bait I bit of bait a bit of it I bit bait I bit a bit of bait I bit bait a bit of bait bit it.

>girl rejects you
>autistic fit

Comedy gold. Just spend your good boy points on trendies to help you calm down then rethink it in the morning, sport

We did a good today. Sup Forumsois now time for your friendly white knight to kill himself. :3

Should have used this as the thread image.

who wouldn't want to bang her from the back? I'm getting close to posting her address

the damage is already done, the fire rises :^)))


'Im a good guy, plz say nice stuff to me' 'we dont want to hurt you, so accept me...im not like other guys'

It's satisfying watching this rise back against OP

fuck you're pathetic
>girl with emotional/mental issues maybe i have a chance to fuck her if i support her
>surprised when she doesn't want to fuck a crab man who was obviously trying to get into her pants
>thinks she is an evil whore for not wanting to fuck creepy crab man and going out with someone who she actually connects with and is attracted to
seriously kys

Yeah good look with this shit, OP. The only thing you're doing is screwing yourself. Personal armies don't fly here, bb boi. Also, learn how to take a rejection.

Checked and kek'd. Those tabs. Incest is quite normal.

Link her to thread kek

you forgot this image to go along with that post fam, dont worry got your back

Did you just self censor yourself? And rejecting some creepy weirdo doesn't make a chick a bitch, she just didn't like him. I can see why.

Stop being such a bitch yourself faggot.

My god, you're such a fucking loser. The world isn't about you, you sad little shit.

You're supposed to get OP's name and information. Have her link it.

I sent her everything, along with the thread Url. I think we sit back and enjoy from here

Oh okay I'm new to this?!?! Sorry my bad.

If his info leaks we're spreading that shit like wildfire, fuck this autistic sperg.

Get that shit if you can. Maybe someone can resubmit the FBI tip with all the personal info of this jackass.

I just want to see what he looks like. Should be a tasty sheckle to kekkle.

Go back to tumblr you fucking white knight scrub.

>oh dear
>not again
include me in the screencap

are you ready for her address?


Im ready for your addess OP


Process of elimination:
1. That girl doesn't have too many followers. So since her insta is private, OP is one of her followers.
2. He is a friend of her in snapchat.
3. He was has been rejected by this girl.
Unless this girl has a history of rejecting guys left and right, we could probably find this guy if we link her to this thread.
Get to work pussies


Get a life feggit

Here's the thing. If you don't wanna be their personal white knight then call them a faggot and move on.

This fuckery from reddit and tumblr about reporting OP is a cancer and needs to stop. Jesus christ if you guys are so offended by the site then LEAVE.

you mean op was one of her followers. I got blocked on both by the bitch. I did however manage to make a fake account and follow her friends to get her to accept me.

Sorry. Meant:

"If you don't wanna be their personal ARMY"

Her excuses were just excuses. She didn't find you attractive. Also you were probably super clingy and pestering, trying to debate her into a daye amirite? RIP your masculinity mate. This is a lesson to never love a bitch. Treat them shitty and you'll actually see better results. They love to chase the acceptance of men, just keep her thirsty for it. Also move on. On to the next.

Thier's a difference between being an offended and laughing at a fedora tipping faggot

No this reporting OP shit is stupid as fuck. If y'all keep spreading this cancer all that will be left is trap porn for you faggots.

This shit has been going on forever newfag. Any time an OP fucks up they lose the right to their anonymity. Them's the breaks faggot. The only time a personal army request works is if an OP gives adequate incentive, him being a butthurt little faggot isn't near a good enough reason. And even if this is pasta the original poster will still get targeted. In which case it was a successful personal army request to begin with.

Understand you stupid cunt?

The FBI are already here. You need to send this to Homeland and CIA with the respite her bit highlighted.

Why should we suddenly care who we fuck with? I'm getting my laughs either way, watching OP squirm is just as good as some random girl.

Hello newfriend

62 assfuck street

Are you a femanon or just a mormon

Listen here nigger faggot. Not a newfag. And I get it. I agree. If op is a cuck with no good reason then no army. But the reporting shit is not old school. That's the beta whiny shit.

Unless he's a pedo or something fucked. This is just a butt hurt nub or copypasta. Either way it doesn't warrant a personal army to report.

All I'm saying.