FREEDOM TO INGERMANLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FREEDOM TO INGERMANLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:öran_Eriksson

I hate Peter II because he ordered men to shave their beards. Fuck off, I'm not shaving my beard you bitch.


You could wear beard, but you had to pay money for it.

Ingrians got thoroughly genocided, sadly.

I had no money and it triggered me because Turks had the same law, shaving beard demasculated men back then. So I moved to Ingria...

What is ingria?

I've met some Ingrians.

How many of them speak Finnish/Finnic?


You killed most of them and the remaining can't speak finnish nor part of finns since they got raped by russians

haha piss finland

Stop acting like a saint, you Forest Finn genociding you.

Nice meme Dmitri. I'm sure 30 men can cause a revolution

Shut up, we did nothing.
And they're still alive.
Our princess is married to one and the most famous football trainer is a forest finn.öran_Eriksson

Yes. Sad, but true.
They got genocided not only physically, but culturally. Some people in Russia don't even know what they are - .
Idk. Ingria isn't absolutely Ingrian. because there is just few of them. It's a region with lots of endangered nations.

If Ingria would have started to separate I would migrate over there.
I live close enough anyway

i'm gonna rape a swede boy

No, you leave it alone and let finns migrate over there also give them back karelen.
that is not a swede, we don't have that kind of doors here.

short answer - we can't.
BUT we can have our region/republic in the RF.


>we did nothing

>By the end of the 18th century, a large part of the descendants of the Forest Finns had become culturally assimilated into the Swedish mainstream population. During the previous two centuries, various laws and regulations had been passed to speed up the "Swedification" process to the Forest Finns, including total banning of the use of Finnish language.
>During the reign of Christina, Queen of Sweden, a proclamation of 1646 called for the burning of houses of all those Finns who did not want to learn Swedish in the area that was later to be called Sweden Proper, west of the Gulf of Bothnia. Reading books written in Finnish led in some cases to imprisonment still in the 18th century.[2]

Even Nenetsia is more probable separation state than Ingria.

But then again, i'm sure that Ingria would get pretty rich relatively quick. Its alot easier to manage a smaller country and keep corruption at bay

>we don't have that kind of doors here
>kind of doors
u wot

kill yourself

That is not killing. Burning houses and forcing them a language isn't genocide. But yeah that happened and no one is really okay with that, but what can we "bönde" people do against those who call themselves "bättrefolk"?
Yes look at the image you dumbfucking russian faggot. It's a knob door and a flimsy one, we don't have that.

Don't you know what karelen is?

What Svecoshits call Karjala, usually with imperialist undertones.

>his nation is called Finland that us "Svecoshits" call and is now called around the whole world
>he most likely screams at people for not calling them suomi

Are you kidding? Knob door, srsly?
You live in north korea or something if you aren't free to choose a fucking kind of knob door?
fuck off, im angry because of you

I think I could say I might have some finno-urgic heritage.
Also Moving there or not is not for you to decide.
I have met with karelians. They don't give a damn about you

All those fit you perfectly.
I don't care if they don't care about me or any swedes. Don't fuck around with finns and their lands. I seen pictures of how it looks now and it's totally fucked up.

By other poster:

I think terms"Finn" and "Finlandia" are actually not invented by Swedes tho.

Finland is a standardized English term nowadays, Karelen isn't.
>finnic heritage
What makes you think so?

Fuck off, homophobe.
Your iq is less than 90 isn't it?

Finns don't care, karelians don't care.
All they care about is cars and cheap booze and sometimes getting over the border to Finalnd to party there and go back.


Facts says otherwise.
>Finland is a standardized English term nowadays
That comes from us naming you it.
Just like everyone got the naming of "Japan" from anglos.
Another example is that we don't call germany as the anglos, we use the name Tyskland.
kys trash

I know that my ancestors lived in the North few generations ago and my mother line is from Siberia where other finno-ugric people lived

You can't even reply correctly, dumb shit.

kys, never giving you trash (You)



>Facts says otherwise

Show me these "facts". Yes it was used by Swedes but not certain they invented it.

"The Fenni are first mentioned by Cornelius Tacitus in Germania in 98 A.D. Their location is uncertain, due to the vagueness of Tacitus' account:"they (Venedi) overrun in their predatory excursions all the woody and mountainous tracts between the Peucini and the Fenni".[1][2] The Greco-Roman geographer Ptolemy, who produced his Geographia in ca. 150 AD, mentions a people called the Phinnoi, generally believed to be synonymous with the Fenni. He locates them in two different areas: a northern group in northern Scandia (Scandinavia), then believed to be an island; and a southern group, apparently dwelling to the East of the upper Vistula river (SE Poland).[3] It remains unclear what was the relationship between the two groups.
The next ancient mention of the Fenni/Finni is in the Getica of 6th-century chronicler Jordanes. In his description of the island of Scandza (Scandinavia), he mentions three groups with names similar to Ptolemy's Phinnoi, the Screrefennae, Finnaithae and mitissimi Finni ("softest Finns").[4] The Screrefennae are believed to mean the "skiing Finns" and are generally identified with Ptolemy's northern Phinnoi and today's Finns.[5] The Finnaithae have been identified with the Finnveden of central Sweden. It is unclear who the Finni mitissimi were.

But this does not explain the origin of the word any better.

You should do 23andme and post your results here desu, would be interesting.

That has been debunked, the term was related to sami people who we used to call finns too.

>i-i won't give you any yous
like i care, lol

Why is it that you never see Swedish flags promoting Finnic solidarity?

>they're still butthurt

I doubt we have it in Russia.

Not debunked for sure, the Finns were sometimes mistakenly called Saamis, even much later.

And the Saamis also lived in south at one point, and was one of modern Finns ancestors.

Go t'hell, knob door ;)

You weren't even born...
>I moved to Ingria
Your flag saya that you are in Serbia




I didn't read your message properly.

Yes even if you called the Saamis And Finns the same, the term is still not invented byt you.


"by 1926 there were 26,137 Izhorians in the Russian SFSR. In the 1959 census, however, only 1,100 Izhorians were counted in the USSR. In 1989, 820 self-designated Izhorians, 302 of whom were speakers of the Ingrian language were registered. 449 Izhorians lived in the territory of the USSR. "

Russia 266 (2010)
Ukraine 812 (2001)
Estonia 56

Lets say there are 1100 left.
Of whom 600 are too old to breed.
Could the rest collect itself on some safespace like an estonian island, collect kickstarter money with an ethnic die-out sobstory and make 3 children each?

Eh, you probably cant stock up people like they do with rare animals but still...

Nationality in Ingria doesn't matter.
It's like native Americans in the USA

Note: Ingrian Finns and Izhorians (often called just "Ingrians") are different people.

Izhorians speak the Izhorian language ("isuri keel" in Estonian), and are Orthodox. They are the indigenous population.

Ingrian Finns speak a dialect of Finnish and are Lutheran. They arrived in the 16th century.

Sure, its no point for them to get land.
I was simply speaking about means of ethnic survival. But they seem to make an effort themselves, judging by the video they are overaged as fuck as expected but at least they make some offspring that grows up with traces of the culture.
Im interested in dying peoples and how they cope.


Most of the "Ingria" in OP's pic is actually Karelian.
I don't know how much exactly but I'd say 95%.

>and keep corruption at bay
ironically the bay area would be their biggest source of wealth and hence their biggest source of corruption

99.86 I think aren't ingrian
97 are Russian

Not presently but 500 years ago.

> 99.86 I think aren't ingrian
More probably even less. About 99.9993%

Inkeristan is muslim clay. Sit on bottle, finno-slav.



I'm talking about the ethnicity of the people living in that area 500 years ago not your arbitrary oblasts.

What's russias excuse for genociding millions of different harmless finn snowniggers living in their native lands?

are you perhaps an Old Believer?

you know "patriarch Nikon was the antichrist" "cross yourselves with two fingers, not three" and that jazz

Finn is a germanic exonym, it literally means "finder" i.e. hunter-gatherer.

Germanics used 3 exonyms for their neighbours:

Waal (gaul, vlach) for the Gallo-Romans, meaning stranger

Wend for (proto-)Slavs, meaning wanderer, as they were seminomadic farmers and plunderers who liked to travel long distances on foot

Finn for Finno-Ugric hunter-gatherers, "finders".

But Karelian do not want to be Finns.

t. Karelian

Karelians are already intermixed with finns.
Where do you think they escape to to avoid russian death camps and communism.
t. 50% karelian

The finders in Scandinavia wouldn't have been Finno-Ugric until Saami arrived there quite recently from southern Finland in the last 2000 years.

>russian death camps

But in the years of WWII on Karelia land were only Finnish-Nazi concentration camps. They were not only for Russian but for """""unreliable""""" Karels too. My great-grandfather died in that camp. Although he was not Russian, but 100% Karelian.

My family from both sides came from karelia and I definetly am finnish tho

Excellent thread.


Russians also killed your fellow East Karelians in concentration gulags.

Love Russians all you want but there are Neo-Nazis in Moscow who would love to torture you to death, rip out your tongue and needle your eyes.

>in Moscow who would love to torture you to death, rip out your tongue and needle your eyes.

You're drunk, Finn. Pls Go home. I worked a two year in Moscow and absolutely no racism there to Karels or even Finns. The Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia everywhere, talk about Nazism toward them is just ridiculous.

>Russian revisionist narrative:
>OUR ENEMIES had concentration camps
>(ours were so far away in Siberia, so no one remembers or cares about them, so we're off the hook) :^)

It's a bit like:
>the current day Kremlin narrative:
>the rest of the world is FASCIST
>literally the most perfect example of modern day fascism is the Kremlin itself

What kind of drugs does one need to use in order to be able to swallow such self deception?

This post is Whataboutism in its purest form, but then again, that's what the Russian establishment has NEVER ceased to exercise.

The Soviet sent us to Siberia because Karels were "unreliable" and Finn sent us to concentration camps because Karels were "unreliable".

So what's the difference? You're both assholes.

Africa-tier flag

Well, yes. I don't deny (rather small) Finnish internment camps during the war.
In a war that usually is the role of the people who would deserve their own nation, but have never had it.
Go ask the Kurds about that. Even Estonians know about this.

On a larger scale, it has been Moscow trying to kill off the Karelians and Ingrians and their culture, not Finns.

stop sperging today

Ryssä BTFO
Thank you captain serious discussion