I've never intentionally gotten high and I just found 12 15mg morphine tablets, also i'm bored.
What do I do?
I've never intentionally gotten high and I just found 12 15mg morphine tablets, also i'm bored.
What do I do?
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shit in your hands and rub it on your chest
Thanks for your contribution.
Have a good painless sleep. You did know that morphine is sleeping/pain relieving medicine, right?
Yeah, I'm not a fucking idiot
Fuck it,
This is too hard I'm just gonna snort it.
Never got high? So... no drug tolerance. Take 2 pills and call me in the morning. XD
Hint: This is a stupid test. If you are stupid, you die.
morphine gives a shitty high and is super addictive save yourself the trouble and flush them down the drain
Get high then. Case closed, next thread
Op here
Just crushed and snorted 2 of them
Lay down and wrap yourself in blankets put on some music and get comfy af
So, What goes well with snorting morphine?
Crush two of them with a dollar bill and a drivers license, cook the powder left over after crushing them in a spoon with some saline and then, after sucking the liquid in the spoon through a filter (cotton ball) into a syringe, shoot the liquid in that syringe directly into a vein.
You'll be high as fuck for hours. You'll probably vomit, but won't care and will consider it worth it.
Sadly, I don't have any syringes.
Also that sounds fucking complicated.
Snorting it is a bit of a waste.
fuck. that's hardcore man.
I might try it one day.
Especially because the taste in my mouth is fucking gross
Shelf the rest up your arse
id crush em up, grab some beers, pack a cigarettes, hopefully its a warm day, snort lines of opiates, chill
For information,
I found them at my grandfathers house with a couple other things.
and haloperidol
and Apo-pantoprazole
Remember lurkers this is why all these anons are poor as fuck and will never do anything with their life
Most cities have free syringe programs that give away free syringes, no questions asked, to prevent junkies from spreading HIV.
There are a ton of vidoes on youtube that show how to crush the pill into powder form (including removing any time release your pill might be coated in) and how to cook that powder in a spoon and filter it into a syringe.
You wouldn't have started this thread if you didn't want to get high as fuck, and this is how you get high as fuck with Morphine.
My city is pretty poor, and its australia
So, I'm pretty sure we don't have any of those.
Could probably find a syringe though
Are you trying to kill OP? Because eating/snorting that amount of morphine will almost certainly not kill him, retard.
And pramin
Also, how the fuck does one just happen to bump into some morphine?
dont take them
morphine is extremely physically addictive. meaning, even if you dont enjoy it your body will go nuts if you stop taking it
also you can easily overdose on it. people die taking morphine.
What city?
Grandfather had cancer.
Find his stash of meds.
Central Coast.
This is literally how every addict you see on the street gets their start.
>curiosity and bored.
Say it with me, "Spare some change mister?" It's so cliche I'm inclined to believe this thread is bait. Timestamp of the pills faggot.
Thay don't get you high thay are mostly given to cancer patients that often on an unbelievable pain it numb s the pain a bit so thay can sleep
Wrong. They do get you high. I know because I've used morphine.
>Timestamp of the pills faggot.
Pretty sure this is how you timestamp
I'm a fucking retard.
Don't mind the prozac
Besides for the hardcore shit wants me to do.
What else should I do?
eating morphine is a waste, only 30% of it actually gets to your brain when orally taken. Best way is to IV. It takes roughly 300mg orally to get high. Snorted like 75mgs. However IV only takes 15mg and the pins and needles are so fucking good oh my god best rush in the world. If you don't want them, if you're in NC, I'll take em off ur hands ;)
>It takes roughly 300mg orally to get high
I meant for me. I just reread my post and forgot to add that. Probably like 100-150mg for a noob opiate user.
Sounds fun,
and sorry live in Aus.
This is off topic but fuck this tea is good.
So any ideas for this?
bump because im fucking bored
I fucking yawned
youre a fucking snake m8
bumpity bump
what about dissolving the pills in drinks?
If its such a shitty high why the fuck would it be addictive? Something needs to have a rewarding effect if it is to be used repeatedly untill one is addicted to it physically. I suggest you take all 12 pills and be higher than a weather balloon.
I might take a couple more then sell the rest at my school since 90% of the students are fucking junkies.
Crush all 12 pills, out in If they're junkies they will know the value of those pills. 15mg is worth like 2 or 3 bucks. 50 60 70 and 80s is where the money's at
Oh you don't know how fucking retarded they are.
I sold them crushed panedol [advil in the us] and they were convinced it was coke
Anyway, I might get my sisters help she's experienced with abusing drugs.
Go to a credible place to get info on how to use it.
This will usually involve crushing it up and injecting it if you want the best experience so be ready.
Mhm, I'll probably inject some of it.
Anyway, where would I inject for best effect?
Oh fcuk i think the morphine is finally geting to me.
Or i'm just tired
Anything else I should do with these?
Okay so I just threw up