Hi Sup Forums im a poorfag and have run out of money, im going to have to quite my smoking habit cold turkey...

Hi Sup Forums im a poorfag and have run out of money, im going to have to quite my smoking habit cold turkey. Any advice? How shit is it gonna be?

Go smoke a cock and get money for it so you can go and buy more smokes

Are you stupid nigga? Go around busy areas of your town and bum cigs like a mofo. Don't go one by one though. Stash a dozen and you're set for the day or even a couple.

You're the worst kinda of person. Fuck you bum... I work hard for my ciggie money.

Try this, seriously. When your mind throws cigarettes into your thoughts, remind yourself that you don't smoke. You don't anymore right? I don't smoke, why would I want a cigarette? gl bro

You got some pretty rough couple of months ahead of you, but after that practically not even think about it anymore

Are you mad that I get free cigs and you have to pay for them cause you're socially retarded and don't know how to ask for something that 90% of smoking people will give out for free. I'm not a bum btw. Not even a poorfag at this point. I just refuse to pay for something that's right there for me to take.

i quit shooting dope, cocaine and smoking cigarettes .. the cigarettes were and continue to be the hardest craving to fight.

Not mad at all, you're the idiot smoking death sticks for absolutely no positive result. You going to brag about your small dick next dipshit?

That's because they are the easiest to get and you feel they are the least harmful when really they're the most harmful good job dude seriously keep going the right direction

Not as bad as some will make it out to be. In the end you will be happy you had to quit. I feel free and clear. Both mentally and physically.

Whoah that's some jedi trick right there. I bet it works absolutely never.
Here's how I quit. After I decided to stop, every time I give in and light up I slash a nasty cut in my forearm. That way you're not completely strung out for some nicotine and can flush your system at a reasonable pace and you also teach your brain to relate smoking with pain.

Listen to this guy (if you want to end up being homeless and strung out with dried semen on your cheek)

But you said you smoke too so that argument is pretty invalid. You pay for your death sticks and I get them for free. Can't quite follow your logic.

yea man exactly, shit is ridiculous
thanks bro

Listen to this guy (if you want to learn how to win debates without addressing any of your opponent's arguments)

It ain't gonna be too bad. Surely you have enough money for nicotine patches, eCig, nicotine gum or something. That's your best bet. Or just hang around a friend who smokes and ask them to crash you some.

I've quit around 10 times before. It's not that bad.

Spend what you would have spent on a pack, for the equivalent in gum. Chew gum for the first 3 days. That's the hardest part.

Remember the wanting for a cigarette will never go away though. You have that shit for life. The only thing that changes is your ability to be as impulsive as before.

I changed my smoking habit to smoking weed instead of cigarettes and i found it easier to quit than cold turkey.. in your situation with no cash, go to saunas, take long walks, work out, and get some sun. Get things done and prevent interacting with anyone to avoid spreading your negative mood which make people dislike you. Im no coach or guru but helped for me

When I quit smoking I had to quit coffee too. They were tied too close together in my mind. Did a lot of reading and napping during the transition process.

if you're in a civilized country with free healthcare or if you're in america and still covered under mom and dad's insurance, go to a doctor and get Chantix. I quit with it after smoking for 30 years.