Azor Jon
>Azor Jon
You must have no fucking life what so ever.
Azor Jon
post only the best asoiaf fan art in ITT
daily reminder sansa is pregnant with ramsays "rape" baby
She's going to drink moon tea to show what a strong, liberated woman she is.
>you will never fuck her dirty slag ass
Reminder Stannisbros are Danybros now
#bros for Dany
We see you
oh the irony
>daily reminder sansa is pregnant with ramsays "rape" baby
Reminder her name is now officially Sansa Lannister now that Cersei is queen.
>We’re trying to tell one cohesive story with a beginning, middle and end. As Dan said, we’ve known the end for quite some time and we’re hurtling towards it. Those last images from the show that aired last night showed that. Daenerys is finally coming back to Westeros; Jon Snow is king of the North and Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne. And we know the Night King is up there, waiting for all of them. The pieces are on the board now. Some of the pieces have been removed from the board and we are heading toward the end game.
>The thing that has excited us from the beginning, back to the way we pitched it to HBO is, it’s not supposed to be an ongoing show, where every season it’s trying to figure out new story lines. We wanted it to be one giant story, without padding it out to add an extra 10 hours, or because people are still watching it. We wanted to something where, if people watched it end to end, it would make sense as one continuous story. We’re definitely heading into the end game now.
What did they mean by this? Do they actually believe their own words?
Sorry, but Stannis thinks incest babies are abominations.
reminder that the Jaehaerys generation is cut from the show so this argument is void
How can he be the true king when he's dead?
>Sorry, but Stannis thinks incest babies are abominations.
>We wanted it to be one giant story, without padding it out to add an extra 10 hours
>without padding it out
How can Jon be KITN when he died? Wait and see, Jonautist. Wait and see.
He sends Gilly's baby away, he says he won't suffer abominations of incest at the Wall because it isn't King's Landing.
>they got some completely forgettable white bread as fuck guy for Euron.
>not BASED James Purefoy.
>How can he be the true king when he's dead?
This meme will never die will it?
>"It's pretty brutal, I couldn't watch much of that anyway. It's hardcore. Too tough for me. It's just too painful."
>Asked what he got out of Game of Thrones, he replied: "Money."
>Asked if he got any professional or personal satisfaction from the series, he reportedly said: "Er, no."
>He did not "blame" people who stopped watching after his character ordered his daughter to be burnt alive
What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
He isn't the one that sends the baby away
>He sends Gilly's baby away, he says he won't suffer abominations of incest at the Wall because it isn't King's Landing.
He doesn't inherently say they can't be monarchs, just he fines it disgusting.
If Margaery is dead, then why are there new pics of her in Dorne?
Not that user, and not a Jonautist, but your meme is dank and full of cringes.
Just finished watching season 6. So Jon is Lyana son but whos the father? The targaryen guy with the two swords?
>i knocked him down with the hammer, gods i was strong then
>caved in his breastplate
>probably shattered every rib he had
This. /got/ knows no king but the King in the North whose name is Stark
Probably a bot.
Hope it gets banned so that the owner needs to buy a new Sup Forums pass.
Based Dillane being honest about what he thinks
>If Margaery is dead, then why are there new pics of her in Dorne?
delete your account
Praise the Seven, /Highgarden/ lives on
Make a bigger webm of this.
why bother? He's dead.
Yeah, that guy but he's actually a Baratheon.
Do you think Bran would still worship and pray to the old gods? or would he have a crisis of faith? thats kind of fucked innit?
>No more reaving or raping
>but for the brown people is ok
Westeros about to become Germany.
What lands will she give the Dothraki once she takes full control?
There aren't any Stark's left that can produce an heir. House Stark will end, and no, I'm not b8ing Branfags. Don't even bother branfags.
>Westeros about to become Germany.
One of richest, most successful and technologically advanced countries?
Stupid boy.
The Reach
Don't you have some "refugees" to welcome?
how can someone be so lewd
>I'm not b8ing Branfags. Don't even bother branfags.
>pls nobody debate me on this since i already know im wrong
You mean the reach around.
>t. american that spends too much time on Sup Forums
I think he's making a funny comment on the refugee situation in Germany but the comparison is a little shitty.
>bombing in capital city
>sand people plotting foreign invasion
Westeros is already EU
Good morning. In less than an hour, calvary from here will join freefolk from north of the wall. And you will be launching the largest mideival battle in the history of the north. "The North." That phrase should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today Winter has finally come, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Winter is coming will no longer be known as the Stark words, but as the words the north declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!
how will other old gods worshippers in the north react when they find out he's basically the gods they've been praying to?
Looking forward to celebrating my Independence Day.
Meera Queen of Love and Beauty.
The most beautiful girl in the Seven Kingdoms.
I don't care if he's a bastard. Ned Stark's blood runs through his veins. He's my king, from this day until his last day!
Finally, I have become The Old Gods ™
After fucking the tits off of Dany, what are the odds of Yara betraying her? Seems like that's probably going to happen. You think the Ironborn would like giving up the old way?
tolkien fought at the battle of the somme, martin fought at the battle of the sizzler
That can't be Dorne, the man behind her isn't white.
>what are the odds of Yara betraying her
None, stronk womyn will unite against the heteropatriarchy
Daily reminder that GRRM will die before he finishes the books.
>None, stronk womyn will unite against the heteropatriarchy
What about Cersei and Sansa dou.
Lot of good faces in this pic.
>D&D writing being this unpredictable
lol no
Yara will get killed by Euron before she can do anything important, in the show Euron will die in the Oldtown battle while he'll survive into the final book.
Yara is already whipped by Dany. An occasional flirt and/or scissor session and Yara will never betray Dany.
you can't betray these
How can Dany's wyverns even compete?
anne frankly, I'm in love!
Nutella won't let Margaery die
why did you post the same picture twice?
>CAPTCHA: select all pictures of pancakes
DD would need a fortune for that.
and its drogons, not wyverns
>implying we will have Krakens in the show
They're already had to cut Ghost because they were spending too much on CGI for Wun Wun.
Bran Reed
>there will never be a scene in got where Yara and Dany are playing sex games where Yara is the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and forces Dany's head down to suck her pussy.
He's going to die before this is over, isn't he?
this pig is mildly disturbing