So can we agree that he was perfect?
So can we agree that he was perfect?
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no, he's a shitty overrated actor
Definitely the greatest actor to ever play Batman yes.
>The pain of post–9/11 as reflected in Nolan’s Batman films was a paradigm shift. But fantasy cannot conscientiously be enjoyed Nolan’s way, without any sense of social, historical, or moral consequence.
>Snyder manipulates this new paradigm so that mankind’s sense of mortality is embodied by Batman, Superman, and their arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. (All three characterization performances are, well, perfect.)
He certainly brought more of an intimidating presence as Batman but all the killing ruined it.
Bale was a better Bruce Wayne.
Only good part of the movie.
Hyped for the solo batman movie, probably going to be ignoring the rest of the DCEU.
>all the killing ruined it
>all the killing ruined it
yeah, nah
>writing depends on actor
fuck you
Nice argument. Batman doesn't kill, that's kinda what sets him apart from all the criminals of Gotham ya know.
Just watched this last night. I thought his fight scenes were stiff and slow. He wasn't that great.
yeah, but the terrible directing ruined his character.
stupid jumpcuts every millisecond, bad scenes that were just pointless. I mean skipping over him stealing the Kryptonite was fucking stupid.
whole movie should have been set in the Knightmare Sequence. Least we could fucking see him clearly.
>a fucking plebeian is calling someone a plebeian
I'll let you get away with it this time, Sup Forums
>all the killing ruined it
Another great argument.
I think he needed some scenes where he was all angry/depressed at a big fancy party and more batcave scenes.
All the brutal killing wasn't introduced properly.
He would've been if he didn't kill
There is tones of Batman arcs in which he gets extremely violent or straight up killing criminals, in context of the movie it makes sense.
And it's refreshing the no killing rule is nice for comics but for that batman he wouldn't work.
>I think he needed some scenes where he was all angry/depressed at a big fancy party
Not really behavior Bruce Wayne would exhibit in public honestly, even when he's talking to Clark he's being kind of playful about how biased the planet is about Superman yet trying to talk shit about Batman, and we see it again when Mercy stumbles on to him and he starts acting like the clumsy playboy people expect.
So basically change his entire character and also make him a criminal.
Christian Bale's has a better human side than Ben's. But Bale had the advantage of being in a full Batman movie instead of just half of it
>So basically change his entire character and also make him a criminal.
"we've always been criminals, Alfred. Nothing's changed"
That's what they are going for, all I am saying is that there is precedents in the source material and in the context of the movie(20 years of being the Bat) it makes sense, plus it's more of getting shit and killing if it's needed than bat the ripper.
Which comic is that from? Oh right it's from the movie where he kills people.
we are too dickish to agree completely on most things
so we are forced by who eer is in control to accept whatever bullshit is shoved in our face for the overall master plan of life which is who the hell knows?
So we're just stuck in a circular argument because you're a stubborn idiot now? Vigilantism is a crime which is what Batman does, no-kill rule or not, even in Year One the police were gunning for him, and at most keeps a tentative relationship with Jim Gordon while the precinct is split over loving/hating the guy who does their job for them.
All you guys just endless parrot MUH NO KILL RULE but apart from that know nothing else about the character or how he's been presented over the years, so when something is changed in the movies or cartoons your tiny limited view shatters into a million pieces, even when they show enough details that would explain why it changed.
But go ahead, say NO KILL RULE again, you smug cunt.
I think he looks a little funny when he does that grimaced face in the suit
It looks a little like he's smiling, you see it a few times in the warehouse and the desert sequences
>So basically change his entire character and also make him a criminal
Yes, and the character is a whole lot more interesting than the other interpretations.
He didn't kill anyone, he just dealt collateral damage.
>Example of Batman killing
Batman pushes someone to their death
>Example of collateral damage
Batman overturns a car that was shooting at him
There's a difference. This is clearly an older and jaded Batman that accepts most criminals are irredeemable and thus made their choices, he doesn't have to go out of his way to save them, especially when they're shooting at him with military grade hardware.
Yes. Only reddit plebs will disagree. Here are some key phrases to help identify them.
>Batman doesn't kill.
>The Martha scene was stupid.
>BvS was was a "joyless experience."
>Movies need to be fun.
Batman was always a killer in the comics, and in the movies. He tries to avoid it, but there are times when explosions or gas or whatever would cause someone's death. Also, BvS was all about Batman being more and more excessively violent, so it's pretty reasonable that Superman will mellow him out (maybe even getting a new Robin will humanize him some more.)
I have a problem with Bruce being covered with scars, and no one ever mentions that, when he's doing his millionaire-playboy thing. Shouldn't he have some super-duper Himalayan healing goo to help hide that and protect his identity?
I hated the movie but he was great. It's astounding that they could cast Batman so well and then cast Lex and WW so terribly.
He was always a criminal. Why the fuck do you think commissar Gordon has to shine the light in the sky?
>Batman was always a killer in the comics
nah, he was a killer on his first year, after that the no-killing rule became a really huge thing for the character. It has been like that for more than 70 years now.
no he fucking didn't, he straight up mini guns a guy on a turret, throws a crate at a guys head and stabs a guy in the stomach for stabbing him in the shoulder.
Watch it again and actually stay awake this time.
نعم فعلا
Can someone summarise Batman's motivations for wanting to go as far as to kill Superman? I get why he would hate him but not why he would kill him
because snyder
Did you not watch the movie? The "1%" spech?
>Batman doesn't kill
That is why the comics are garbage
Anyone saying he was perfect is lying to himself. He was good yes, but not perfect. There are multiple situations in which he is clearly out of character, pic related, Batman does not act surprised, he also doesn't get scared like a little bitch when Kryptonite effects start running out, and he doesn't cover his face in fear when he's about to get blasted by doomsday
Yeah but right after that Alfred says "He is not our enemy" and Bruce agrees and says "Not Today".
So he acknowledges that Superman is not his enemy and later on after the Senate bombing the news makes it clear that Wallace Keef is responsible for the bombing
So why does Batman want to kill Superman?
I think the only thing wrong with this movie was that everyone's expectations of what Batman should be like were cemented by the Nolan batman series. Ben was amazing as Batman, but we're so spoiled by the Dark Knight Trilogy and we expect that style of movie. This was just a different style. Each has its benefits and drawbacks. Most audiences was expecting a Nolan style film I think.
B v S: 8/10 (for being predictable at times but Batman had a batarang so 8.5)
DKT: 9/10 (minus a point for being too dark)
script says so
now fuck off marvelcuck
I'm not trolling, I genuinely want to know. Is there something I'm missing? This is the only thing I don't get about the movie. All the other character's motivations make sense to me except why Batman wanted to kill Superman?
Did he KNOW that Superman was NOT his enemy but choose to kill him anyway just in case he went rogue like in the knightmare sequence?
Yes. And there's something wrong when Affleck is the castmember with charisma in a movie.
Remember when everyone freaked out when he was announced as Batman? Why? The internet was horrified, it was like Ledger getting announced as the Joker again
Not today, but who knows if he what will happen tomorrow? The one percent chance remains.
I mean, it's not complex.
there is no reason, snyder wanted batman to try to kill superman but forgot to give him a reason for doing so
>they have to adhere to my comics and cannot make a story of their own
Dude. Superman told him no more Batman and threatened to take him out once and for all if he didn't stop fighting crime forever. "A new sheriff in town speech".
Then Lex sent Wayne that letter to make it seem like Superman was saying "you're my bitch and your parents died which was funny to me".
What other motivation do YOU need?
No, it's from The Dark Knight Returns. Most of the best stuff in this movie were directly lifted from that.
>Lex sent Wayne that letter to make it seem like Superman was saying "you're my bitch and your parents died which was funny to me".
You think Batman thought that letter was sent to him BY SUPERMAN?!
So basically it comes down to the fact that there was a small chance Superman might destroy the world one day?
That just doesnt seem like a good enough reason to me
Fucking WHY can't autismos ADMIT BvS was a good superhero kino?
What the fuck is WRONG with you, kids jesus
Because I actually have taste and a high cinema IQ you mouth breathing fucking imdb drone
>buzzwords over buzzwords
Honestly, there's good potential reasoning there.
Superman's virtually an unstoppable, all-powerful...well, super man who can basically do anything he wants, and if he ever decided to go bad, there's literally nothing anyone can do to stop him.
Someone like that existing who doesn't answer to anyone is fairly dangerous, and people trying to have some way to stop him just in case isn't really a bad idea.
Funny how you DCucks perfectly describe what's wrong with your excuse of a flick.
It's like you know.
>he doesn't understand cinema language
No fucking surprise
Does the fact that he's alien from another planet weights for or against this reasoning for you?
>what is really happening
ahahha you can't with a fucking straight face tell me this is Sup Forums?
I get the whole "all powerfull, unstoppable" aspect and the fact that he's an alien and not human would make it easier for Batman to rationalize killing him. but the movie shows (through the newspaper headline clippings in Wallace Keefs apartment) that Superman has technically been doing nothing but daving people and being the classic "comicbook" Superman we all know for 18 months while Bruce was hunting the kryptonite
So does Bruce just not care about all the good Superman has done?
>over 3 hours long
Snyder was sucking his own dick at this point. There was nothing that happened in that movie that couldn't have been done in the standard 90 minutes.
*saving people
Batman also saves people, but he wouldn't be able to destroy whole planet.
also Injustice.
I liked the moments where he shows his vulnerability. He was fighting a literal god after all. Maybe it doesn't bother me because I'm not a comicfag, I don't know.
>doesn't cover his face in fear when he's about to get blasted by doomsday
It's more of a reflex thing than fear, if there's an explosion nearby what do you protect first? Your face.
He was a great batman but failed as Bruce Wayne.
>Keaton was a great Bruce Wayne, shit batman
Kilmer was shit all round
Clooney was a shit
Bale was a great Bruce Wayne and a shit batman
There hasn't been an all round great batman