






everyone can always be better.
i'm alright, just got on my holiday break and school was okay, everyone in my web design class didn't back their work up so they lost it all and the class starts back up the week after the break which is also the last class so hopefully they can use my work I gave them on github as a reference for their major assignment



Oh, nice. Sounds like everyone could use your help then.









yeah, i gave them all the work and a link but it's like the saying; you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink





Cute indeed.







Do you have a gf irl?
























Thats interesting. Is this art for a actual game or advertising something else entirely?



I actually have no idea. Would be cool if it was a real thing though.

maybe ill look it up once i finish up before bed. mite b cool.




































Really good s/fur thread here.


Trying to figure what the point of this "progression" was.

Stop posting sharks.
Post cute sneks instead.


that poor thing. what a piece of shit to do that to some poor kitkat.