You're Not As _____ As You Think by Sorority Noise is finally out.
Have you guys given it a listen?
For now, No Halo and A Portrait Of are the best songs in the album and possibly in their entire career
I'm just a fanboy searching for genuine discussion, not a shill
You're Not As _____ As You Think by Sorority Noise is finally out
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its v good user. however good luck finding anyone else on Sup Forums that cares about a new emo/pop punk album
>v good
Genuine discussion
They stopped being good after Forgettable
It's pretty good. Disappeared is a person favorite so far.
It sounds a little like Joy, Departed though.
i thought it sounded like forgettable. also def some old grey in there. its like a combination of everything great boucher has done so far. car is my personal favorite so far
One time I told a girl "you know, you're not as fucked up as you think you are" and she got really mad at me. Why?
>also def some old grey in there.
I'm not through the album yet. I do know Cameron is in both bands though. Which songs have some Old Gray in them? Looking forward to that. I really like Old Gray.
Tbh that song has actually kind of helped me a lot.
>Maybe I'm just scared to admit that I might not be as dark as I think
Also to answer your question: People like to think they're in the pits of despair, and don't want to be questioned.
i think the screaming in songs like no halo is old gray esque
Ehhh kinda. It's just screaming to me. Are you talking about Slow Burn Old Gray or An Autobiography?
Second Letter from St. Julien is fantastic
i mean probably slow burn. wish it was the demos tho
i actually just started listening to this album because you posted it. i honestly really like it, it reminds of my high school playlists when i would listen to la dispute and the format. so far, disappeared stands out to me. thanks for the new music.
> i would listen to la dispute and the format
Tfw in college and just getting into La Dispute
Fuck why does Wildlife have to be so good.
The demos were so fucking good. They kinda jumped to emotive hardcore screaming on Slow Burn, didn't they?
yeah i guess. that album is pretty here and there. everything is in your hands was my song of the year last year, but they do a lot of spoken word which i usually hate
I mean, I liked Slow Burn, and I can kinda hear that sound in No Halo. Not to the full extent, but I hear it. The real question now is: Joy, Departed, or this album?
>but they do a lot of spoken word which i usually hate
I love spoken word stuff.
its too early i cant decide user. i love joy departed but there are some misses and i think all of these songs will grow on me
>No Halo
>A Better Sun
My three favorites so far
Love this album. Anyone have a download? I plan on buying it when I can but I'm broke as fuck
always ignored this band because of the tumblr fan base they attract. is the music good?
Decide for yourself. Unfortunate about the Tumblr fanbase though. Try not to let them get to you. Bands like Modern Baseball face the same problems.