I am the hacker behind the current steam outages, AMA

I am the hacker behind the current steam outages, AMA.

Pic is proof.

Lol, takes down steam with 32 byte ping

plz stahp i need 2 buy hats

wow, i just tried to open steam. funny.

can you turn it back on for me if i give you my Ip, credit card and social security number?

wow 32 byte pings you must be a FUCKING WIZARD HARRY

yes but I also want your mother's local address so I can watch her nudes

Steam games are the only thing keeping me from suicidal depression. Thanks.

are u in anyymtmous?

I swear, the bait is too shitty.

Are you dumbasses aware that 32 bytes of data is like sending someone an email?
Put that against a multi-million dollar servers and its like a mosquito plowing into a semi-truck.


I think you mean anyymtmus. Obviusley he is.

>bait too shitty
>takes the bait


>takes the bait
>explains how OP is a faggot who's posting bait
>"took the bait"

theres so much bait and counter bait itt i dont know where to begin

lol ur hacking it too?

send me your pgp key, let's have a kek chat


dude make sure you're using a network otherwise you might get traced using a visual basic GUI.

guys we should all ping steam maybe if enough of us do it we could actually ddos... nah im just fucking kidding as if that would actually work lol

Thanks for the suggestion, I am currently using the Starbucks wifi next door to me.

How fast is the connection?


hackek guy here,

You guys caught me! I was just pinging steam.com initially, but have now switched to hacking. So far so good:

Enough to hack, I can't divulge too many details. Sorry.

> "I ams hacker"
> "I takes down steams"
> ping steam.com
> steam.com
> steam.com

Seems legit...

Steam hack is getting boring, post ending in 8 chooses my next attack



Welcome newnigger, hope you enjoy your stay here.