Are you fags ready to admit this movie was good?
Are you fags ready to admit this movie was good?
I watched it. It was fine. It didn't piss me off or bore me, enthrall me, or make me emotional. It entertained me for the majority of it's duration, while it wasn't particularly enlightening. It did what I expect from most movies. It was fine.
If you don't know it was shit, kys to end your autism.
I cannot believe they are making a sequel to this. I thought the movie was boring.
It was good. Woulda been great if it wad standalone and tbey dropped the hamfisyed references to the alien movies
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I have been saying that it's good since we started arguing in spring 2012.
I thought it was okay until the end.
It got real dumb.
I could wave away everything with "they're just human mistakes" but then it got too dumb
like 6/10 good, wanna fite about it?
Theatrical a shit. I highly recommend seeking out the Special Edition fanedit by Agent 9, it does a great job of reducing the FUCKING LINDELOF problems with the movie. Honestly how some of the changes and fixes are so glaringly obivoius its nuts that they weren't in the official release.
I see your 6/10 and raise you 7.5/10 because of based fassy and based rapeface
Great atmosphere, set design, camera
Terrible writing, terrible acting despite lots of good actors, unneccessarily fiddles with already shaky alien "canon"
I know part of what I hate about it is my own autism, but I cant turn that off. I see how some people enjoy it though.
ok man, that's cool, that's cool, we cool?
So are there informations on the sequel yet?
Is going to be the adventures of Cyber and the Redhead in space?
Only decent part was the alien abortion. A lot of stupidy (zombie tard astronaut, the captains' love club blowing up, Charlize utterly wasted in every scene). The plot was okay, would have been better without the dumb guy pierce in oldface twist. Acting was bad. Rapace seemed half asleep, Fassbender was alright but how hard can it be to play a fucking robot
>OP admits hes ready to admit another dick in his mouth to keep his stupid opinions from leaving his thick skull
are you ready to admit OP, that youre a fag?
i wanted to see Prometheus fuck that hot bitch with the sexy abs t b h
ignoring all the parts that everyone likes to argue about, the worst part of this movie was just that it was pretty damn boring and really the only thing you cared about was seeing an alien and maybe also Fassbender
>Vickers is standing in a control room watching the shoulder-cam feed of David
>Both are aware of the other
>David is exploring the alien ship in great detail
>David comes to a door he doesn't want Vickers to see beyond
>He turns his shoulder camera off
>Vickers leans forward and shouts, to nobody in particular, "DAMNIT DAVID, YOU CUT ME OFF"
This movie is garbage.
I loved it and I'm a perfectly normal, slightly above-average intelligent, adult male.
no you are not