I'm going on a mafia/gangster marathon. please rec me some essentials and good films

I'm going on a mafia/gangster marathon. please rec me some essentials and good films.

doesn't need to be just Italian mafia though. for example: american gangster

>I'm going on a mafia/gangster marathon
Why aren't you outside? Getting laid and making mistakes and living your life

gangster no.1
ichi the killer

James Toback's Fingers
Killing of a Chinese Bookie

The Godfather Trilogy
Once Upon A Time In America
Mean Streets
The Departed

Donni Brasco
True Romance

Yeah, people shouldn't watch movies or read books or anything, that should just hang around outside all the time like animals.

Black Caesar

lmao what a shitpost

Lucky Number Slevin


Smokin' Aces

Johnny Dangerously

>>I'm going on a mafia/gangster marathon
>Why aren't you outside? Getting laid and making mistakes and living your life
Why aren't you outside? Getting laid and making mistakes and living your life

The Departed
Brat 1 and 2
Also Жмypки

A Bittersweet Life
The Untouchables


Scarface (1932)
The Roaring 20's
Angels with Dirty Faces
The Public Enemy
White Heat

Eastern Promises

A history of violence

>based Viggo

Eastern promises... Too fucking good.


btw anything non american would be greatly appreciated. Like Asian or eastern european

Carlito's Way
Thirding Eastern Promises
Once Upon a Time in America
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
In Bruges

Yes, exactly. Books and movies take you away from the things that really matter, so say you're watching a movie about a family, why arent't you with your actual family loving them and making each other laugh?


You ask this on the day of the USA's birthday?

Go fist yourself.

Nobody ever says Miller's Crossing and that's my 2nd favourite after Goodfellas.

How the fuck has Miller's Crossing not been mentioned yet?

One of the best.

The Usual Suspects

But EVERYONE knows the twist. If you don't though, and you have been living under a rock, then put it on.

If you want something a little different, check out the Russian movie Brat (brother). Its one of the best films i've ever seen.


Thank you for being a friend.

City Of God

i never saw it and don't know the twist :)))) don't tell me silly boys :DDD

A Prophet (Un prophète)
Pusher trilogy

A Bittersweet Life


Pic related.
Came out the same year as Goodfellas.
Was written by a woman who was married to the writer of Goodfellas.
