Is this accurate, Sup Forums?

Is this accurate, Sup Forums?

No, I did not make this.

obviously not


You know what's even MORE accurate?

No. I'm not going to go into every detail because most of it is wrong, but where do people get this idea that punk music is in any way left of center? Anarchism is a right libertarian ideology.
>inb4 anarcho-communism
>inb4 anarcho-leftism
>inb4 anarcho-Xism
No, you stupid fuck. Anarchy means anarchy. The only anarchy is anarcho-capitalism because that's real, ACTUAL anarchy. In an ancap society, you can choose to live in a stupid commie utopia if you want, but you don't get to force everyone else to do it.

Prog metal and art rock are on opposite sides of the spectrum, no, it's not.

Ween are in the exact opposite place of where they realistically should be

Someone get's it, I cannot for the life of understand AnComs, seems like such a contradiction.

The left is always at least slightly authoritarian, which is okay if you just admit it and know what you're preaching. You can't take money from people and redistribute it and call it libertarianism. That is strictly authoritarian policy.

The thing is most punks aren't anarchists and even the anarcho-punks fall into what most would call anarcho-leftism not anarcho-capitalism. Most "anarchists" are extremely authoritarian, including most punks who preach it.