Just saw Akira yesterday for the first time and was blown away, mostly considering that I usually don't enjoy anime in general
Does anybody know anything else like it or is that what makes it so great? Would I be better off asking on Sup Forums?
Just saw Akira yesterday for the first time and was blown away, mostly considering that I usually don't enjoy anime in general
Does anybody know anything else like it or is that what makes it so great? Would I be better off asking on Sup Forums?
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I loved this film. It seems to be the one anime film that non-anime fags can enjoy.
Jin roh
Sword of The Stranger
Ghost in The Shell
Evangelion (lol no seriously)
No fucking wonder Sup Forums is always going on about how rec threads need to be banned
2 seconds on google you piece of shit
ninja scroll
There's this one anime film about a soldier in a unit that has to stop an uprising or something that has a similar oppressed feel to Akira but I can't remember its name. Wolf Pack or something.
>asking Sup Forums for reccomendations
This, it's so bleak and trashy whereas normal anime is just so cringy
Yes but a rec thread also opens up the opportunity to discuss the subject and the recommended ones
Ghost in the Shell is better
If you enjoy any anime trash you are an anti art animefag
That sounds cool, loved the chaotic and rebellious vibe Akira had
That B A I T tho
You talking about Jin-Roh?
I'm looking in to buying the BluRay for this.
I was recently reading up on how there's apparently 2 dubs and one's a little shit. Which does the BluRay include? It doesn't seem to be clear on which is which.
There are lots of great anime films, but very few with as much style and substance as Akira.
Most look amazing. Some anime films have the best animation ever. Keep in mind, these stories were written into mangas by socially awkward weirdos who have no idea how to convey a story. The story is usually secondary to the visuals.
Ninja Scroll is pretty fucking awesome. The guy who did Ninja Scroll also did a Highlander anime film called The Search for Vengeance, which is second best in the series. The Director's Cut of Highlander is best tho
>get called out for being a tasteless anti art plebeian
Go spam another kino/got thread, kid
Oh shit son that's it. The first 15 minutes are unnerving as fuck then it turns in to something else.
Great film and I think I'm going to go watch it again.
>Finally get around to reading the manga last year
>The end of the anime is like 1/3 of the story with a fraction of the lore
>The manga contains a shit load of character development in the last 5 minutes of the anime
Taking that bait to another level wew
Anime cinema:
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise (not similar to Akira)
Wicked City (similar to Akira)
Lily CAT (Alien rip-off)
Sup Forums will complain about recommendations like this but most of them haven't seen anything on this list despite all 3 being very popular.
End of Evangelion isn't as well animated but it's a better story. Akira and EoE are considered top "movies that make you want to kill yourself core".
Only problem with EoE is you have to sit through 26 episodes of Evangelion before to watch it. Although Evangelion is a good series so it's a win/win.
Uh I mean anime is trash for autists you faggot! hurr
Anime is good but Evangelion is garbage otaku-pandering shit that is paraded around by plebs. It's the perfect example of an autist anime.
The Garden of Words (2013)
Runs about 45 minutes. It's a love story and its fucking gorgeous.
>Babbys first animoos
the girl that could skip time?
perfet blu?
Evangelion.... well its a series but if you dont watch it then you will be wtf with the movie.
>Evangelion is garbage otaku-pandering
When it's not screaming at them to go outside and get some friends instead of being pathetic loners?
I believe the redub is better. But I always watch subs
Yes. It doesn't make it trash because some content like sexualizing 13 year old girls is designed to appeal to its demographic.
Golgo 13, demon city shinjuko
>anti-discussion on a discussion board
fuck off, autist.
I saw this for the first time last month and it made me feel sick with fear, i hate shit to do with killer head pains, for some reason it makes me paranoid about getting a brain tumor.
the girl that leapt through time is peak depressioncore
nothing's ever made me want to kill myself like that movie did
>Show this to normie friends thinking it might be accessible to them, if only for the detailed animation
>They all thought it was too weird, didn't understand the presented concepts of rebirth and kept comparing the Tetsuo giant baby scene to that episode of South Park
Is that your best defense for being a plebeian masquerading as someone that cares about the boards quality? Bella Thorne threads invoke conversation too don't they princess, shall we start up some? Think before you post lest you embarrass yourself even more.
you can't do a group showing like that and expect people to get immersed. that's not how normies work.
cut your wrists
iirc it has both
Good on you user. Akira in particular is special because of the high level of animation, it's insane. I don't know what I can recommend. If you're only responding to how good the animation was, I'm still looking myself. But that kind of violence is pretty common in anime from the 80s and 90s.
How would you know what Sup Forums likes if you are not one of them?
It's a show written for 14 year old Japanese boys, before they turn in to 24 year old basement dwellers
I didn't watch it 'til I was 20 or so I think, and yeah the teen girl sexualisation stuff bugged me as well the first time I watched it.
But one has to keep in mind that anime is for kids (or at least it still was in the 90s)
my post is in a meme!
>Just saw Akira yesterday for the first time
man, is it me or is this summer worse than usual?
These plus cowboy bebop
Ghost In The Shell
Patlabor The Movie
How do you pronounce "akira"?
I always thought it was "ah-keer-a"
>You will never see Akira for the first time again...
The image is 100% accurate and confirmed by multiple sources
Sup Forumseddit has been leaking to Sup Forums for years now, ever since bane got popular
Older people than that were watching Eva, though, and Anno knew this. Hell, Eva's violent nature cost it its initial time slot and changed how anime were regulated. In fact, it indirectly screwed over Bebop because of the censorship that followed and it was pulled from the air after 12 episodes due to the violent content.
Eva is a bit trashy and juvenile, even wallowing in "anime-isms", at times. I love it and can at least admit that.
>Would I be better off asking on Sup Forums?
You'd be better off lurking on Sup Forums.
I want to read the manga, but it's expensive af for me
>Would I be better off asking on Sup Forums?
You actually though you could discuss anime on Sup Forums? Lmao
Ask Sup Forums, they only watch entry level shit
GOAT animation and colour.
Fun hero and good villain
Almost non-stop action.
Also posting Evangelion.
Try to separate it from its place in anime culture and judge it on its own terms. Its not perfect, its actually quite the trainwreck if you do any sort of digging, but its an experience worth having.
And so were clear its Episode 1-26. Then the ending movie, End of Evangelion.
>Would I be better off asking in Sup Forums?
For the most part Sup Forums only likes moeshit and doesn't care about plot, direction, etc
When will they do a blu ray release? (not the rebuild crap)
tell the japanese to put subtitles on them. They already released them on blu ray.
Redline is a great anime movie. Gotta go fast nigga.
this t b h
not an animefag but I enjoyed the first episode of Cowboy Bebop I watched that scene at the end where all the drug vials were exploding was just pure kíno but idk where to watch anymore.
Yup. Manga ruined the film for me.
you might like this
>I usually don't enjoy anime
Why is it that people that say this are almost always people that haven't even seen the most basic shit? It's like someone disregard cinema after seeing only adam sandlers filmography and saying "the wedding singer is the only good movie". I know OP wasn't quite that presumptuous, but a goddamn shitload of people are.
Now go watch Perfect Blue
where are you from user?
Check out the second Akira volume, it's fucking great. If only it was animated.
If you liked the anime then go read the manga to see how it was supposed to be
Mind Game is bretty good
>Akira will get a live-action movie
literal why
I'm pretty sure mainstream audiences don't want to see a flesh blob if the Thing failing twice is anything to go off by
>Bella Thorne threads invoke conversation too
This is like the dozenth time you've used that defense. Yes, you... Same pathetic faggot with nothing better to do than regurgitate the same fallacious argument & derail "things I dont like :'(".
fuck Sup Forums
watch patlabour, ghost in the shell, ninja scroll, black jack, street fighter 2, and appleseed. go from there. once upon a time anime was a genuinely good medium for story telling and visual art
B-but that South Park scene was based on Akira. Trey Parker is a weeb.
I just finished watching the series and the end of evangelion after years of its idea as a master anime rutting around in my head.
I wish all the cool plotlines didn't suddenly get all jammed in the "Jesus and crack induced delirium" port at the end.
i'm this guy
forgot wicked city, top recommendation
i also quite enjoyed the spriggan movie
does anyone have a webm of more of this scene from patlabor, might have been the second one actually, but the animation is beautiful
>Sup Forums whining shitpost
>puts milliondollarextreme, CIA, and brendan fraser in there
Dead Leaves is retarded, but fun